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499 videos available
Flower Your Heart Jun22 2019 English 15min
Sheikh Nazım
We are weak and taṣawwuf puts us in shape. We need a murshid to give us guidance although we can learn from everything, a donkey or a child. We need refreshment for the heart not Wahhābī lectures.
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We Are Spoiled Rich Babies Jun18 2019 English 20min
Sheikh Nazım
We are the worst generation of Muslims since the time of the Prophet ﷺ. The Muslims are born like billionaires. Allāh ﷻ has given them the best of His ﷻ treasures, Islām, and they waste it and don’t appreciate it and lose it. Islām never changes but the Muslims of today are lost.
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Children of Shayṭān Apr23 2019 English 22min
Sheikh Nazım
It is almost Ramaḍān. The ego is never happy with Ramaḍān because it becomes powerless and unable to work fitnah. Allāh ﷻ honoured humanity so do not try to be an animal like those who kill innocent believers. Those who promote this behaviour, like the Wahhabis, are the children of Shayṭān. They only believe in richness.
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No Ordinary Fire Apr16 2019 English 14min
Sheikh Nazım
The cathedral in Paris burned yesterday. Even with all the technology there was nothing they could do. Humanity lost some of its heritage as it did with the loss of holy maqams in Syria and Buddhist statues in Afghanistan. Although we are not happy about it we must try to derive some lesson from the loss. You may think you are free to do anything but Allāh ﷻ has the last say.
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Surrender and Relax Apr12 2019 English 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Laylatu l-Barā’ah is approaching, the most important night of the Muslim calendar when the events of the future year are written. Submit to His ﷻ will and relax. Whatever He ﷻ sends we welcome. It is all in His ﷻ hands.
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Don’t Go into the Fitnah Mar19 2019 English 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Of course we condemn the killings in New Zealand as outside of humanity. All people, whatever their beliefs, are servants of Allāh ﷻ. However, Mawlānā always said to stay away from fitnah. To fight is not good. We say we are fighting for our children’s future but in fact we are destroying it.
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They Died Shahīd Mar16 2019 English 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Yesterday innocent people died when they went for Friday prayer. People today have no common humanity, no mercy. The people who died will be received like kings. Don’t look for justice in this world.
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Key Points of Life Mar12 2019 English 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh Almighty makes things perfect but we need education to see His ﷻ perfection. However, today education belongs to Shayṭān. We need a murshid to help us distinguish the good from the bad. Faith is the key point. The murshid gives us the key point that opens the lock of the heart. Ask for more than Paradise. Ask to be for Allāh ﷻ.
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Good Trade in the Holy Months Mar05 2019 English 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Today is the time of trade, trading work for money. But the best trade is with Allāh Almighty because in that trade you will never lose. Your value lies in your connection to Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ. So give your soul to him ﷺ and in the coming holy months, do good and make trade with Allāh ﷻ.
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Ask for Goodness Feb25 2019 English 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Ask for goodness, ask for help, ask for wealth. Allāh Almighty will give you here or hereafter. Prayer in English means ‘to ask’ but in Arabic it means to physically bow down to your Lord. Life is short. Use it to make a good eternity.
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You Have to Plug in to Allāh Almighty Feb23 2019 English 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh ﷻ created us all for a reason, to be His ﷻ servants. People are born beautiful but they may not end that way. You have to work and spend your life in a good way. Plug in to Allāh Almighty and be in sajdah as much as possible.
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The True Infinity Feb19 2019 English 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Everything in this life has an end but Allāh ﷻ offers us two infinities: one is Jannah and one is Jahannam. They both require effort so make effort for good. To be on the path to Allāh ﷻ you must keep making effort to raise your level to try to get closer to Him ﷻ. Choose the wide and wise door of Allāh Almighty.
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Life Is an Angry River Feb16 2019 English 14min
Sheikh Nazım
This life, like an angry river, takes everything with it. Only the love of Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ is solid. Everything without the love of Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ is nothing.
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Iṣlāḥ and Ifsād Jan26 2019 English 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Continuity is important. Spirituality is available everywhere. The servant of Allāh ﷻ is special and is the Son of Adam. Try to become the best in spirituality. We need a guide to adapt us to today's living conditions. Unlike some who claim to be bringing Islām back but kill people. We need iṣlāḥ, fixing, not ifsād, spoiling. They spoil everything Islām brings with killing. It is the work of Shayṭān. Yet this was all prophesized by the Holy Prophet ﷺ for End Times. That is why they deny many ḥadīths. They don't want wisdom or for others to know how bad they are since the ḥadīths tell about them.
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The Light in Your Heart Jan22 2019 English 17min
Sheikh Nazım
What Allāh ﷻ wills happens and what He ﷻ doesn't will doesn't happen. Muslims surrender to Allāh ﷻ, the Creator. Today, Shayṭān’s system thinks they rule the world with their power. Yet the smallest mishap ruins their power. Pharaoh also claimed the same but Mūsá (as) ruined his rule. They think they are gods but it is false. People today think the Holy Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ is an ordinary man who just brought the Qur’ān. People might be equal but there are levels. Democracy also only gives the choice to elect one from a select few. All systems have collapsed. Nothing is forever here.
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Signs of the End Times Jan19 2019 English 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Muslims think they don't need the intercession of the Holy Prophet ﷺ today. He ﷺ didn't have much in this life. The least of the comforts of today are like the most comfortable of those times. Since we have much of everything it means we are near the end. Ask for the mercy of Allāh ﷻ and the shafā‘ah of the Prophet ﷺ. We have hard times ahead of us. Ask for His ﷻ forgiveness and to be under His ﷻ mercy.
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Good Luck or Bad Luck Jan15 2019 English 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh ﷻ is the only one that will remain. It is very important to prostrate to the Lord. Fame, power, and wealth are what humans are attracted to, and Allāh ﷻ is the most famous, most powerful and most wealthy. People wait in line for hours for a special event but there is no waiting to enter the mosque. Allāh ﷻ wants us to be on the side of good luck, not bad luck. Shayṭān shows what is bad as good.
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Surrender to Allāh Almighty Jan12 2019 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Humans were created to worship Allāh ﷻ. He ﷻ set up our future already. He ﷻ created everything for a reason. He ﷻ has assigned everything for us, including our sustenance and lifetime. We surrender to Allāh Almighty as Muslims and are thus on the safe side.
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