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54 videos available
Libasu-t Taqwa: The Dress of Piety Feb19 2014 Turkish 26min
Sheikh Nazım
You were not created for this world. Dress in the dress of piety and leave desire for this world. If only you knew the honor with which you were created, the secret lies in this. Let us escape from this world to the Sultan of Prophets.
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The Most Perfect Perfection Oct26 2013 Turkish 33min
Sheikh Nazım
Be careful what you ask for. Don't ask for trash in the palace of the Sultan. Ask for the Divine Table which is not of this earth but is of the Heavens. Ask for "The Most Perfect Perfection". Learn your rank and your honour. Learn Adab.
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Peace Is the Lord of Judgement Aug29 2013 Turkish 36min
Sheikh Nazım
The Honour that was given to man is the rank of Humanity. The world is created as a mirror to enable man to see himself and recognize his Humanity. By this way he will know the signs of his Lord and recognise his Lord. Humanity means respect for others who carry this honour and this rank. Faith means to give life, not to inflict suffering and death, or to scare people in the streets in the name of religion. Making peace is the lord of judgments, the best way. Love and be loved. Respect and be respected.
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Without Regulation Aug27 2013 Turkish 33min
Sheikh Nazım
Everything in this universe is regulated, obeys an order. Man also was given a divine regulation. All the prophets came to regulate man to his Creator's Order. You were not sent to dunya to fight or to destroy. It is shaytan's regulation, to mislead you and to make you reject the prophets. Love Allah. People today are unregulated. They don't know what they want or what they should want.
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Al-Wasilah Aug22 2013 Turkish 29min
Sheikh Nazım
What is it that man desires from the world? He desires from the Sultan, honor. Therefore, ask from Allah and draw close. A blade of grass, a small flower, why do they grow, what is their aim? It is to bloom and be seen by their Creator and draw near. For the tiny seed and the small child Allah Almighty causes the huge sun to rise and help them grow and bloom. The world is wide, enough for all, so bloom and turn into gold. Man is full of secrets.
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Chasing Your Shadow Aug13 2013 Turkish 41min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah did not create you to carry dunya. He made you to be His khalifa, the sultan of dunya but you haven't understood what that means. The ones who don't understand are in the streets, the few who do understand are hidden. The Prophet (sas) taught his companions the true value of dunya by means of their shadows. You made a pledge to Allah that He is your only Lord and you have broken it.
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The Takbir Of Eid Aug08 2013 Turkish 29min
Sheikh Nazım
This morning after Fajr prayer and before Eid Prayer, Mawlana congratulated all of us on Eid. Mawlana explained the meaning of Eid and the value of Takbir. Eid Mubarak and long live our Sultan!
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Who Is the Sultan? Aug07 2013 Turkish 39min
Sheikh Nazım
Maru'a is courage that arises from man's humanity. May we be increased in it. Why do you think you are here? Did you come for eating and drinking? For fighting and amassing wealth? Think about it because an hour of thinking is worth more than 70 years of worship. Our way is gold. Seek the One on whose order the universe moves, the Owner of Creation. Don't fight over the world, look for its Sultan.
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In The Likeness Of Uj Jul30 2013 Turkish 38min
Sheikh Nazım
The quality of the people of today is gluttony. They eat and eat and are never satisfied even if they swallow a whole elephant. They are like the giant Uj ibn Unuq. When they are finished they say, Hal min Mazid. - isn't there any more? These are the words of hell and they are the people of the hellfire. No one is teaching them either their own value or the value of Dunya. Ask for forgiveness.
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Without A Guide Jul25 2013 Turkish 37min
Sheikh Nazım
Life is a road and religion is a guide to show the way. Since Adam (as) Allah Almighty has sent men and signs as guides for Mankind. Today the people have lost the way and they are lost. They cannot find their way home. Mawlana tells a story from his childhood that provides an illustration and a warning for the people of today. Remember who is your Creator and who is your enemy. Democracy and Freedom will not benefit you. Follow the Shari'ah and find your way home.
