The Shaykh talks about the women saints: Khadījatu l-Kubrà, Shaykh ‘Abdu-Llāh’s wife Ḥalīmah, and Shaykh Nāẓim’s wife, Ḥaji Anne. By supporting their husbands and taking care of dunyā matters, by keeping their ‘ibādah and teaching others, they earned high stations and Paradise. We can get their blessing by following their examples.
Don’t Argue
Oct29 2017 English 22min
Mawlānā always said that adab is more important than ‘ilm. Knowledge can take you to either a good or a bad way but with good behaviour you are becoming Insānu l-Kāmil. Adab means being polite and respectful and not to argue or fight. He tells the story of Abū Bakr aṣ-Ṣiddīq (ra) and of Shaybān Rā‘ī (q).
Shaykh Raja Ashman (q)
Oct28 2017 English 25min
When Allāh ﷻ wants good for a person He ﷻ sends someone to be the key to open their heart to Islām. Shaykh Raja Ashman (q) was such a key for his people. The year 2000 was a test for people to learn wisdom. Some followed and some left ṭarīqah. When in need ask madad from Mawlānā, from Shaykh Raja Ashman. They are near to you and will help you.
Time Waits for No One
Oct28 2017 English 22min
Don’t delay good deeds or you will lose. Follow the perfect example of the Prophet ﷺ who never stopped working and calling people to Islām. Complete the five pillars of Islām as best and as quickly as you can. Never be lazy for Ākhirah.
Haqqani Maulid Ensemble
Oct28 2017 48min
Raja Eleena's house, Janda Baik, Malaysia
Pure for Allāh ﷻ
Oct27 2017 English 23min
Your religion must be pure for Allāh ﷻ, without ego. Studying can make ego bigger. You need help of awliyā’. He tells of the great scholar and awliyā’, Sufyān ath-Thawrī, who refused position and wealth to be pure for Allāh ﷻ and whose miracles are many.
Khatmu l-Khwajagān
Oct26 2017 38min
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Be Straight
Oct26 2017 English 13min
Don’t look at what makes people happy. Only look what makes Allāh ﷻ happy. Nothing else has value. Real love is from Allāh ﷻ. Advertisement may bring more people but mostly it is lying, cheating. If it is not straight, it has no benefit.
Dhikr in Jakarta
Oct24 2017 26min
Brawijaya Dergah
Naqshbandiyyati l-‘Āliyyah
Oct24 2017 English 59min
Ṭarīqah Naqshbandiyyati l-‘Āliyyah means the highest ṭarīqah. There are many ways. Each ṭarīqah helps to take people to heavenly stations, and increase their maqāmāt. Shaykh comes to Indonesia because on the Day of Promises the people were chosen to be Naqshbandī, and these visits complete this promise. Ṭarīqah is a gift from Allāh ﷻ. It is very important to respect other ṭuruq and their mashāyikh. Wukalā’ have been chosen to give ṣuḥbah, bay‘ah, make dhikr and to help people to come to hidāyah.
History of the Naqshbandiyyah
Oct21 2017 English 34min
From Abū Bakr aṣ-Ṣiddīq to Mawlānā Shaykh Nāẓim the shuyūkh of this ṭarīqah have been inheritors of the Prophet ﷺ, representing his ﷺ attributes, giving light and barakah to the Ummah, not looking for dunyā. To follow Sharī‘ah is a pillar of the Naqshbandīyyah. We must respect all the shuyūkh and awliyā’ of all ṭuruq.
Ṣafaru l-Khayr
Oct21 2017 English 13min
This month is heavy but Mawlānā said it is good for the believers and bad for the oppressors. Make Istighfār and give Ṣadaqah for protection and Allāh ﷻ created everything to serve the believers. He tells the story of the walī ‘Izzu d-Dīn and the wind.
Love My Ahlu l-Bayt
Oct19 2017 English 20min
The Prophet ﷺ said: Follow Qur’an and my Sunnah and respect my Ahlu l-Bayt. This is the teaching of Ṭarīqah and the way to strengthen your Īmān. We must love Prophet ﷺ and obey him ﷺ and Allāh ﷻ will love us.
The Heart of Īmān
Oct18 2017 English 34min
Our goal is to have strong Īmān. How we get this is by loving and respecting the Prophet ﷺ and following the orders of Allāh ﷻ. To do this and keep it our whole lives we need Ṭarīqah and a Shaykh to help us.
The Teaching of Awliyā’u Llāh
Oct17 2017 English 5min
Awliyā’ like Shaqīq al-Balkhī (q) teach us to put our trust totally in Allāh ﷻ. He ﷻ never dies, He ﷻ never changes, He ﷻ will never be bankrupt or change. From Him ﷻ we came and to Him ﷻ we are going, nowhere else.