Shaykh Bahauddin Effendi spoke today about his visit to His Majesty Sultan Azlan Shah, the father of the late Raja Ashman Hz. His Majesty was not only submitted to and accepting of Allah's Divine Order but he was also thankful for it. Despite his deep grief, he was thankful that Allah Almighty had invited his son to His Divine Presence.
Don't Complain
May13 2012 English 45min
Shaykh Bahauddin Effendi says that Shukr - thankfulness - is the most valuable trait but everyone instead is complaining. They cannot even imagine how important Shukr is. We must have patience with whatever Allah sends. But to have patience and shukr makes Allah Almighty proud of His servant.
From Dust to Precious Stone
Apr30 2012 English 25min
Today Shaykh Bahauddin spoke about the secret of how the dust particle on Mawlana's shirt can become a precious stone on the crown. Each mureed must train himself and imitate Mawlana in distributing the love to others. Then every one will find his or her position on the crown. Later he spoke about the position and character of three precious stones on Mawlana's crown, Shaykh Muhammed, Shaykh Adnan and Shaykh Hisham.
Maqam Al-Rida
Apr29 2012 English 32min
Thankfulness is the key that opens every door here and hereafter. Try to be from the thankful ones. Be thankful that your Lord created you from Mankind and made you able to make sajda. This state of thankfulness will dress your heart with satisfaction and bring you closer to the station of Rida/Contentment. There you may find the true spring of happiness and a sweet life.
The Place's Honor from It's Owner
Apr28 2012 English 36min
Today Shaykh Bahauddin said that the honor of the place is due to its owner. Everyone who is present at Arafat, even if they came in order to steal, becomes Hajji. In the same way, everyone present at the sohbat of Mawlana, even if they are asleep or unable to understand, receives the blessing. This blessing may help each one to bring their ego slowly but surely to the side of Divine service.
Pure Milk of Islam
Apr27 2012 English 29min
Today Shaykh Bahauddin reminded everyone of the simple teaching of Mawlana. He said we are all at the level of children and in need of knowledge that can be understood and digested like the mother's milk for babies.
Proud to Be Nothing
Apr26 2012 English 31min
Today Shaykh Bahauddin brought the ant of the prophet Ibrahim (as) into his sohbat. He spoke about the real role of the shaykh in the murid's last breaths. He said it is all in trade. First you give bayat and submit, then you become a particle of unseen dust on Mawlana's shirt, going with him wherever he goes.
Shaykh Abdullah's Breakfast Egg
Apr25 2012 English 29min
Today Shaykh Bahauddin told us about his service to Grandshaykh Abdullah (q). Daily he brought an egg from his mother's chickens to Grandshaykh. He tells how he was blessed with balance between the spiritual world and worldly investment.
Hj Anne's Bicycle
Apr24 2012 English 23min
Today Shaykh Bahauddin spoke about heavenly humor. He shared with us his dua when he was a child and his mother's, Hj Anne's, comment regarding his dua.
An Open Door
Apr23 2012 English 18min
Today Shaykh Bahauddin said that Mawlana told him to speak from up and from down, from the air and from the water. The important thing is to be there as an open door for everyone.
How to Be Happy
Apr22 2012 English 13min
Today Shaykh Bahauddin announced that he knows the secret to happiness and he would like to share it.
Happy Birthday Mawlana
Apr21 2012 English 22min
Shaykh Bahauddin gives glad tidings to the worldwide family of Mawlana, who turned 90 today. He is happy despite his recent indisposition. Mawlana’s message is to breathe in happiness. Gratefulness leads to happiness. Tariqah takes from both, the spiritual and material in order to balance Man in Islam. To be Muslim is to surrender. Everything is for Mawlana, who loves us. Two Rakats of Shukr are offered for Mawlana and the day’s celebration is completed by hadrah and singing.
Happy to Be Sultan's Dust
Apr20 2012 English 15min
Today Shaykh Bahauddin spoke about the mureed's joy and happiness to be the dust on the Shaykh's doorstep.