Being clever is not gaining money or position, but using intelligence for eternal life. Not giving value to this world is considered craziness now, but you will leave it all behind. Taṣawwuf teaches the right path and manners. Some who claim to be imām are attacking madhāhib too and are not listening to anybody. The worse the situation gets, the closer Mahdī's (as) appearance is.
Mercy Descends for the Sake of Awliyā’
Dec26 2018 Turkish 13min
Muslims took over Cyprus for the sake of Allāh ﷻ. It is a Muslim land. The Children of Israel rebelled against Allāh ﷻ and Mūsá (as) and were lost and stuck in the desert for 40 years. Allāh ﷻ can change the people if they don't fix themselves. Mercy instead of punishment descends here for the honour of the awliyā’.
Allāh ﷻ Sees What You Do
Dec25 2018 Turkish 14min
You are not here alone and you are not here by chance. Follow the example of your Prophet ﷺ who worked day and night for his Ummah. Do ḥalāl work to feed your family and don’t be lazy. You will be rewarded.
Ask for Knowledge
Dec24 2018 Turkish 12min
It is an order from Allāh ﷻ for all Muslims to ask for knowledge. So listen, understand, and take benefit. Today they think knowledge is only in school but often this is really ignorance and darkness because it doesn’t teach about Allāh ﷻ. The one who seeks real knowledge is carried by the wings of angels.
A Traitor Is Always Afraid
Dec01 2018 Turkish 11min
A traitor is like a hypocrite and lives in fear to be found out. It is an illness of the ego to wish harm for others. A Muslim is one who does not harm by hand or tongue. If you don’t like something then stay away from it.
To Be from Paradise People
Nov30 2018 Turkish 16min
There are two things to do in order to be from the people of Paradise. First, love the Prophet ﷺ and follow his ﷺ sunnah. Second, believe in the Mercy of your Lord ﷻ because He ﷻ is as His ﷻ servant believes Him ﷻ to be.
Nov30 2018 12min
How to Be Awliyā’u Llāh
Nov29 2018 Turkish 12min
In these modern days everyone is anxious and afraid. If you want to be without sadness or fear, follow the Prophet ﷺ and Allāh ﷻ will love you and make you one of His ﷻ friends.
Shaykh ‘Adnān: A Life of ‘Ibādah
Nov28 2018 Turkish 17min
Shaykh Adnan was buried on Monday in the month of Mawlid because of his great love for the Prophet ﷺ. He knew Mawlānā since childhood and he loved to worship. Who is letting him go is sad but who is receiving him is happy. In shā’a Llāh we will be reunited. Be ready for that day.
Ṭarīqah Is a Trust
Nov26 2018 Arabic 18min
Shaykh Mehmet Efendi speaks about Shaykh ‘Adnān, his character and his characteristics. His maqam has now been given to Shaykh Muṣṭafá who will continue in his way. Ṭarīqah is a trust from the Prophet ﷺ. Teach your children so they keep to this way.
He ﷻ Changes Sin to Reward
Nov25 2018 Turkish 11min
Allāh ﷻ makes obedience to Him ﷻ easy. If we forget Him ﷻ, if we disobey Him ﷻ, even at the end of our lives if we ask forgiveness, He ﷻ turns bad deeds into good. He ﷻ is just waiting for us to ask.
Nowhere to Run
Nov24 2018 Turkish 14min
Allāh ﷻ has promised on Judgment Day to show us what we did in this life, good or bad. There is nowhere to run except to Him ﷻ, the One God. He ﷻ gave us mind, Prophets, and Books, so listen to them.
Real Belief
Nov23 2018 Turkish 24min
The first thing in Ṭarīqah is to love the Prophet ﷺ more than your father, mother, or yourself. To love him ﷺ with all your heart not just with your tongue. This is the difference between a Muslim and a Mu’min and it brings real happiness.
Nov23 2018 17min
Be Brave with Islām
Nov22 2018 Turkish 13min
Don’t be afraid or ashamed to follow the order of Allāh ﷻ. Teach your children and be happy that you are guided. The majority does not have hidāyah and does the opposite of their nature.
Insānu l-Kāmil
Nov21 2018 Turkish 12min
The Prophet ﷺ is the perfect example of politeness and good behaviour. We cannot be like him but we must try by leaving bad actions and habits and by controlling our ego. The ego can even use ḥalāl things to control us.
Not One Drop from the Oceans
Nov20 2018 Turkish 11min
Allāh ﷻ says He ﷻ has given us only a little bit of knowledge (17:85). Anyone who thinks we are at the top of knowledge is at the top of ignorance. We have a drop of the Prophet’s ﷺ knowledge and he ﷺ has a drop from the oceans of Allāh’s ﷻ knowledge. The best knowledge is to know your Creator ﷻ.
Order from Allāh ﷻ to Be Happy
Nov19 2018 Turkish 13min
The Qur’ān praises the Prophet ﷺ and orders us to do so as well. We are happy to be from the nation of Muḥammad ﷺ. To follow him ﷺ brings success and is not difficult. He ﷺ always chose the easy way for us.