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Seyyidi Khalid al Baghdadi Jul23 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
"Seyyidi Khalid al-Baghdadi" is an important Shaykh in the Golden Chain. No silsila can claim that it is a Naqshibandi silsila without including Shaykh Khalid.
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Hadra Jul22 2011
Sheikh Nazım
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Juma Sohbat Jul22 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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The Ottomans and the Islamic Caliphate Jul22 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana explains the necessity of having a Khalifa for Muslims. The presence of an Islamic Caliphate is a legal requirement of Islamic Shari'at. But these Shaytans have removed the Caliphate and have fooled the Muslims into using Democratic systems and man-made laws. Without an Islamic Caliphate, the Muslim nation is left bare and defenseless against the onslaught of unbelievers, tyrants and oppressors. This is true not only for the Islamic world, but the Christian one as well. Atheism spread quickly and powerfully in Europe after the fall of the kingdoms and the spread of nationalist democratic states. "Osmanlılar ve İslam Hilafeti - The Ottomans and the Islamic Caliphate - الخلافة العثمانية خلافة إسلامية”
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It Was a Dream I Was Waiting For Jul21 2011 English 46min
Sheikh Nazım
Yesterday the Greek journalist, Mr. Yorgos Xepapadakos, made an important interview with Mawlana. Mr. Yorgos smartly knew that to truly meet with the Master, you need to give in to him. Therefore, he open heartedly met with Mawlana, yet, was able to handle an excellent interview; one, that so many people will benefit from. Mawlana was pleased with Mr. Yorgos, and supported him. He called him, My Grandson. "It Was a Dream I Was Waiting For”.
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Photos Jul21 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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Kible Ve Halife Jul20 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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The World Today Jul19 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
"The World Today - الدنيا اليوم" has reached a state where justice, honesty, reason and understanding have no place any more. In these conditions, Mawlana says, "Be careful whom you trust”.
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Imam Zuhr Jul19 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
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We Are Muslims Jul19 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
What is the secret in small things that allows them to grow and become great? How can a poor Orphan (sas) in the unknown desserts of Arabia become the Founder a worldwide religion with millions of sincere followers from all-over the world, allowing history and civilization to be born on these lands? How could the Great Ottomans rule the whole world raising Allah's word and the Banner of His Prophet (sas)? How could such a magnificent empire be destroyed by a group of young people, whose beliefs, intentions and lineages are obscure? Why, "We are Osmanlis / Ottomans"? And what can we do to save the honor of Islam? These are some of the issues Mawlana addresses in the important Sohbat, "Müslümanız -We Are Muslims - نحن مسلمون".
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The Old Maqams of Lebanon Jul17 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
”The Old Maqams of Lebanon - مقامات وزيارات بلبنان" honoring an old Lebanese brother, Mawlana remembers and reminds of all the old important holy tombs in Lebanon. These Maqams many people do not know or forgot about but, as Mawlana said, their traditional character has been kept intact, a quality which makes them unique and which Mawlana admires.
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Thank to Allah Jul17 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Addressing some guests from Kuwait, Mawlana explained how everything in this life passes away and how Allah (swt) is pleased with His thanking servant, "Thank to Allah - شكرا لله".
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Babayasa Jul17 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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Berat Duaa Jul15 2011
Sheikh Nazım
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Hadra Jul15 2011
Sheikh Nazım
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Sakal Barat Jul15 2011
Sheikh Nazım
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Juma Sohbat Jul15 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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Advice to All Jul14 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
Last Thursday, Mawlana gave a special English sohbat. In this sohbat, Mawlana left no subject untouched. He explained something about everything. And because of the wide scope of subjects in this sohbat, it was difficult to find it a proper name. When this was mentioned to Mawlana he said call it, "Nasihah Lil 'Ammah - نصيحة للعامّة" (= Advice to All).
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