Be of the Nation of Ibrāhīm (as)
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Jun12 2017 Turkish 16min
Who follows in the way of the Prophet Ibrāhīm (as) will be raised by Allāh ﷻ higher and higher. Who doesn’t follow him will be worthless. The Ottomans prided themselves in being of his nation, neither Jew nor Christian but true believers.
Keep from Bad Thoughts
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Jun11 2017 Turkish 14min
Be careful and stay away from bad thoughts. Do not accuse others of wanting to harm you. Be humble and think good of your brother.
The Value of Al-Fātiḥah
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Jun10 2017 Turkish 12min
If all the holy books were weighed against the value of Al-Fātiḥah, they would all come up short. Allāh ﷻ saved this most precious sūraḥ for His Beloved Muḥammad ﷺ who shared it with his ummah. Reading it brings cure and safety and successful du‘ā’.
The Companions of Badr
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Jun09 2017 Turkish 20min
This is the anniversary of the first battle in Islām. There were 313 companions who fought and 8 who stayed behind to guard Medina. These are the most honoured and exalted of Ṣaḥābah. Make du‘ā’ in their names for barakah. There were also 5000 angels who fought beside them and they are the most honoured of angels.
The Most Forgiving
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Jun08 2017 Turkish 13min
When you sin you only hurt yourself. Ask forgiveness and Allāh ﷻ will forgive. As many times as you ask He ﷻ will forgive you and even reward you for your repentance. He ﷻ is the most Generous, the most Forgiving.
Don't Be Heedless
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Jun07 2017 Turkish 10min
The Prophet ﷺ used to make du‘ā’ not to be heedless, not to forget Allāh ﷻ for even a second. There are oceans of wisdom to be learned from this.
Ask Only from Allāh ﷻ
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Jun06 2017 Turkish 14min
The Prophet ﷺ says: Don’t debase yourself by asking from people. Why ask from the poor when the richest one has offered you everything. Ask from Allāh ﷻ only. What He ﷻ gives comes with barakah.
Ottoman Islām Is Real Islām
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Jun05 2017 Turkish 22min
Remembering June 5th, 50 years ago, 100 years ago, when the Ottoman Caliphate was broken into 40 small pieces and the Muslims were cheated by the unbelievers into following shayṭān. The Ottomans represented the real Islām and were a benefit for all humanity. We can only pray for the swift arrival of S. Mahdī (as).
Give Salāms
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Jun04 2017 Turkish 14min
Give salāms, greetings, when you enter a building or meet in the street. It is Allāh’s ﷻ order to return the greeting. This creates friendship and warmth between people and helps to make us more human and less wild.
Don't Betray
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Jun03 2017 Turkish 9min
Don’t be a betrayer. Don’t cheat others. Allāh ﷻ knows what you expose and what you keep hidden. There is no cheating Him ﷻ. If you ask for forgiveness the door of mercy is open until Qiyāmah.
The Blessings of Ramaḍān
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Jun02 2017 Turkish 18min
There are so many special blessings for those fasting the month of Ramaḍān. The first day Allāh ﷻ looks with the look of mercy, every day the Angels pray, and by the end the worshipper is cleaned of all dirtiness. We pray that all people believe and receive these blessing.
Īmān Is Cleanliness
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Jun01 2017 Turkish 11min
Cleanliness is an important part of Islām. A believer is clean inside and out. Even if an unbeliever appears beautiful, they are not acceptable in the Divine Presence.
Don't Waste
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May31 2017 Turkish 16min
Be careful with your dress and your food. Don’t be extravagant and don’t waste. What you don’t eat, give to the poor or to the animals. Don’t throw it away. Allāh ﷻ doesn’t like waste.
Islam Is the Secret of Happiness
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May30 2017 Turkish 12min
When Allāh ﷻ wants happiness for someone He opens their heart to Islām. Islām is a perfect even down to the small details. Be thankful to Allāh ﷻ you are Muslim and His ﷻ favours will continue and never be cut.
The Most Perfect Way
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May29 2017 Turkish 13min
The way of Shāh-i Naqshband follows the Prophet ﷺ and is the most perfect pure way. It brings knowledge and light for everyone. It teaches spiritual and material knowledge, adab, and respect for others.
A Living Shaykh
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May28 2017 Turkish 24min
Make people to remember. Reminding people is important. The Prophet ﷻ was the first to remind his nation and then the four caliphs after him. We must have a living shaykh who serves as a reminder of the prophets and mashāyikh, a door to light and blessing.
Time Is a Precious Jewel
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May27 2017 Turkish 15min
People today do not know the value of time and they are not thankful. They throw it away. Who fasts feels the value of time. Ramaḍān reminds us of the value of time and worship.
Fasting: The Complete Worship
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May26 2017 Turkish 21min
Ramaḍān is Allāh’s ﷻ gift for believers. Maybe your praying or your ablution are not perfectly complete, but if you refrain from food and water during the day your fasting can be a complete worship. It is a gift physically and spiritually and we are thankful for it.