In two separate sohbats, Mawlana gave important advice to Palestinians, and all Arabs and Muslims.
The Prophet of China
Aug23 2011 Arabic
Prophet of China! A new Muslim from China who seeks to call more people to Islam asked about the name of the Prophet sent to Chinese people. Mawlana said he has the answer but posses the question to all the religious authorities not only in Islam but also in Christianity and Judaism.
Ramazan Sohbetleri: "If We Are Muslims, … - Biz Müslümansak, ... " then we have to listen to this sohbat and follow Mawlana's instructions and really be careful. It is very uncommon that Mawlana gives such clear-cut instructions like the ones in thus sohbat.
It is as though it was it
Aug21 2011 English
Professor Sa'adudin, working in Nasa, asked Mawlana about the abundance of water in other galaxies and the possibility of life there. Mawlana quoted the Quranic verse, the answer of the Queen of Sheba to S. Solomon, "Kaannahu Huwa - كأنّه هو - It is as though it was it" (27:42). In this holy verse lie the keys for human understanding. Mawlana also gave an important explanation of the Quranic verse, "Waannahu huwa rabbu ashshiAAra - و أنّه هو رب الشِعرى - And that it is He who is the Lord of Sirius" (53:49)
Two Calls to Oneness
Aug21 2011 English
A Message to Chileans and All: The 33 Chilean miners who, with Mawlana's barakat, were rescued last year, gathered together during Ramadan and asked Mawlana for a message. Mawlana gave this important message and asked that it be put online tonight. 'Two Calls to Oneness'.
Do Not Be Deceived by Dunya
Aug20 2011 Turkish
Everything in this world is passing. Everything is between two points; and whatever has a beginning has an end. So "Dünyaya Aldanma! - Do Not Be Deceived by Dunya! - و لا تغررنك الدنيا"
Aug19 2011
Juma Sohbat
Aug19 2011 English
Boyle Degildik
Aug18 2011 Turkish
The King of Darknesses and His Realms
Aug17 2011 Turkish 37min
How is it possible that a man can choose Darkness over Light? But this is the predominate choice of the men of the 20th and 21st centuries. The Muslims obey the non-Muslims and follow "The King of Darknesses & His Realms - Karanlıklar Kralı ve Diyarı - ظلمات الطاغوت".