Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla commands believers to strive in His ﷻ path. The Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam fought at Badr to end oppression, showing us the true way of jihād. It is not just war, but also the greater battle against our ego. May Allāh ﷻ help us follow this command, in shā’a Llāh.
This too will pass Yā Hū
May10 2020 English 29min
This too will pass, a phrase written everywhere in Ottoman times. Life is a river only going in one direction and Allāh ﷻ is in control. Life is short so prepare for Ākhirah. Mawlānā (q) said old age is like a jacket of fire yet everyone asks to live longer. He tells stories of Nūḥ (as), Dhū l-Qarnayn (as), and Ibn ‘Arabī (q) in illustration.
Allāh ﷻ Is the Director of the Earthly Stage
May09 2020 English 23min
Allāh ﷻ is the director, the earth is the stage, and all of us are the actors. Allāh ﷻ gives us a little time to learn to surrender. The Awliyā’ and Prophets are the good actors who never rest in trying to please their Lord. We are the weak ones needing their help. Try to be a good one because your personal qiyāmah is coming.
Food for the Hungry Man
May08 2020 English 36min
Allāh ﷻ gave us thirty days of fast. There is nothing more valuable for the hungry man than food and water. This brings us back to basics and Allāh ﷻ loves the humble. The religion of Ādam (as) is like the crescent moon and the religion of Muḥammad ﷺ is like the full moon. The complete can never accept to be incomplete again. Only Islām is complete with true fasting, sajdah, and cleanliness.
The Legacy of Mawlānā (q)
May07 2020 English 20min
The legacy of Mawlānā (q) continues because he was continuing the legacy of Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ. They are alive in their graves continuing until Qiyāmah. You must look for your own qiyāmah and get yourself ready. Don't fear the virus, fear Allāh ﷻ. Each day say a hundred times Astaghfiru Llāha l-‘Aẓīm wa-atūbu ilayh.
My Soul Is for You ﷻ
May03 2020 English 31min
Islām didn't come with singing and qaṣīdah. People gave their lives for Allāh ﷻ and His Prophet ﷺ. We don't want to be part of the New World Paranoia Symphony. We continue to love Allāh ﷻ and Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ and we give our soul for them.
This Is a Special Ramaḍān
May02 2020 English 22min
What is happening today is a sign of Sayyidunā Mahdī (as). It is very rare to have a Ramaḍān with five Jum‘ahs. The mind works with ego but the heart works alone and is never mistaken. Consult your heart. Whatever Allāh ﷻ sends we accept.
The Circle Is Broken
May01 2020 English 28min
The dunyā system may not recover from this crisis. The economic circle is broken and we need to become more self-dependent, to bake our own bread and take care of our needs. In these difficult days try to make people’s hearts full of love and joy. To make people happy is to make Allāh ﷻ happy. To satisfy the hearts of people is to satisfy Allāh Almighty.
The Key to Paradise
Apr30 2020 English 28min
This is an historical moment. Everything is stopped. They have us in our homes afraid to go out, afraid to be together. But Allāh ﷻ is the best of planners. If you believe in Him ﷻ, make your goal Ākhirah. Don't be afraid. One day we will all die but, as Grand Shaykh said, the key to Paradise is Lā ilāha illā Llāh.
Humans Are the Real Virus
Apr28 2020 English 27min
Remember Allāh Almighty. When you forget Allāh ﷻ you don't have love for His ﷻ creation. After four months the pollution, the ozone, everything is fixed. Humans mess everything up. They think they rule the world. They are the real virus. Now they put fear inside people, fear is their biggest weapon. You have to look at everything with the eyes of wisdom.
We Come to Dunyā for Ākhirah
Apr20 2020 English 31min
Shaykh Mehmet said, "We did not come to dunyā for dunyā. We came to dunyā for Ākhirah." Allāh ﷻ has written everything and Awliyā’ are taking care. One order and we stay at home. The orthodox Jews are better than we are. They continue with their meetings and funerals without fear. They will take what Allāh ﷻ gives and are not afraid. This death will give the maqām of shahīd.
A Good Lesson for Humanity
Mar21 2020 English 29min
We are under heavy examination. However scary this virus is, it is not as scary as the Judgment Day. It is a lesson for mankind to remember Allāh ﷻ. During these times say, “Astaghfiru Llāha l-‘Aẓīm wa-atūbu ilayh,” and then rely on Him ﷻ.
Fix Yourself First
Mar03 2020 English 26min
It has been six years since Mawlānā (q) passed and although we are not with him physically as before, our souls are together. He collected our souls and united them into one soul to reach Fanā’u fi Llāh. Allāh ﷻ is Just and Generous. He ﷻ punishes people by their own hands. Fix yourself first before trying to fix everything else.
Only Ask for Protection
Mar01 2020 English 18min
Everyone dies, everything new gets old, everything expected comes. Even the earth itself is getting old, with quakes and volcanos. For sure we are seeing the days the Prophet ﷺ told us about. Now the only thing to do is to ask Allāh ﷻ for protection for yourself and your loved ones. Remember Him ﷻ and you will be in Paradise.
Allāh Almighty’s Curse
Feb29 2020 English 29min
Things do not happen accidentally. The Syrian refugees have traded their īmān for dunyā. People get the ruler they deserve. Our duty is to watch and wait. Give ṣadaqah every day. Now is the time to ask Allāh’s ﷻ protection.
Supersonic Clean
Feb25 2020 English 22min
Wuḍū’ is the weapon of the believer. Mawlānā kept wuḍū’ at all times even for sleeping. It prepares you to receive the good energy Allāh Almighty sends. It protects from depression and the bad energy of the world. Our Auntie Emine who passed yesterday was clean and beautiful. Everything about her janāzah was light.
The Wisdom of Qur’ān
Feb01 2020 English 21min
The Qur’ān is the Mother of Books, the greatest Book. Allāh Almighty wants us to read it every day so that He ﷻ can speak to us. Just as He ﷻ wants us to pray every day so He ﷻ can meet with us. We must realize what a great honour this is and what great value it has. And He ﷻ will protect it from those who want to destroy and burn it.
A Virus to Disturb the World
Jan28 2020 English 22min
We have a brain like a bird and we try to put our Creator ﷻ in that small mind. The biggest gift He ﷻ has given us is faith, īmān. Real satisfaction comes with īmān. Allāh Almighty is most Generous but He ﷻ cannot be crossed. Realize this or deal with the virus.