
228 videos available
Advice: Anger, Divorce Jun13 1984 English 8min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā’s advice on the subject of anger is that it destroys faith. Who when tested, stands firm against it, will be dressed and summoned to the Assembly of the Awliyā’. Allāh ﷻ then becomes their ally and defender. On the subject of marriage Mawlānā advises that there should be agreement on both sides.
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The Value of a Person Jun12 1984 English 42min
Sheikh Nazım
The value of a person is the degree of his faith. What is its sign? The light of faith has entered his heart. Nothing can prevent this light when it comes from Allāh ﷻ. Reaching it is difficult, distant and dangerous. The inheritors of the prophets can clarify and complete mankind’s values according to what they received on the Day of Promises. No one can reach his heavenly position without following those who belong to the heavens.
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Harm No One Jun12 1984 English 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā warns against the two things that bring Divine Anger. One is denying the existence of the Creator and the other is intending or doing harm, by hand or word, to others.
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Who Is Son of Adam? Jun11 1984 English 32min
Sheikh Nazım
Man fails to understand his value. He focuses on form. Allāh ﷻ has honoured the son of Adam instead, he commits sin after sin by disrespecting his fellow man. His enmity must go. Honouring his fellow man raises him in Divine Presence. He must understand the meaning of “Son of Adam”.
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Make a Family Circle Jun10 1984 English 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā gives important advice to those Muslims struggling to raise their children in the West. Do as the prophet Hūd (as) did to protect the believers from the storms that are coming.
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Respect for the Quran Jun09 1984 English 11min
Sheikh Nazım
When asked the manner in which the Holy Quran should be approached, Mawlana described the adab of the Grandhshaykhs towards it. They displayed the highest respect for the Holy Book. They treasured and valued it. They would approach it with strict ritual purity as well as the correct preparation and presence of mind.
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Be Pleased with Your Lord Jun08 1984 English 39min
Sheikh Nazım
“O my Lord, I am pleased with You” said with understanding covers all of a servant’s life. Allah likes it. It is Divine teaching to say: ‘Alhamdulillah’ but, if the ego is strong it becomes difficult. With sincere intention fasting can break the ego. The more a servant weakens the ego the more his Lord is pleased with him.
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Change Suffering to Pleasure Jun07 1984 English 34min
Sheikh Nazım
As a rule man suffers more than he experiences pleasure. How can he remove his suffering? An important way is by repeating holy words. The more he practices, the more his atmosphere changes. A Holy Condition encircles him bringing pleasure and peace. As he continues, he reaches the endless Pleasure Oceans of the Divine Presence.
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Pleased with Our Lord ﷻ Jun05 1984 English 36min
Sheikh Nazım
There are two kinds of worshipping. Praying and fasting is one. But the real worshipping is to be pleased with whatever your Lord ﷻ wills for you, without fight or complaint. To make your Lord ﷻ pleased with you is easy but to be pleased with Him ﷻ is hard.
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The Beloved Ummah Jun05 1984 English 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Even the companions asked to be part of the beloved ummah of the last times, the time when those who follow the way of the Prophet (sas) will be few and far between. We are blessed to be in that time, so love those who are beloved by the Beloved and you will be with them.
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Sulṭānu dh-Dhikr Jun01 1984 English 15min
Sheikh Nazım
In this talk Mawlānā gives bay‘ah and explains the function of dhikr which enables the whole body and soul to approach the Divine Presence.
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Knowledge Versus Wisdom May31 1984 English 35min
Sheikh Nazım
There are two kinds of knowledge: knowledge of creatures and knowledge of the Creator ﷻ. Knowledge that gives honour is knowledge of the Lord ﷻ. Ordinary knowledge cannot benefit in these times. Allāh ﷻ taught Ādam (as) the Names of everything. To know with which wisdom a creature was created is the key to Divine Knowledge.
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The One Everyone Lost May30 1984 English 36min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana asks a simple question: Why are people searching far and wide, who are they looking for? They are looking, he answers, for the one they lost and he tells them how to find what they are missing.
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World Finance Jan01 1984 English 38min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh’s ﷻ Law is for everyone, it is not narrow. We are living in a period of tyrants and going away from Sharī‘ah. Western systems are going bankrupt. Four points must be taken seriously: 1: Real money values must be in gold and silver. 2: Interest must be finished. 3: Debt and credit should be finished. 4: Waste must be stopped.
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The Deeds of the Heart Jan13 1983 Turkish 25min
Sheikh Nazım
The best thing you can do in this world is to declare the Oneness of Allah with Tawḥīd. "He created life and death as a test to see who is the best in deeds" (67:2). The best deeds are the deeds of the heart.
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Fall in Love with Allāh ﷻ Jan13 1983 Turkish 30min
Sheikh Nazım
We should be ashamed to face our Lord in prayer while our hearts are dirty with dunyā. The only acceptable response to the Creator’s love is to respond with love. In this beautiful sohbet Mawlānā gives us a taste of what it is to be in love with Allāh ﷻ.
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Islām Does Not Tolerate Evil Nov30 1982 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Islām is clean. Islām does not tolerate evil. If governments would know this secret and educate people to obey rules instead of making laws to punish them they would be out of troubles. You have to teach respect. You have to teach what is holy. Do not tolerate evil. Else it will swallow you up.
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Show Mercy to His Creatures  Nov30 1982 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Believers pray for to be on hajj and make takbīr. It is possible for you to gather with your hearts. Send your souls to be honoured with mercy and kindness. Every holy Friday night, believers, ask with your heart to be gathered in holy places for guidance and mercy. The goodness servants do for other servants brings us pleasure of Allāh ﷻ. Be merciful to those on Earth so that Allāh ﷻ be merciful to you. But do not tolerate evil, oppression and badness. There is no place for it in Islām.
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