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Egypt in the Times of Fitna Sep30 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Again Mawlana addresses the Egyptians but the warning includes all Arabs and Muslims. They complain they cannot find a good ruler but that is because they have the wrong system of government. They run after Satanic ideas like democracy and nationalism and they harm and destroy themselves and each other. Yet Egyptians should be grateful to their Lord.
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Juma Sohbat Sep30 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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Ihvanlar Ile Sep30 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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Waliyyan Murshidan Sep29 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana asked Imam Abdur Rahman to recite the holy verse: "He whom Allah guides is the (rightly) guided, but he whom He leaves astray - never will you find for him a Waliyyan Murshidan (18:17) - من يهد الله فهو المهتد و من يضلل فلن تجد له ولياً مرشداً". This Quranic verse clarifies the distinction between the "rightly-guided" and the "mis-guided" ones. Not having a Waliyyan Murshidan is a sign for being from the misguided ones. May Allah reward our Shaykh for showing to us what is "Waliyyan Murshidan".
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The Quran (a thing) Abandoned Sep28 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Prophet (sas) complains to his Lord that his nation has left "The Quran (a thing) Abandoned - القرآن مهجوراً" And when this Munajat / prayer is made by S. Mahdi, the order for his Zhuhur / appearance will come. This Sohbat also contains an important statement of the belief of Ahli-Sunnat concerning the life and death of Prophet (sas).
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Who Cannot Control Himself Sep28 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Some time ago, a sister brought her son, a young man, to get some advice from Mawlana. She was concerned about his bad choice of friends and his irresponsible way of living. Mawlana explained the importance of training our children to have self-control by not giving them everything they crave.
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I Am Ashamed in Front of My Lord Sep27 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
In the short sohbat "Rabbimden Utanırım - I Am Ashamed in Front of My Lord - أستحيي من ربي" Mawlana contemplates the meanings of 'exceedingly unjust' and 'excessively ignorant' nature of human beings.
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The Age of Tyrants Sep26 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Two Egyptian brothers asked Mawlana about the complicated political situation in Egypt and how people cannot find the good ruler, they long for. Mawlana explained the reasons for this deadlock in two ways. Historically, the Egyptians have committed a huge mistake, and betrayed their own history and tradition. They turned "the Kingdom of Egypt", its title in all Holy books and throughout history, to a Republic! Yet, according to the Divine Wisdom, as expressed in the holy Hadith, we are all inevitably in "The Age of Tyrants - Cebaların Zamanı - عهد الجبابرة".
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Qurana Mahjura Sep26 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
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Open the Doors of Your Spiritual Being Sep26 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
"Open the Doors of Your Spiritual Being" How? May we always be by our door and never lose it. May Allah Keep us with our Shaykh here and Hereafter!
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Ibrahim Al Adham Sep25 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
"Ibrahim Al-Adham - إبراهيم الأدهم" is a king and a great saint. His life story teaches us an invaluable lesson about the meaning and the purpose of our existence in this world.
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Birth Is in the Here, Mirth Is in the Hereafter Sep25 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
"Birth Is in the Here, Mirth Is in the Hereafter - Dünyada Neşet, Ahirette Neşvet - النشأة في الدنيا و النشوة في الآخرة" shows the value of each of the two worlds. But man is unjust or mindless. He gives what is for the Eternal to the Temporal and suffers in both worlds.
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Who Are You? Sep24 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
What is the benefit of all the education we could have if it does not help us answer the question, "Who Are You? - Sen Kimsin? - من أنت؟"? Our education - like all the aspects of our lives today - is as valuable as the paper money in our hands!
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Hadra Sep23 2011
Sheikh Nazım
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Surat Al Kahf Sep23 2011
Sheikh Nazım
Surat Al-Kahf, to be read on Fridays - سورة الكهف، تقرأ يوم جمعة
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Juma Sohbat Sep23 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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Islamın Güneşi Sep23 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
In the Sohbat, "İslamın Güneşi - The Sun of Islam - شمس الإسلام", Mawlana carries on with explaining the factors that, due to the Muslims' heedlessness, effectively worked to bring down the Muslim world to the state it suffers from now. Mawlana points out some historical facts concerning Christianity and Islam!
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Zikr With Mawlana Sep22 2011
Sheikh Nazım
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