Find a true murshid. He will show you all the details; where everything is hidden. When reading a newspaper Mawlānā Shaykh showed Sheikh Bahauddin how the important news was in the corner, written in small. Headlines are only advertisement. The important news does not appear as a headline. A murshid will show you the details and put you on the straight way to Allāh Almighty.
Honoured by His ﷺ Birth
Nov26 2017 English 23min
This is the month in which the planet was honoured by the birth of the Prophet ﷺ. Jibrīl (as) was his holy friend. He started life as an orphan in the desert and in 63 years he ﷺ brought the Truth for everyone equally. Even those who do not accept him copy the law that he brought.
Don’t Be Arrogant
Nov14 2017 English 17min
Don’t be arrogant and say you are strong. Allāh ﷻ will give you something to show you your weakness. Don’t judge others. Don’t disrespect the ṣaḥābah and awliyā’. Don’t try to fix perfection. This is not Islām.
Be with the True One
Nov12 2017 English 16min
This is a hard time because the true ones are few and hard to find. Happiness comes from love of Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ. Love for him ﷺ is the true love. It is the plan of shayṭān to destroy this love for the Prophet ﷺ and his companions and awliyā’ by first destroying their graves.
Spiritual and Material Balance
Nov11 2017 English 16min
It is important to have a murshid to help you follow in the way of Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ. He will help you find a balance between your spiritual and material life because then you can fly safely.
Swimming in the Spiritual Ocean
Oct08 2017 English 21min
Man thinks he is becoming better but he is becoming more ignorant, more proud and less human. He must know why he was made and why he was given favours and he must spend them according to Allāh’s ﷻ order. He must follow taṣawwuf and swim in the spiritual ocean without caring about dunyā.
Allāh ﷻ Is Shaking the Planet
Sep26 2017 English 23min
We need to know why we are in dunyā. We need to act like humans to each other, calm and kind. It is our intention that is rewarded so make good intention and expect big happenings in Muḥarram.
Sharī‘ah and Ṭarīqah Are Twins
Sep24 2017 English 25min
Don’t make your life a drama. Be thankful. Sharī‘ah is too hard by itself. Tarīqah is too soft. You need a balance of both in this world and you need a murshid to guide you.
Be the Color of Your Shaykh
Sep19 2017 English 16min
Now the time for playing is over. Know who you are and why you are here. Don’t judge others, don’t break hearts, don’t be rude, don’t fight. Be humble, be kind, be hospitable and follow your Shaykh. Leave your bad behaviour behind and come.
The Biggest Sin Is to Kill
Sep09 2017 English 23min
These are heavy days. Allāh ﷻ created us human, the most beautiful and complete creature on this planet. We are forbidden to hurt even an ant. People have forgotten Allāh ﷻ but He ﷻ has not forgotten us. Good or bad will finish and we will all return to Him ﷻ.
Is There Anyone with Wisdom?
Aug13 2017 English 16min
This is only a temporary home. Everything belongs to Allāh ﷻ. If you spent your whole life in sajdah it wouldn’t be enough to thank Him ﷻ. And when the food, drink, air He ﷻ gives you is done, you die. So use it well and move on.
The Finger of Shayṭān
Aug12 2017 English 21min
Shayṭān is the enemy of all humanity. It is his finger that is stirring the troubles in the whole world. Could it be possible that they are killing their brothers for Allāh ﷻ? Our biggest test is to not believe in shayṭān.
“Nothing” Means “Everything”
Aug08 2017 English 24min
Shaykh Bahauddin gives two pieces of advice. Be positive because negativity makes you and the people around you miserable. Be humble and think of others first. This is the way of the Awliyā’u Llāh and the way of ṭarīqah. Sajda is the true prayer.
Accept Your Weakness
Aug06 2017 English 14min
Allah ﷻ loves those who continue what they start. Don’t claim you are strong and you can do this. We are like batteries that weaken and need to be recharged. We need the awliyā and our shaykh recharge us. Accept your weakness and the magnificence of Allah Almighty ﷻ.
Be Satisfied with Your Lord
Aug05 2017 English 25min
Without shukr and tawba there is no satisfaction. Today nobody is satisfied with their Lord even though they are overloaded with favours. If you are pleased with your Lord ﷻ He is pleased with you and you will enter the door of death with welcome.
Give Your Soul to Rasūlu Llāh
Jul25 2017 English 16min
We pray to be constantly engaged in salawātu r-Rasūl and to pledge our souls to him ﷺ. Only this will keep us safe from our ego. Our aim is to be under the eye and in the heart of Rasūlu Llāh. ﷺ.
Dervish in Your Heart
Jul22 2017 English 22min
The purpose of tasawwuf is to make your heart dervish. Even if you own the whole world it will make no difference. You cannot catch dunya, it is both for everyone and for no one. Ask from Allāh ﷻ and then walk, today everything is beyond our power.
The Freedom of Donkeys
Jul11 2017 English 21min
Everybody wants to be free. They want the freedom of a donkey trampling a field of melons without regard for the farmer, donkey freedom. Islām gives you real freedom. Think of the good of others and know that you are weak and Allāh ﷻ is the absolute Ruler.