This wisdom of life is to accept with happiness what it is that Allah has given you. You must assume that it is the best for you. If you complain and make trouble it will only be worse for you. He tells the story of Musa (sas) and the man buried in the sand.
The Real Meaning of Dervish
Jun30 2015 Turkish 12min
A dervish is someone totally devoted to Allah, for whom the world holds no attraction. He may be dirty on the outside but he is very clean on the inside. He tells the story of the Sultan who tried to give money to the dervishes and was unable. The true dervishes wouldn’t accept and the ones who wanted to take were not real.
Love Each Other
Jun29 2015 Turkish 10min
It is important for Muslims to keep love for each other. And it is the duty of other Muslims to help them reconcile if they have problems. It is the aim of shaytan to separate the Muslims and make enmity between them, so love each other.
Under the Shadow of Quran
Jun28 2015 Turkish 15min
Everything is in The Quran. It is a blessing and a benefit. You can learn to read it with ease, especially non-Arabs. You are rewarded for each letter, each word you read. Doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, there is more blessing in reading it in the original Arabic.
No Expiry Date for Islam
Jun27 2015 Turkish 18min
Allah sent 313 Prophets with Books of Truth but people don’t like to hear the truth. When a new prophet came the old order finished. All of them have been superseded by the Last Prophet, Sayyidina Muhammad (sas), and the Last Book, The Qur’an. All people now must follow Islam and Islam has no expiration date.
The Wisdom of Zakat
Jun26 2015 Turkish 30min
This month we try to worship as much as we can. One of our obligations is Zakat - a 2.5% tithe on our property every lunar year. Zakat is to clean and to increase our property and give us physical and spiritual strength. We can give any time but there are even more blessings if we give in Ramadan.
Jun26 2015 15min
The Most Perfect One
Jun25 2015 Turkish 12min
Allah created the Prophet most perfect. Nobody can be compared to him. He was taught every good, every benefit, for all human beings. Benefit comes from following his sunnah but the ego does not like to follow. However, if we follow Allah’s order it will benefit us both physically and spiritually.
Allah’s Mercy Is Most Precious
Jun24 2015 Turkish 12min
The best thing a creature can receive in this life is the Mercy of Allah. The only real thing is the Mercy of Allah and His blessings. If you believe and obey the orders of Allah, the Prophet (sas) and follow Tariqa you will receive His Mercy and be in paradise.
Knowledge and Ignorance
Jun23 2015 Turkish 13min
Knowledge is important but knowledge that leads to the world is ignorance. People considered knowledgeable by the world have no rank in the hereafter unless they also have knowledge of Allah, His Prophets and His Books. With the baraka of Ramadan look for knowledge.
Life Is for Testing
Jun22 2015 Turkish 13min
Don’t complain about the small things in your life. Nothing in dunya is supposed to be perfect. Accept people are they are and be glad your problems are small because they could be changed for bigger ones. Some people do have big problems and we pray not to be one of them.
Everything Is Counted
Jun21 2015 Turkish 16min
Who is following Ahl as-Sunnah wa l-Jama'at is on the right way. Whole world now against Islam. All good deeds are being counted by Allah so we are not afraid of what the world thinks. Mawlana used to say that TV is a shaytan box but when compared to the internet it appears to be a very small shaytan. Allah keep us safe from this and bring Sayyidina Mahdi to clean the world soon.
The Power of Belief
Jun20 2015 Turkish 12min
A man becomes Muslim by taking Shahada but the highest level he reaches only by Allah and with the help of a sheikh. This is the level of Belief, the highest level of man.
Fasting Is Light
Jun19 2015 Turkish
Fasting is Allah’s and He is the one who rewards it. From the time of Adam (as) fasting has been given to man in order to improve him physically and spiritually. Fasting brought light to the face of our father Adam (as) and will do the same for us.
Shahru Ramadan
Jun18 2015 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Mehmet speaks on the blessings of Ramadan. It is the best month of the year. Its rewards are from Allah so they cannot be listed or counted. It may look difficult on the outside but it is actually light and full of blessing.
Remember Allah
May30 2015 English 27min
When people are in distress they pray with sincerity to Allah. But when their distress is relieved they forget their promises, and forget Allah. Tariqa teaches remembrance of Allah always. Like Sultan Mehmet Fatih who never forgot his Lord. Naqshbandi Tariqa teaches the dhikr khafi, the remembrance that the heart makes at all times.
The Sweetness of Iman
May29 2015 English 12min
Tariqat is a favour from Allah. It is not for everyone but only for those chosen. When you taste real Iman (faith) you forget everything else. He tells the story of S. Isa (as) and the hermit who asked for Iman.
Shari’a, Tariqa, Ma’rifa, Haqiqa
May28 2015 English 25min
There are four doors to Allah: Shari’a, Tariqa, Ma’rifa and Haqiqa. Sheikh Mehmet Efendi tells a story from Mawlana Rumi to illustrate the differences. Most important is to accept that all is from Allah, the good and the not so good, and to be patient and accept. This will raise your station higher and higher.