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The Heaviest Month Oct05 2019 English 24min
Sheikh Nazım
We have entered the month of Ṣafaru l-Khayr. Lie low, keep your head down and recite many "tawbah astaghfiru Llāh". Take advice, don’t just give it. It is easy to act humble but hard to actually be humble and to carry people. No need to ask for anything if you are with Allāh ﷻ.
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Be from the Shākirīn Sep29 2019 English 14min
Sheikh Nazım
We have so much wealth today and yet we do not have happiness. If you are thankful to Allāh ﷻ you are happy even if you have nothing. Appreciate what you have and be from the shākirīn.
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Imagination or Reality Sep28 2019 English 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh ﷻ wants people to grow. That is why He ﷻ sent prophet after prophet. It began as a crescent moon and became a full moon with the Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ. Now, people follow their imagination rather than reality. We must visit the maqāms of the true ones to remember who we really are.
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A Beautiful Year for Islām Sep02 2019 English 22min
Sheikh Nazım
May Allāh ﷻ make this year beautiful for Islām and Muslims. Whatever He ﷻ has written we accept. Allāh ﷻ created everyone and what is suitable for them. Suffering comes from doing what is not suitable. Do goodness even if only Allāh ﷻ can see it.
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Spirituality Is a Gift Aug18 2019 English 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh Almighty chooses who is spiritual, who is ṣūfī. It comes as a gift not by effort. And it is important to have a perfect shaykh, murshid kāmil, to love and to teach each one according to his needs.
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Hādhā min Faḍli Rabbī Aug17 2019 English 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Sharing the good tidings of the birth of his grandson, Shaykh Bahauddin reminds us to be thankful to Allāh ﷻ for all His ﷻ many favours. Allāh Almighty has given us in particular three kinds of wealth: Health, children, and īmān. Servants do not complain but are thankful.
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Jum‘ah Is a Golden Opportunity Aug16 2019 English 5min
Sheikh Nazım
Jum‘ah prayer comes only at one time, on one day in the week and with it a door of opportunity opens briefly for the people praying and then closes. We should be thankful to Allāh Almighty for this gift and golden opportunity.
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Know the Value of You Aug14 2019 English 20min
Sheikh Nazım
We are nothing. Everything is Allāh ﷻ. We are so small and yet Allāh ﷻ has given us such value. He ﷻ makes everything perfect even the sacrifice of animals for food. Don’t follow your ego. Follow the way of Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ.
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The Month of Pilgrimage Aug04 2019 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
We have reached the month of Dhū l-Ḥijjah when all the Muslims join together at one point to give their love. Think what a power made this to happen and don’t waste your life searching for why and what. Use your heart, which Allāh Almighty made His ﷻ maqam.
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Be Thankful Aug03 2019 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Be like Sayyidunā Ayyūb (as) who had everything and when it was taken away, he continued to thank his Lord ﷻ. Don’t complain, don’t be envious, don’t make drama. Use the mind Allāh Almighty gave you to appreciate His ﷻ great gifts and be happy that you were not created a donkey.
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No Place for Drama Jul28 2019 English 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Taṣawwuf is to be a good one and to ask good for others. There is no place for drama. Their death day is their best day, the day they go to their love. If you really want something of value from this dunyā, keep the love of Rasūlu Llāh.
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Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ Brought Civilisation Jul27 2019 English 25min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh ﷻ sent Sayyidunā Muḥammad ﷺ as a mercy for everyone. He ﷺ brought humanity to humans. Dig under every civilisation, East or West, and you will find his ﷺ influence. A story about ‘Umar ibnu l-Khaṭṭāb (ra) illustrates the fine character of Muslims and what they are lacking today.
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Adab and Discipline Jul07 2019 English 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ is like the sun, giving light and life. He ﷺ is the example of the best adab and discipline. When you lose adab you lose everything. Muslims have lost both. The Shaykh gives as examples – Egypt, South Korea, and Rome.
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The Value of Your Prophet ﷺ Jul06 2019 English 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Our Du‘ā’ should be, “Yā Rabbi put us with the ṣāliḥīn.” They are the ones who know the value of the Prophet ﷺ and who are not lazy in their love for him ﷺ. Everything else you love, you will leave except the eternal love for Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ and Allāh Almighty and the link for that is a murshid.
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Be a Good One Jul02 2019 English 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Today all people are trying to please shayṭān. No one is thanking or thinking of Allāh ﷻ. But no matter what you do, shayṭān will always be your enemy. Mawlānā's (q) advice to us was always to be a good one and teach others to be good ones also.
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Try to Be Happy with Your Lord Jun30 2019 English 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh ﷻ loves those who are thankful and happy with what He ﷻ gives. He ﷻ wants you to be happy here and promises happiness in the Hereafter. So don’t look for drama, don’t dig for sadness that was buried years ago. In every occasion there is some happiness.
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With the Eyes of Your Heart Jun29 2019 English 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Those who know to give ṣalāt wa-salām on the Prophet ﷺ are mu’min. Those who deny it are munāfiq. Allāh ﷻ gives to the mu’min the ability to see with the eyes of the heart and opens his understanding. He will never be the slave of anyone. Muslims today are the slaves of everybody.
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Lā Taḥzan Jun25 2019 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
"Don’t be sad (lā taḥzan), Allāh ﷻ is with you” (9:40). This is what Allāh ﷻ said to His Prophet ﷺ and what the Prophet ﷺ repeated to his best friend Abū Bakr (ra) when it seemed they were trapped in a cave in the desert. These are words we must remember in these days of tyrants. Believe in your Creator ﷻ before it is too late.
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