
228 videos available
Try Not to Hate Sep25 1989 English 10min
Sheikh Nazım
The wise man hates no one. He sees the hated ones as patients that need his help. He gives love to everyone and receives love from everyone. And Allah gives him familiarity and peace and unity.
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The Chinese People Sep22 1989 English 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā says that the special characteristic of the Chinese people is patience. And once they open to spirituality they ascend quickly to their heavenly positions.
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With Whom Is Your Heart? Sep21 1989 English 10min
Sheikh Nazım
We need to ask ourselves at least 7 times a day, “With whom is my heart?” Allāh ﷻ looks at our heart 24,000 times a day to see if He ﷻ is the one occupying His ﷻ place in our hearts or there is someone else there.
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The New Muslims Sep18 1989 Turkish 23min
Sheikh Nazım
Guidance in Islam is through Tariqat. The duties of new Muslims are very basic. When faith grows Allah (swt) holds every servant accountable for keeping His Orders.
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Ilāhī Anta Maqṣūdī Sep18 1989 Turkish 35min
Sheikh Nazım
The Divine Command to dunyā is, "Serve who serves Me and enslave who serves you." Ilāhī Anta maqṣūdī.
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Mevlana Hz. Sep18 1989 Turkish 8min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana speaks about S. Jalaluddin Rumi Hz. and the Mevlevi Tariqah.
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By Speaking Your Name Aug31 1989 English 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Make intention for seclusion when you enter a mosque and try to be with Allāh ﷻ and know that He ﷻ is always with you. When Sayyidinā Mahdī (as) comes he will know everyone and by saying their names they will be purified.
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The Golden Chain Jul31 1989 English 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā recites the names of the Shaykhs of the Golden Chain and he explains that he is only following their orders to take care of the Naqshbandī murīds. Whoever comes to him has met his soul before.
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My Shaykh Jul31 1989 English 3min
Sheikh Nazım
In your eyes your Shaykh is at the top level. But Allāh makes so many levels that you can never see the top. Be with your Shaykh and it is all right.
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In Kayseri, Be With Allah! Jul09 1989 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
In his second visit to Kayseri, Mawlana praises the place as the path of the Sahabas on their way to Constantinople. There are so many secret maqams and holy places never entered by the unbelievers. He tells them that the cure for the modern illness of loneliness and depression is to be with Allah. Be with Allah and even the animals will befriend you.
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A Visit with the Prophet Jul09 1989 Turkish 22min
Sheikh Nazım
From the recordings of Haji Rukeya in Kayseri, Turkey.
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What Is Islām? Jul08 1989 Turkish 25min
Sheikh Nazım
Do not find fault with Time, the fault is with ourselves. Being Muslim means to keep the good and leave the bad. Instead of collecting the goods of this world you should collect good deeds in Ākhirah. Those who pray from their youth, have a special place with the prophets in Ākhirah.
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Understanding the Qur’ān Jun26 1989 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Everything that exists is of Allāh’s ﷻ Creation. He ﷻ is the Lord of Majesty and Perfection. He ﷻ sent the Holy Qur’ān to be able to be understood, learned and acted upon. Everyone will take a share from its Endless Oceans. Everything is a manifestation of Allāh ﷻ. It is the blind only who cannot see.
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Who is the Ignorant? Jun26 1989 Turkish 9min
Sheikh Nazım
Ignorance doesn't come from illiteracy. It comes from the ego pretending to be knowledgeable while ignoring the orders of Allāh ﷻ.
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Your Share of Dunya Jun19 1989 Turkish 44min
Sheikh Nazım
Maulana advises about qualifying for the biggest profit: The honour of beholding the Beauty of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. The opportunity to achieve this is given to Muslims but they must stop chasing worldliness. He reminds that the share of dunya is only a cotton shroud. This is all that we will take with us.
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Becoming Muslim Jun17 1989 Turkish 8min
Sheikh Nazım
On a young lady becoming Muslim, Mawlānā recited this poem: Keep Allāh's Name with every breath With Allāh's Name all work is complete Should once a tongue say 'Allāh!' with love Sins fall away like autumn leaves Pure is the one who remembers the Name of the Purest (Süleyman Çelebi)
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The 'Alims of The Ummah Jun17 1989 Turkish 34min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana tells a beautiful story about the Hadith, "علماء أمتي كأنبياء بني إسرائيل - The Alims of my Ummah are like the prophets of Bani Israel".
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The Enemies of shaytan Jun16 1989 Turkish 23min
Sheikh Nazım
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