We try but we are limited because our ego is never satisfied with its Lord. Muslims today are sleeping. Their saints are singers and dancers. They need to wake up and look at the big picture.
Light the Other Candle
Mar25 2018 English 17min
It is important to know that you are returning to Allāh ﷻ. Be careful of your next step. For goodness you must return goodness, as one candle lights the other.
Sufism Teaches to Be a Good One
Mar17 2018 English 14min
The biggest fight today is against Sufism. Everyone wants to know what it teaches. Mawlānā said his teaching is only to make people good ones. Our hearts are open, our house is open. Come and learn.
West, Wake Up!
Mar13 2018 English 19min
It is only wine and pork that keep the West from Islām. Wake up! Remember you will die and be judged. Allāh ﷻ is the ruler and He ﷻ gives everyone a role, good or bad. Whatever your role, try to do something good to gain His ﷻ forgiveness.
Allāh Almighty Is Preparing the Bill
Mar06 2018 English 27min
Come back to your Lord ﷻ. No one is free. In the end they will be questioned and there will be a bill to pay. Now in those days we must pray two raka‘āt ṣalātu l-istighfār every day.
Allāh Almighty's Gift
Mar04 2018 English 24min
Don’t be shy to say you are Muslim. This is Allāh’s ﷻ gift to you because He loves His servants. Keep it carefully. Don’t love shayṭān. Even if you are sincere you can follow the wrong way. Sometimes you need help in recognising shayṭān and this is why you need a murshid.
Barakah, Justice, Mercy, and Shyness
Feb20 2018 English 22min
According to the Prophet ﷺ, Jibrīl (as) will visit earth four times. First he will come to take the Barakah; second to take the Justice; third to take the Mercy and fourth to take the Shyness. We can see this in the world around us so we must continue to ask Allāh ﷻ to give us these things.
The Foolish West
Feb18 2018 English 25min
The countries of the West think they know everything but they don’t know the reality. They have everything but they also have depression. What is important is the heart not the stomach of the ant. The West is working for nonsense.
Everything Needs Effort
Feb13 2018 English 19min
Jealousy is the hardest thing to remove from the ego. Don’t be jealous of Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ, love him purely. Follow the example of Mawlānā Shaykh Nāẓim (qs) and don’t be lazy. As Mullā Naṣru d-Dīn tells us – everything needs effort.
Today's Economy
Feb11 2018 English 25min
If you love, you are happy to give everything. That is why shayṭān is trying to prohibit the love of the Prophet ﷺ and to make people enemies of each other and to make people spend what they don’t have and so make war. This is the economy of today.
Ja‘far aṣ-Ṣādiq's Dream
Feb06 2018 English 21min
The slogan of the ego is: “Love me, don’t love anyone else." People don’t like Sufis because they are trying to humble the ego by increasing love for Allāh ﷻ and for Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ. As the story of Ja‘far aṣ-Ṣādiq’s (qs) dream demonstrates – there is nothing in the world more valuable than that.
We Are Weak Servants
Feb04 2018 English 19min
You think you are strong? In front of Allāh Almighty everything is weak, everything. He is the Absolute ﷻ. Nobody can stand in front of Him ﷻ.
Belief and Love
Jan27 2018 English 23min
Allāh Almighty is making the beautiful mixture of belief and love. The feeling of belief will be stronger by the love of Rasūla Llāh ﷺ in it. Don't be hopeless. Believe in your Creator ﷻ and love His ﷻ Prophet ﷺ.
Don't Believe in Black Magic
Jan23 2018 English 21min
Believe in Allāh Almighty, not in black magic. Black magic only works if you believe in it. It is better to blame yourself for your faults, and accept the will of Allāh Almighty if you have illness, rather than blame black magic. You must be kāfir to do black magic. They are stupid ones.
The Main Concept of Taṣawwuf
Jan14 2018 English 26min
The most important thing in taṣawwuf is to have a murshid; a direct link to to Rasūla Llāh ﷺ and to Allāh Almighty. We must think wisely and act wisely. We have a murshid to ask, so that we gain better understanding and can make the right choices.
Taṣawwuf Makes You Love Each Other
Jan13 2018 English
Taṣawwuf is teaching us to love humanity. When it existed hundreds of years ago, in every home, in every area, every city, all countries, there was safety. Now, looking at the Arab world, there is no taṣawwuf and Muslims are eating each other. Because they have no mercy. Shayṭān does not want taṣawwuf. We must learn how to love our brothers, our neighbours, and humanity. Allāh ﷻ gave a us a duty to be a human and to teach humanity.
The First Teaching of Taṣawwuf
Jan09 2018 English 19min
Nowadays people try to fix everything. But, we are here as students of taṣawwuf. The first teaching is to fix your own ego. Not the ego of those around you, or trying to fix the country, or the world. First educate yourself and make yourself a good one. Ask your murshid to guide you. Try to open the curtain of your ego and connect to your heart. After we open the curtain then we may be able to do rābiṭah.
Appreciate What He Gives You
Jan04 2018 English 16min
Mawlānā taught us everything. He spoilt us all, made us laugh and cry, dance and pray. Mawlānā gave everything and still gives. We have to appreciate it. Al-ḥamdu liLlāh we are such lucky ones to be in his presence.