Allah has given to each of us a talent, an art. We should express this talent and use it as a means of finding and serving our Lord. Maulana Shaikh's gift is the art of hunting and gathering hearts. Grand Shaikh Abdullah prayed that Allah grant to his followers whatever station that He granted to him. The Shaikh is always testing us, not a test to pass or fail, but to make us learn and insh'Allah grow into the stations destined for us.
At the End of Our Nose
Jul20 2013 English 27min
Scientists, especially astrophysicists, are looking for a sign of our connection to the rest of the universe. They spend billions on their projects but the answer is to be found in our hearts. Allah is always putting the biggest secrets in front of our nose. We need a Shaikh to show it to us, by ourselves we can't see the end of our nose. We need guidance for all our lives: dunya life, life in the grave, qiyyama life, the sirat life, and akhira life. If we believe we are safe. There is no coincidence and no accident. Life on this planet is just a passing moment on this station and then onto the next. Dunya is paradise for the unbeliever but hell for the believer. Belief is the biggest gift of Allah, and we pray that we can guard it and keep it.
Jul14 2013 English 21min
Everyone needs structure, discipline in their life. For the Muslim, the five pillars of shahada, salat, fasting, charity and Hajj provide the needed structure for the life. The main discipline is the prayer. By Allah's grace the discipline becomes a sweetness and real goodness in our life.
The Two Brothers
Jul13 2013 English 22min
Haji Bahauddin tells the story of two brothers illustrating that real worship is keeping one's heart with Allah whether living in the market or in seclusion. We must learn to love Allah and know that He loves us.
His Generosity, Not our Doing
Jun23 2013 English 21min
Shaykh Bahauddin explains the significance of behaviour towards Allah Almighty. Allah is Generous, but the fault lies in our lack of adab, in not understanding how to ask so that the request is accepted. Good behaviour is to be thankful always and accept whatever Allah (swt) sends, bitter or sweet. To depend on His generosity and not on our doing.
Ya Rasulullah, Love us
Jun16 2013 English 22min
To have adab is a real benefit says Shaykh Bahauddin. Ask Allah Almighty to keep us as children in His Divine Presence because we make many, many mistakes. To claim to be someone, or to know something is to ‘play with Allah’. Humility is essential but in spiritual matters, go big. A good wish for every day is: “Ya Rasulullah, love us.”
Win with Allah
Jun09 2013 English 25min
The graph for the heavenly stock exchange is on the rise unlike the worldly one which is always in decline says Shaykh Bahauddin and just as a bank sends out money, the angels are handing out rewards, particularly in this time, therefore pray more and make the right intention towards Allah the Generous, and win.
Depend on Me
Jun02 2013 English 23min
Intention is accepted by Allah Almighty Who is beyond anything ascribed to Him. One never knows what is going to present in the journey of life so we must depend on Allah (swt) and ask to belong to Him. Shaykh Bahauddin explains tawakkal to mean: “Depend on Me”. He illustrates these words using an anecdote from the life of Grandshaykh (qs) who once arrived in Damascus with only 35 Syrian cents in his pocket.
The Journey of Tariqa
May26 2013 English 20min
Shaykh Bahauddin explains the journey of Tariqa. As class fellows in this school we must make the intention to understand. The levels of understanding are variable and although most are at an average level, being with the Naqshbandi Tariqa makes our foundation strong and solid. We must carry on patiently, awaiting Mahdi (as) with glowing hearts.
The Illness and The Cure
May19 2013 English 22min
The search for eternal joy needs effort but our tendency is to lean toward the temporal. This requires adopting the middle way. In co-operation, a balance is maintained. Responsibility must be carried. It is simple yet hard. It is the way of Allah Almighty. Nighttime is free for His worship. The drama of life is replaced by soaking up spiritual rain. It has the cure and brings enjoyment, as long as the ego allows waking up for qiyam al layl. Keeping this appointment makes the drama disappear. Allah gives the illness and the cure.
May12 2013 English 17min
Everything is replaceable except time. Its value increases in accordance to its length, as in a prayer that goes on without end, ‘time inside time’. How time is used is vital. Our intention says Shaykh Bahauddin should be to use it for Allah Almighty.
May11 2013 English 21min
Everything begins with understanding. Understanding means to be in love. Why are we with Mawlana Shaykh? It is because we love him says Shaykh Bahauddin. And we love him because he is in love with Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty is more than enough. We have to look inside in order to understand, to know what we have.
So Believe
Apr14 2013 English 24min
The unchangeable rule says Shaykh Bahauddin is that we are born, we grow, we die. In life, Allah’s (swt) mercy is continuous. Be warned that death is inevitable. When it comes it will show no mercy. So, in order to be safe, believe. Truth is hard to find these days but when you find it, keep it. And, be strong in Belief.
Belief Is Simple
Apr07 2013 English 24min
Belief is simple. Its basis is Truth. Using a narrative from the life of Sayyidina Ali (ra) Shaykh Bahauddin demonstrates how effectively unbelief can be quashed and, how true belief empowers the life of the believer.
Move Forward, Count Up
Apr06 2013 English 29min
Shaykh Bahauddin recounts from Haji Anna’s (qs) ‘book of secrets’, the Paradise that Allah Almighty has created for everyone. He urges now is the time to move forward, count up, because as much as you waste, it is your loss. Dunya is of no value; it is a countdown.
I Am for My Shaykh
Mar10 2013 English 14min
Mawlana Shaykh Adnan’s sincerity was endearing to Grandshaykh Abdullah who in turn has given good tidings to all murids. Shaykh Bahauddin honours Shaykh Adnan and proclaims “I am nothing. I am for my Shaykh”. A reminder for all.
Mar03 2013 English 22min
The heart would die if the love of Rasulullah (sas) did not grow in it. No one can be his equal, no one can rule in his place. The strife in the Muslim World is good says Shaykh Bahauddin, as Allah (swt) Who does everything will intervene. We are powerless. We know this and we are surrendering.
You, not Me
Feb16 2013 English 18min
Shaykh Bahauddin says seek the best in choosing any service but take care not to be exploited. Pay well and in advance. Your money has no value unless it is distributed. For spiritual advancement walk the Sirat here; let the self reflect Allah’s (swt) beauty. Let it be “you” first, instead of “me”.