Addressing his Russian guests, Mawlana describes Modern Man's plight. Technology, which is infiltrating every aspect of modern life, functions by depriving man of his uniqueness, individuality, humanity, and, consequently, of his innate freedom. Yet everywhere they shout, 'Man is Free', without the slightest clue as to what that means. What we are desperate for is not a political or an economic solution. What we need is a "Change from A to Z".
Suratu r Rahman Is the Bride of Quran
Dec11 2011 Arabic
An old murid, a professor of Philosophy, sent a message asking about the meaning of the Hadith Sherif, "Suratu r-Rahman Is the Bride of Quran - سورة الرحمن عروس القرآن".
Where Is Your Imam
Dec10 2011 Arabic
In a sohbat to his guest, a Yemeni prince, Mawlana addresses all Arabs. Mawlana reminds the Arabs of the honor granted to them till the Day of Judgement and the huge responsibility that comes along with that honor. "Where Is Your Imam?".
The Donkey of the Devil
Dec10 2011 Arabic
After Fajr prayer, Mawlana examined Modern Man's condition and claims. Modern Man is so modernized. He reached the peak of civilization. He has achieved what no one before him could ever achieve. He became what he himself could have never imagined.
Unexpected Events
Dec09 2011 English 47min
So many unexpected events are coming as signs of the last days. Come and keep the Way of the Lord of Heavens. Who follows the Heavenly Orders is going to have a sweet life. We are Muslims, followers of the Holy Orders from Heavens.
Dec09 2011
Alexander the Great's Will
Dec07 2011 Arabic
Addressing his guest, a Lebanese doctor, Mawlana asks an important question: What are you taking from this life for the Here, and what are you taking from it for the Hereafter? Then Mawlana tells about "Alexander the Great's Will".
A Diploma from Shaytan
Dec06 2011 Arabic
Mawlana prays for all the Muslim leaders to be able to see the Truth and to find the Right Way. Satanic ideas are prevalent everywhere. One sentence is the pillar of all True belief. Shaytan urges his followers not to finish this sentence but to stop half way, in order to get "A Diploma from Shaytan - شهادة من الشيطان" and become certified members of the satanic kingdom. Audhu Billah, أعوذُ بِالله!
Ashura Prayer
Dec05 2011
Pray 4 Raka't, each raka't read Fatiha and 11 times Ikhlas
The Love of Leadership
Dec05 2011 Arabic
Mawlana addressed his honorable guests, the Yemeni Prince and the Malaysian Doctor and his family. The address was half in Arabic and half in English. Mawlana pointed to a prevalent spiritual vice, the political and social implications of which, lead to the many crises in today's world. "The Love of Leadership - حب الرِّياسة".
On the Day of ‘Āshūrā’
Dec05 2011 English 12min
Mawlānā spoke about the day of ‘Āshūrā’ and Grandshaykh to the big group of brothers and sisters that comes up to see him before Maghrib.
Sultans or Merchants
Dec03 2011 English
With a simple, but brilliant, story Mawlana reveals the germ that causes the disease from which all our social and political institutions suffer...."Sultans or Merchants?"
Dec02 2011
Shukru Lillah
Dec02 2011 English
Teach Your Children
Dec02 2011 English
Mawlana says, Teach everyone, everywhere, we have been created for our Lord's servanthood.
The Sultanate of the Demons
Dec01 2011 Arabic
On being told that both the US and Europe are praising the fairness of the elections in Egypt, Mawlana described "The Sultanate of the Demons".
Dec01 2011 Turkish
It Is the Responsibility of the Men
Nov30 2011 Arabic
"It Is the Responsibility of the Men - مسئولية الرجال" is a short talk to a Palestinian father and son, containing important instructions for young men and their parents about marriage and clothing.