It is the order of Allāh ﷻ to continue learning about Him ﷻ from birth to death. Those with knowledge must not make it difficult for others by speaking on too high a level. And Allāh ﷻ will, in shā’a Llāh, give light to our hearts by which to see Him ﷻ.
Bad Eye and Envy
May29 2019 Turkish 9min
The Prophet ﷺ said to keep your work, your business, and the details of your life hidden from people. Most people have envy and this can poison what you do and make it not succeed. People today do the opposite and post pictures of their children, their food, all they do. Be careful and listen to the Prophet ﷺ.
Look for Laylatu l-Qadr
May28 2019 Turkish 13min
Better than 1000 months, Grandshaykh told Mawlānā to consider every night as Laylatu l-Qadr but mostly it comes in the last ten days of Ramaḍān. Pray ‘Ishā’ and Fajr in jamā‘ah, wake for Tahajjud and you will receive its blessings. Du‘ā’ is the weapon of the believer – so pray for the Ummah, for yourself and the children of the Ummah.
Don’t Waste Your Provision
May27 2019 Turkish 19min
The biggest reason for being poor is wasting the ni‘mah, the favours, of Allāh ﷻ. Only take, only make, what you can eat. If there is leftover give as ṣadaqah to the poor or to the animals. Never throw food in the garbage. To waste is to choose Shayṭān’s over Allāh’s ﷻ order.
Allāh’s ﷻ Program
May26 2019 Turkish 9min
It is Allāh’s ﷻ program to be moving slowly, slowly to Judgment Day. If He ﷻ wills, people will forget their own plans and do His ﷻ will instead. People commit mistakes when their mind is gone, and later wonder how they did it and regret it. Don’t be upset for dunyā, be with Allāh ﷻ.
Extreme Losers
May25 2019 Turkish 14min
Proud people set themselves up as partners to Allāh ﷻ. They think there is no hereafter, no accounting, and no Creator. They think they are free to do as their ego likes and that others are beneath them. They are the extreme losers. Pride is only for Allāh ﷻ.
Make Intention for I’tikāf
May24 2019 Turkish 17min
It is the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ to make i’tikāf in the mosque for the last ten days of Ramadān. Only Allāh ﷻ knows its reward. If you can’t do ten days perhaps you can do one day. The intention for i’tikāf is important. Our intention is better than our deeds.
May24 2019 15min
All Creation Has a Speciality
May23 2019 Turkish 15min
Allāh ﷻ has given each creation a speciality. It is a waste to send to university those for whom it is not appropriate. They would use the time better training their egos. Doing what you do well will make you happy and Allāh ﷻ happy with you.
The Example of Badr
May22 2019 Turkish 22min
The 17th of Ramaḍān is the anniversary of the Battle of Badr when 313 Companions of the Prophet ﷺ set us an example of strong belief. They fought without fear or hesitation behind the Prophet ﷺ. Allāh ﷻ honours them and the 8,000 Angels who fought beside them – the Aṣḥābu l-Badr.
More Reward for Difficulty
May21 2019 Turkish 13min
People today want everything easy. They say prayer, fasting, zakāh, Ḥajj are all too hard. But the more difficult something is the more Allāh ﷻ rewards it. So we should be pleased when things are hard because then the doing of them brings more benefit.
Zakāh Cleans Your Money
May20 2019 Turkish 15min
The amount of zakāh is very little but it gives much benefit. If all the rich paid it there would be no people in need. It cleans the money of the giver and cause his fortunes to increase by means of its barakah. It is important. Abū Bakr (ra) waged war on those who refused to pay.
The Rewards of Ramaḍān
May19 2019 Turkish 18min
In Ramaḍān Allāh ﷻ opens the door of heaven for people to get blessed. The reward for a good deed is increased up to 700 thawāb. Fasting is good for your health, your īmān, and your willpower.
Open Door to Happiness
May18 2019 Turkish 10min
The world is always a test and in these, the last days, it is even harder. Allāh ﷻ opens the door to happiness but most people don’t go through it. Remembrance of Allāh ﷻ and of His ﷻ Prophet ﷺ can make this world a paradise.
May17 2019 Turkish 11min
Allāh’s ﷻ order is to worship Him ﷻ with sincerity. Sincerity is one of the secrets of Allāh ﷻ that He ﷻ gives to those He ﷻ loves. There are many who worship and gain knowledge in order to please others or show off but the really sincere are few.
May17 2019 13min
Selling Their Souls
May16 2019 Turkish 11min
There are people who think they are doing good but leading people to the wrong way. This is oppression. Most of them know they are not doing good. They write books, give lectures and give advice against the Prophet’s ﷺ teachings. They are not afraid of Allāh ﷻ. They are willing to sell their souls to Shayṭān for fame and popularity.
Dhikr by Your Heart
May15 2019 Turkish 11min
Of all Ṭuruq the Naqshbandiyyah is the best because it begins where the others leave off. It teaches the quiet Dhikr of the heart which enables us to be all the time with Allāh ﷻ. Shāh-i Naqshband (q) said who is out of this way, his īmān is in danger.