"Al Bayan" is not a drop but rather oceans that cannot be described by any figure of speech, endless oceans. "Al Bayan" is the essence of being human and the door to the Divine, and its key is Basmallah. "الرَّحْمَٰنُ عَلَّمَ الْقُرْآنَ- The Most Merciful Taught the Qur'an". And, "عَلَّمَهُ الْبَيَانَ - taught him (Man) Bayan"(55:1-4) That's why Sohbat gives us happiness and takes away our heaviness. Yet man is blind to his secret and can only see the animal in himself. So people run and scream in the streets. Mawlana says if you insist on being an animal, then be a lion and do not remain a donkey!
Pharaoh's Teaching
May27 2013 Turkish 44min
Man is very weak yet very honorable. No one can dress man, Hazrat Insan, with an honor more than that granted to him by his Creator. This is an important point of Adab. Pharaoh warned Musa, " إِن تُرِيدُ إِلَّا أَن تَكُونَ جَبَّارًا فِي الْأَرْضِ - Your aim is nothing but to become a Jabbar in the world."(28:19) The Jabbar (the Almighty) can only be one, and Pharaoh claimed it for himself. In this world, however, all the Jabbar man can ever become is a despised tyrant and that indeed was Pharaoh. So heedless to his own reality, Pharaoh awakened Musa and us all, through the Holy Quran, to the indisputable Truth: Al Jabbar is One. Therefore, Adab Ya Hu!
Riding the Horse
May26 2013 Turkish 44min
'Irfan (Spiritual Recognition) lies in knowing your limit. Ma'rifah (True/Spiritual Knowledge) is beyond 'Ilim and its way is Adab. shaytan had 'Ilm but no Adab. It wanted to interfere with the Divine Will, and therefore was kicked out of the Divine Presence. The Prophet (sas) said, "Adabani Rabbi - My Lord gave me Adab." Without managing to ride on the wild donkey of your ego, you will never be fit for "Riding The Horse" of the Sultan.
The Journey of Tariqa
May26 2013 English 20min
Shaykh Bahauddin explains the journey of Tariqa. As class fellows in this school we must make the intention to understand. The levels of understanding are variable and although most are at an average level, being with the Naqshbandi Tariqa makes our foundation strong and solid. We must carry on patiently, awaiting Mahdi (as) with glowing hearts.
The Way to Ma'rifah
May25 2013 Turkish 50min
Al-Jahlu 'aybun dawa'ahu-l 'Ilmu - Ignorance is a 'ayb/fault that can be cured only with knowledge. But nowadays man is immersed in 'Ayb. Man is following every way of ignorance and is even ignorant of his own identity. O Man, enter "The Way to Ma'rifah" and be from al-'Arifin. The one who does not seek to know is not Insan. The disciples asked for a table from Heavens forgetting that every table is the Lord's! O Shi'a and 'Alawi, how do you dare to kill anyone knowing the Creator? Do not be Shi'a or 'Alawi! The Sharia'h does not allow for 2 sultans! Adab Ya Hu!
May24 2013 Turkish 38min
Friday is the most blessed day in dunya and in Akhirah. It is yawmu-l Jam' (the day of gathering) and yawmu-l Ikram (the day of honoring). Yet every Friday is unique, and takes its uniqueness from the Divine name Al-Mubdi' (المُبدِع). Each of us takes from the special Tajalli of every moment in accordance with our spiritual states. Keep the honor of Friday, and know the value of Allah's grants and know your enemy.
May24 2013 25min
Illa-l Mawaddata Fi-l Qurba (42:23)
May23 2013 Turkish 40min
In this special sohbat Mawlana opens for the first time some of the oceans of the meanings of the ayat, "إِلَّا الْمَوَدَّةَ فِي الْقُرْبَىٰ - only Mawaddat through al- Qurba" (42:23). What is al-Mawdah and what is al-Qurba? And what is al-Qawa'ida mina-l Bayti, in the ayat, "وَإِذْ يَرْفَعُ إِبْرَاهِيمُ الْقَوَاعِدَ مِنَ الْبَيْتِ - when Abraham was raising the foundations of the House" (2:128)? Then comes the command, "أَن طَهِّرَا بَيْتِيَ - Purify My House"(2:125). Love is the unique grant of Al-Habib, the Seal of Prophets (sas), and al-Mawaddata fi-l Qurba is the the unique maqam of his Ummah.
