The world is worshipping dunyā’. Very, very few are thinking of Allāh ﷻ or Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ. Either we understand or we are forced to understand. Only our love for Allāh ﷻ, for the Prophet ﷺ, and for our Shaykh (q) will save us.
Humbleness Brings Happiness
May23 2017 English 19min
It is important to know what it is that Allāh ﷻ gives you. Health, air, water. The illness of today is to complain. Be ‘Abdu sh-Shakūr, Allāh’s ﷻ thankful servant. Be humble to all. Know that only Allāh ﷻ is Great and you will be happy.
You Are Responsible
May21 2017 English 27min
Muslims have to wake up. Allāh ﷻ has been so generous with them both spiritually and materially. Like the woodcutter who spent one night in the grave, they will have to answer for what they did with what they have been given. Don’t play with Allāh ﷻ.
Make Your Service with Love
May20 2017 English 19min
Hj Anne taught her children to pray with love and then play. We all have a duty to do. Who is thankful does his duty with love. Whatever is done with love is accepted, in shā’a Llāh.
Learn to Love
May16 2017 English 22min
Love of the Prophet ﷺ is the most important thing and you need a Shaykh to teach you how to love. Mawlānā’s intention was to serve and he was open to everyone. He taught how to be human, he brought civilization to the whole world.
Be Good to Your Parents
May14 2017 English 23min
We are connected to the love of the Prophet ﷺ. This is enough for us. Allāh ﷻ says to be good to your parents (4:36). Allāh ﷻ put love in their hearts for you like His ﷻ love for His ﷻ servants. Remember them all days of the year.
Know Your Enemy
May13 2017 English 18min
Shayṭān knows us inside out and he is never tired trying to divert us from the truth by making his deception more shiny. But Mawlānā Shaykh Nāẓim is still with us, guiding us. Follow his spiritual presence and do the duty Allāh ﷻ has given you to do and be thankful.
Ask Advice
May02 2017 English 19min
The Ḥadīth of the Prophet ﷺ is: Who asks advice will not go wrong. The Ṣaḥābah asked the Prophet ﷺ everything. We ask the Shaykh. The Awliyā’ know things we can never know.
Apr30 2017 English 20min
Allāh ﷻ gives you everything. Like the soup called borscht that has every vegetable in it, take what Allāh ﷻ gives you and make the soup to your taste. Don’t be arrogant. A wild human is worse than an animal.
Look for the Spirit
Apr29 2017 English 18min
Allāh ﷻ made us with body and soul. Without the soul we are dead. Today we know the books but have lost the spirit. Taṣawwuf brings the spirit. Be full of love for Allāh ﷻ, the Prophet ﷺ, and Awliyā’, and be alive.
Checkmate for Culture
Apr25 2017 English 21min
Everyone has culture. The culture of the Muslims is Wuḍū’, to keep clean all the time, to do everything for Allāh ﷻ. People today are wild. They need pruning and training. This is the job of Anbiyā’, Awliyā’ and ‘Ulamā’. Your ego is your enemy or it would be called ‘amigo’.
Our Hope
Apr23 2017 English 26min
Everything created must end. The world has an end and we also have an end. Instead of planning for this world, we should plan for the next. The Prophet ﷺ cares first about saving his nation and his nation includes everyone. He is our only hope.
The Purity of a Child
Apr22 2017 English 18min
The true meaning of the Arabic word ‘ummīy’ is pure, clean. We must learn from the purity of children. He tells a Naṣrū d-Dīn story to illustrate that knowledge comes from Allāh ﷻ and can be spoken clearly by the pure.
A Message from Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ
Apr18 2017 English 23min
Mawlānā asks, does Allāh ﷻ prefer the one who is ‘Abdu ṣ-Ṣabūr or the one who is ‘Abdu sh-Shukūr? We can never be thankful enough for all the gifts of our Creator. Shaykh Bahauddin tells of a dream he had in which the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, was hugging Mawlānā, bringing a message from the Prophet ﷺ.
Victory for Islam
Apr16 2017 English 19min
As Allāh ﷻ promised in Sūratu r-Rūm, Europe will be renewed and Islām will be victorious. Allāh ﷻ protects His Qur’ān. Don’t be confused. Follow those who love Allāh ﷻ and His Prophet ﷺ, not those who think they are the Judge.
Spirituality Teaches Humanity
Apr15 2017 English 20min
Spirituality teaches us how to be as we were created to be, to return to our original humanity. Today between the ego and shayṭān we cannot distinguish truth from untruth. With spirituality, first we ask our heart then we ask our Murshid and we will find the true way.
The Best Food Ever
Apr11 2017 English 23min
Time is precious: one third for work, one third for rest and one third for worship. Everything has its proper value. One ṣaḥābah prepared a meal for the Prophet ﷺ for six months but he spoke one word that made the Prophet ﷺ ashamed to eat it.
Student All Your Life
Mar26 2017 English 20min
Mawlānā taught that you have been a student all your life. It does not stop when you finish school. Don't say “I have finished.” It is important to keep learning. The key of learning is adab; to be humble.