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His Master's Voice Jul17 2013 Turkish 37min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah (swt) says, " كنت كنزاً مخفياً و أردت أن أعرف فخلقت الخلق فبي عرفوني -I was a Hidden Treasure and wanted to be known, so I created the creation, so through Me they know Me." The mirror of Al-Haqq swt is the Prophet (sas). If the power of Jazbah(Spiritual pull) is to be used, there will be nothing left on the face of Earth, only black, the maqam that contains all ranks. The Disciples asked for the heavenly table, for Ma'rifatulLah. O Pope, do you tell your people about that? O Man, in your constant pursue of your animal life, can you be even like that dog on the gramophone capable of recognizing "His Master's Voice"?
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He Drew Close And Closer Still (53:8) Jul16 2013 Turkish 46min
Sheikh Nazım
If your business is dunya, then you are buying and selling dirt! Dunya is Najasah/filth and Allah's order is, "Clean yourself and approach." Constantine built Istanbul/Constantinople but could not build himself. The table for which the Disciples asked, was only granted to the Nation of the Beloved (sas). And from the bounties of this table Shahi-Mardan's Yaran is nourished. " ثُمَّ دَنَا فَتَدَلَّىٰ - He Drew Close And Closer Still (53:8)".
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The Ocean Of Being Jul14 2013 Turkish 46min
Sheikh Nazım
If you say "I am weak", then make sajdah. The station of angels increases with sajdah. Eating and drinking gives power to the animals, but man gets power from "Allah Hu Allah Haqq", from Adab. Know that "The Ocean Of Being" all comes from the two letters, kaf and nun, the Divine Command: Be and it Is. Do not be from the animal kind running after dunya, nor from the traders seeking Akhirah. Be from the sincere ones who want only Allah!
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In The Middle Of The Sea Jul13 2013 Turkish 36min
Sheikh Nazım
Today's Man does not have even as much brain as a bird. A bird runs after its rizq and glorifies its Lord. Man runs after dunya and is blind to his spirituality. There are so many parties, groups, and sects all fighting over the same claim, Pharaoh's claim; and it is the same claim that carried Pharaoh to "The Middle Of The Sea"!
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Sabilu-r Rashad Jul10 2013 Turkish 40min
Sheikh Nazım
The prayer, "الهم إلهمنا رشدنا- Alahumma Ilhimna Rushdana" is a treasure. Use your mind and know its limits. The child's limited mind sees the stars in Heavens and thinks they are like the lamps at home! Therefore the prophets were sent. Yet people prefer their imperfect ways to "Sabilu-r Rashad". That's why the Prophet (sas) said, "My nation will be fragmented into 73 parties, all in hell except one." Beware of the jealousy of the Christians and the Jews!
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The Iftar Table Jul09 2013 Turkish 37min
Sheikh Nazım
O Man know what you want, in order to be able to reach it. Look for the true meaning and do not run after false appearances. Be busy with your spirituality not with your animal. Honor this holy month of Ramadan. Look after the poor and the needy without showing off or wasting. Remember that the Companions (ra) each broke his fast with two dates while the Seal of Prophets (sas) broke his with only one date. And when the mountain of Uhud shook, it was ordered to stand still because it was carrying a Prophet, a Siddiq and a Wali
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The Shari'ah & The Constitution Jul03 2013 Turkish 42min
Sheikh Nazım
S. Musa (as) was ordered to take off his shoes because he was in al-Wadi al-Muqaddasi Tuwa. He was ordered to take off dunya and to come to "Us". The Disciples asked for the table and did not see that this big world is all the Divine table. And the Christians, till now, are still fighting over the table! O Muslims, Leave all fighting and look after the honour given to you, keep Allah's Shari'at! Remember that the Beloved (sas) was called to step on al-'Arsh, the Throne.
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Where Is The Key? Jun28 2013 Turkish 47min
Sheikh Nazım
The Prophet (sas) asked, "Where Is The Key?" and was told that the key is with him (sas). When life enters, the embryo's heart starts beating with the zikr of Allah. O Pope, do you still remember the message of S. Isa (as)? Is it from his (as) teachings to run after Dunya and kill people? O believers remember the way and look after the key.
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