So Flee To Allah (51:50)
May22 2013 Turkish 43min
In this sohbat Mawlana speaks to two incidents that were covered in the television news broadcast. The first is the tornado that struck America. He advises people not to think of themselves as great because only Allah is Great. When He strikes there is nowhere to run except "Fafirru ila Llah" - So Flee To Allah (51:50). The second was a news story about the Pope exorcizing a devil or jinn from a child. The people ridiculed this action and said that the devil is not a part of so-called modern life. Mawlana says quite to the contrary, shaytan rules most of modern life and it is the duty of Man to fight it.
The Sun of Creation
May21 2013 Turkish 43min
Hazrat Insan is dressed with honour and power and infinite levels of Nur. The Sun of Creation is Hazratu-l Habib (sas). The Companions (ra) are the stars, whichever one of whom you follow will take you to the Divine Presence. But people are only after the palace and not the sultan. And what is the palace without the Sultan, the Beloved? Allah created man clean but no clean man is left. O Shi'a and Alawi stop running after dunya and run after Mawla. Zulm is haram and dunya is a carcass. Return to the Way of the Prophet (sas) and of Shahi Mardan!
The Storm of Blood
May20 2013 Turkish 42min
Mawlana asks the Shi'a and the Alawi if what they are offering Muslims is "A Storm of Blood"? And he asks the Christians if S. Isa (as) ever carried a weapon for them to produce all these weapons? Our Prophet (sas) says a person is with the one he loves, so watch with whom you go. Allah Almighty calls the believers to Daru-s Salam "The House of Peace". O Shi'a and Alawi, what are you calling people to? Manslaughter, destruction and torture? Have you given life to have the right to take it away? But Shahi Mardan's sword is out and ready. Allah's angels have descended and Divine Revenge is approaching!
The Illness and The Cure
May19 2013 English 22min
The search for eternal joy needs effort but our tendency is to lean toward the temporal. This requires adopting the middle way. In co-operation, a balance is maintained. Responsibility must be carried. It is simple yet hard. It is the way of Allah Almighty. Nighttime is free for His worship. The drama of life is replaced by soaking up spiritual rain. It has the cure and brings enjoyment, as long as the ego allows waking up for qiyam al layl. Keeping this appointment makes the drama disappear. Allah gives the illness and the cure.
Be Straight
May19 2013 Turkish 50min
Prophet (sas) said, "Surat Hud turned my hair white - شيَّبتني سورةُ هود ". It carries the command: "Be Straight like you've been ordered (11:112) - استقِم كما أُمِرتَ " Why did Islam spread so widely? Because of the order, Be Straight. Given and keeping that command, Alexander The Great could open every locked gate. But neither Putin nor Obama can ever save the world. The way out is in being straight and they are not! Therefore be prepared for the approaching big war!
Allah Is Pleased with Them
May18 2013 Turkish 43min
“And your clothing purify" (74:4). How can one purify oneself? How can one attain the power of Al-Ismu l-A‘zam to reach the Divine Presence? And Maqamu r-Rida? To be from those “Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him" (98:8)? The seed of love can only be planted by the Beloved, Sahibu Liwa‘i l-Hamd and the Master of Creation ﷺ.
Who Is the Mushrik?
May17 2013 Turkish 39min
" إِنَّمَا الْمُشْرِكُونَ نَجَسٌ - Indeed the Mushriks (polytheists) are unclean" (9:28). Who is the Mushrik? In the presence of the Sultan, how can one ever look at anyone else? Do not be jealous! Be pleased with what you are given and do not interfere with the Divine wisdom.
May17 2013 23min
Sakala Sharif
May16 2013 2min
Mawlana congratulates all Muslims on Laylatul Ragha'ib, and and on the the day of Ragha'b (today, Friday17, May). Mawlana urges all of us to know the value of this blessed day and to benefit from it. Mubarak.