
228 videos available
Nafs and Rizq – Ego and Provision Nov30 1982 Turkish 35min
Sheikh Nazım
The ego wants to be god. It has so many tricks to make us leave belief in Allāh ﷻ. Even worship can be its weapon. Today we serve the nafs and forget our Lord. We worry about over population when Allāh ﷻ can provide for all.
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How to Bear Dunya Nov30 1982 Turkish 9min
Sheikh Nazım
In this fragment of a ṣuḥbah Mawlānā discusses the phrase: "There is no ease in dunyā." He asks and he answers the question – how can we carry the difficulties of this world?
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The People of Truth Nov30 1982 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā gives a lesson in faith. He talks about the Awliyā’ and their nature and their affect on those who follow them. Although they are hidden, they hear and see and give support. They draw their perfection from that of the Prophet ﷺ, who takes from the absolute perfection of Allāh Almighty.
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Through a Gigantic Telescope Nov30 1980 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
The Andromeda galaxy which appears as a very dim star, visible only to a keen eye, has 300 billion stars. Is it believable? Yes, one must look at it through a gigantic telescope. Similarly, limitless oceans from Allāh Almighty’s knowledge can be seen within the Holy Qur’ān. Is it possible? Yes, with the eye of faith and the capacity of the heart.
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Secrets Nov30 1980 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
The real believer keeps faith with the knowledge that Allah is the first cause; it is Allah’s Will. Faith is a Divine grant and its keys are in Allah’s Hands. In His Absolute Generosity He has made Paradise open to everyone. It is from the secrets of the Holy Quran.
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The Value of One Sajda Aug04 1980 English 20min
Sheikh Nazım
The main pillar of happiness for Muslims is sajda (prostration). Servants are lazy, they complain of troubles, and if asked, “Do you pray?” They answer, “No”. How can they achieve a peaceful life? The sajda saves in times of turmoil. Muslims need it, to not lose Allah. One sajda is greater than all the world’s treasures, without it protection is impossible.
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The First Step Aug02 1980 English 5min
Sheikh Nazım
The ego must accept Allāh ﷻ as its Lord, and Lord of the universes. This is the first step and the beginning of worship.
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Al-Ḥamdu liLlāhi Rabbi l-‘Ālamīn Aug01 1980 English 42min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh ﷻ honours and praises you when you praise Him ﷻ; Al-Ḥamid. "Al-ḥamdu liLlāhi Rabbi l-‘ālamīn" opens His ﷻ endless Favour Oceans, endless Mercy Oceans. Each atom appears by His ﷻ order from Power Oceans. Everything manifests from our Lords ﷻ Holy Name; Rabb, He ﷻ is Creator. He ﷻ created and conditioned you by His ﷻ Name. You are not only your name but, you are a whole universe from the Light Oceans of Beloved Muḥammad ﷺ, who was created from His ﷻ Light.
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Advice for Many Questions Jan01 1980 English 30min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā answers letters from different people on different issues including – how to treat non-Muslims, du‘ā’ and janāzah; how to raise children in the US; how to deal with criticism; how to follow the Shaykh.
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Dangerous Knowledge Jan01 1980 English 14min
Sheikh Nazım
All knowledge is in the Quran. Allah Almighty is teaching us its knowledge all the time but we are not able to receive it. The knowledge given the inheritors of the Prophet (sas) has power and is only used when needed. It could be dangerous knowledge.
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Philosophy and Sufism Jan01 1980 English 21min
Sheikh Nazım
In a talk from earlier years, the value of a complete system of existence is explained to murīds in search of a spiritual path. Mawlānā contrasts the weakness of philosophy in meeting the spiritual needs of individuals to the superiority of Sufism in Islām. One is imagination, the other, Reality.
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When Mahdī (as) Appears Jan01 1980 English 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā relates the events surrounding the coming of Sayyidunā Mahdī (as) and his khulafā’.
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The Learned Man Jan01 1980 English 22min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana advises us to honor all men because the Lord who put power in the stick of Musa (as) can put His Power anywhere. Then he goes on to illuminate the true meaning of "A Learned Man".
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How to Know? Nov30 1979 English 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā is responding to a letter from an Austrian couple. They ask where they should live and how they can recognize their shaykh to receive from him true guidance.
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S. Abraham’s Flocks Nov30 1979 English 27min
Sheikh Nazım
There are two kinds of actions, one for the pleasure of the ego and one for the pleasure of Allah Almighty. Who asks no reward in this life gets higher reward in the next. If you do only for the Lord's pleasure then He gives pleasure to you. Mawlana tells the story of Ibrahim KhaliluLlah (as) who had nothing in his heart but the love of his Lord.
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Islam Versus Unbelief Nov10 1971 Turkish 48min
Sheikh Nazım
In a very eloquent sohbat Mawlana explains to an elite audience how the nature of Islam is to eliminate unbelief. He makes the point that the Prophet (sas) stood alone as the perfection of the religion and alone he shattered the darkness of his time with the light of Islam. Islam is the system under which the whole world can unite.
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Between Two Nothingnesses Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā says that by desiring to exist we pass into nonexistence. He speaks on the meaning of "Die before you die."
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How to Be Close to Allāh ﷻ Turkish 6min
Sheikh Nazım
Call on Allāh ﷻ, recite His ﷻ Name, and remember Him ﷻ. Be near Him ﷻ like a beloved member of your family, and He ﷻ will fill your heart with His ﷻ Love. You will be truly alive Here and Hereafter.
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