Sometimes the murīd is humble and sometimes he expects to reach high stations immediately. Ṭarīqah teaches the ego but doesn’t give it ranks. If the murīd joins for his ego he becomes a toy for shayṭān. Ṭarīqah teaches humbleness.
The Most Perfect Example
Feb25 2018 Turkish 19min
Mawlānā Shaykh Nāẓim (q) was the best example of those who follow the Prophet ﷺ and are thankful to their Lord ﷻ. He was hard on himself and soft with others. He avoided sins and doubtful things.
Respect: The Teaching of the Prophet ﷺ
Feb24 2018 Turkish 19min
Adab is the attribute of the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ taught to show respect to the elderly, to the men of knowledge – ‘ulamā’ and awliyā’ – and to the rulers. The way of no respect is the way of shayṭān.
Barakah, Justice, Mercy, and Shyness
Feb20 2018 English 22min
According to the Prophet ﷺ, Jibrīl (as) will visit earth four times. First he will come to take the Barakah; second to take the Justice; third to take the Mercy and fourth to take the Shyness. We can see this in the world around us so we must continue to ask Allāh ﷻ to give us these things.
The Foolish West
Feb18 2018 English 25min
The countries of the West think they know everything but they don’t know the reality. They have everything but they also have depression. What is important is the heart not the stomach of the ant. The West is working for nonsense.
Everything Needs Effort
Feb13 2018 English 19min
Jealousy is the hardest thing to remove from the ego. Don’t be jealous of Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ, love him purely. Follow the example of Mawlānā Shaykh Nāẓim (qs) and don’t be lazy. As Mullā Naṣru d-Dīn tells us – everything needs effort.
Today's Economy
Feb11 2018 English 25min
If you love, you are happy to give everything. That is why shayṭān is trying to prohibit the love of the Prophet ﷺ and to make people enemies of each other and to make people spend what they don’t have and so make war. This is the economy of today.
Feb08 2018 English 18min
To be zāhid is to care nothing for dunyā whether Allāh ﷻ gives it to you or not. This sohbet explains the advice of Shaqīq al-Balkhī to Sulṭān Ḥārūn ar-Rashīd. A leader should be one who serves the people and keeps them from Hell. A leader should not be one who follows his desire for power or wealth.
Be with the One You Love
Feb07 2018 English 33min
Only Allah ﷻ can cure the heart and bring happiness. Happiness does not come from having material things, even bread for tomorrow. Love Allah ﷻ and love His Prophet ﷺ and Awliyā’, in shā’ a Llāh, you will pass over the bridge with ease and be in Paradise near them.
Don’t Follow Your Self
Feb06 2018 English 29min
Shaykh Mehmet tells the story of Mullā ‘Iwaḍ and Shāh Qubād to illustrate that if you want to progress faster you need a murshid of Ṭarīqah. Don’t think you can direct yourself. What is important is to follow order not to make what you think is good.
Ja‘far aṣ-Ṣādiq's Dream
Feb06 2018 English 21min
The slogan of the ego is: “Love me, don’t love anyone else." People don’t like Sufis because they are trying to humble the ego by increasing love for Allāh ﷻ and for Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ. As the story of Ja‘far aṣ-Ṣādiq’s (qs) dream demonstrates – there is nothing in the world more valuable than that.
The Ottomans
Feb05 2018 English 24min
Before the Ottomans took over, the Muslim world was miserable. They didn’t take over for material gain but in order to unite the ummah under the flag of the Prophet ﷺ with justice for all. Many of the Sulṭans were also saints and they followed spiritual guides.
We Are Weak Servants
Feb04 2018 English 19min
You think you are strong? In front of Allāh Almighty everything is weak, everything. He is the Absolute ﷻ. Nobody can stand in front of Him ﷻ.
The Beauty of Ṭarīqah
Feb03 2018 English 29min
Tell your children about the beauty of Ṭarīqah. It is the spirit of Islām. It is the middle way, the way of adab, the way of the Prophet ﷺ, the Mashāyikh, and the Awliyā’. And do not think of yourself as better than others.
I Am Not Tired from Cleaning Them
Feb01 2018 English 24min
It is time for Mahdī (as) to come and clean the dirtiness of the sins in this world. To clean yourself of dirt, it is easy. But an ocean cannot clean the sins inside you. If you repent, Allāh ﷻ will turn your sins into rewards. So don't lose hope. It is a sin to not respect the Prophet ﷺ, because Allāh ﷻ respects him ﷺ and he ﷺ will make shafā‘ah (intercession) for us on the Day of Qiyāmah. Now, some people are rejecting ṭarīqah, sharī‘ah and ḥadīth. ‘Ulamā’ not accepting ḥadīth are kāfir; next they will reject the Qur‘an. It is important to be in the middle, and be with the majority. Those who are not accepting help from Prophet ﷺ can help themselves.
Belief and Love
Jan27 2018 English 23min
Allāh Almighty is making the beautiful mixture of belief and love. The feeling of belief will be stronger by the love of Rasūla Llāh ﷺ in it. Don't be hopeless. Believe in your Creator ﷻ and love His ﷻ Prophet ﷺ.
Don't Believe in Black Magic
Jan23 2018 English 21min
Believe in Allāh Almighty, not in black magic. Black magic only works if you believe in it. It is better to blame yourself for your faults, and accept the will of Allāh Almighty if you have illness, rather than blame black magic. You must be kāfir to do black magic. They are stupid ones.
Don't Be Afraid
Jan20 2018 Turkish 13min
People think they can change what is happening but only Allāh ﷻ can change things. What is happening now is the will of Allāh ﷻ and our Prophet ﷺ has already told us about it. So watch and don’t be afraid. There is no fear for the believer.