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So Said Allah Sep19 2013 Turkish 32min
Sheikh Nazım
The Lord of Might and Glory sends new manifestations daily. Shah-i Mardan receives them through the Master of the Universe. Those who love Shah-i Mardan and listen to his words will receive honour. The All-Powerful is sending support for His weak servants. The Prophet, alaihi salatu wa s-salam would tremble when saying: “So said Allah”. The Companions too would tremble.
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Beauty & Ugliness Sep18 2013 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Your only job in this world is to protect the light and the beauty Allah gave you at your creation. Follow the friends of Shahi Mardan. They present to you a rose garden that never wilts or decays. Beauty is from Heaven not from fashion or make-up. Allah makes every day beautiful and a brand new sun to rise in the sky. The servants of such a Lord could not be other than beautiful. Keep your beauty.
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Shaytan's Daughter Sep17 2013 Turkish 35min
Sheikh Nazım
Everyday shaytan takes a beautifully dressed girl to the market place and offers her to anyone who will follow him. He calls this woman his daughter and he asks for her a heavy dowry. Everyone fights for her hand. No one sees that she is just dressed well and covered in jewels but her face is hideous. At the end of the day shaytan takes her away and gives her to no one. Who is this daughter of shaytan?
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You Have Not Created This in Vain (3:191) Sep16 2013 Turkish 36min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah has created nothing in this world without purpose.(3:191) Man must understand his honorable place in creation. Nothing in the world was made except to serve him, be useful to him. In the mountains of Lebanon alone there are 700 different plants, all of them with a use for man, for his physical being and his spiritual being. But men today are ignorant and they invent poisons they call medicine and they kill and they destroy. They have forgotten Allah so He has forgotten them (9:67).
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The Sultanate To Be Destroyed Sep14 2013 Turkish 26min
Sheikh Nazım
There is nothing in this world worth being greedy for. Adam (as) speaks to us, his children, and warns us not to make the mistake he made; not to do as he did. Be the honoured servants of Allah and do not become the slaves of shaytan and his dunya. Let us destroy the sultanate of shaytan and raise the banners of Islam.
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At Dawn Sep13 2013 Turkish 32min
Sheikh Nazım
Wake up. In the hour before dawn the Roses of the Throne bloom, the heavenly nightingales sing. Smell the fragrance, hear the song. Become refreshed and rejoice and be beautiful. Receive the honor given you by your Lord and praise and exalt Him only. Leave the world and its filth that gives you nothing. Do not be asleep.
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The Shining Star Sep12 2013 Turkish 27min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah loves beauty not ugliness. He sent 124,000 prophets to train mankind and teach them adab. With adab you can shine like a star. Learn from the stories related in The Quran. Pharaoh wanted to be loved but he went too far in asking to be worshiped. Leave dunya and leave fighting over dunya. Love your Lord, the One Who created you.
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Stars and Darkness Sep11 2013 Turkish 27min
Sheikh Nazım
Look up at the Sultanate of the Sky, don't look down at dunya. The blackness indicates the unknowable Greatness of Allah. What is the desire of the stars? To celebrate the light of their Creator. Be a star. The guide to being a star was sent to you. You must be within the rivers of love. This is what the stars are looking for. Run from the darkness of dunya whose only aim is to steal your light.
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The Good For The Good (24:26) Sep10 2013 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Beautiful things are for the pure ones. Allah created the Children of Adam beautiful, and radiant with light, yet they persist in dishonouring their rank. O Man, exalt what Allah has exalted.
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The Dunya Bath Sep09 2013 Turkish 34min
Sheikh Nazım
By Allah's Order, dunya serves those who serve Allah and enslaves those who serve dunya. People, like rats, bathe in the sewers of dunya. Compare Prophet Sulayman (as) to Qarun: the first had the wealth of this world and of the next, the second was buried by his wealth in the earth. Ask for light. Leave the fire and the darkness.
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Only the Clever Can See Sep08 2013 Turkish 37min
Sheikh Nazım
Bismillah is what gives strength to the human being; spiritual strength and physical strength. The Companions ate half a date and they had the power of lions. People today have been not been taught and they have been fooled. They use an x-ray machine to look for illness but they need a mirror to look at their real nature. Mawlana tells the story of the 2 men who convinced the king that they could weave a cloth so fine that only the very clever could see it. So the king rode out on his horse all naked and neither he nor any of his people dared to admit they were not clever enough to see his non-existent clothes.
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Peter The ‘Mad’ Sep07 2013 Turkish 39min
Sheikh Nazım
If Allah wishes He can support you by means of an ant or He can make you a prisoner in your palace. People today search only for oil and think it brings honor. But this world never made anyone happy. Search instead for the spiritual rivers of Light. They say that Peter the Great was mad but he built churches to honor and thank his Lord. What have you built, O Putin, O Obama? Only killing and death.
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The Crowns Of The Arabs Sep06 2013 Turkish 32min
Sheikh Nazım
The Believer has the quality of friendliness while the unbeliever is wild. We are laughing when we should be crying. How is it that those who call themselves Imams have long beards but their heads are uncovered. The should follow the order of the Prophet - "Wear the tails of your turbans long as do the Angels." Wear the Crown of the Arabs and you will be majestic and victorious. We don't need armies we need Islam.
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Putin the Great or Obama the Great Sep05 2013 Turkish 36min
Sheikh Nazım
It is not the honour of man to say, “The continents and oceans are mine. I can shoot, burn and destroy”. Who is the Real Owner? The Owner of Power and Might. Say, “Allah”. Seek Him! He dresses you with might and honour. Such was the rank that belonged to Alexander the Great. Can one say: Putin the Great or Obama the Great? All their efforts are aimed at burning and destroying. Men become great by their actions. The measure of this is the ability to stand with those who are great.
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Al-Mala'u-l A'la Sep04 2013 Turkish 33min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah says - Fadhkuruni Adhkurkum - Remember Me, I will remember you. He will remember you in Al-Mala''u l'Ala, the highest heaven. This is where your honour resides. Strive for this. People of today are proud and arrogant. They get their worthless titles from the world. They wear a tie that the Christians invented and think they gain honour. They are all like Uj ibn Unuq, the giant who could never get enough to eat; they are greedy for this world and never full. This is the attribute of Hell. The world which Allah made 'wasi'atun" (wide) they find too small to share. Worship Allah and the earth is enough for all.
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Extremely Unjust, Extremely Ignorant (33:72) Sep03 2013 Turkish 43min
Sheikh Nazım
Man can have either the quality of dogs to fight over a bone, or the quality of sheep to peacefully eat. Sheep are clean and you can say the Basmala for them but dogs and pigs are not. Man can be 'Extremely Unjust and Extremely Ignorant (33:72)", when he cannot distinguish between good and evil, between gold and a rock. He must be taught. The Prophets came to teach. But today man wants to learn only about killing and burning. He does not want to learn about what is possible with his humanity. Be Rabbani, Lordly, and all things will be possible.
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Step Firmly Sep02 2013 Turkish 33min
Sheikh Nazım
Never recite Bismillah for Dunya! It is forbidden. Bismillah is only for Allah. Who recites for dunya becomes kafir. The Derivsh who smeared his face with dirt told the saint that he was adorning himself for dunya. Like the Sultans of old, put your foot in the stirrup of the beautiful horse and go forward on the Way of Allah. Be Man and teach your children.
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You Only You Sep01 2013 Turkish 31min
Sheikh Nazım
In the Presence of the Sultan it is shameful to ask for anything but Him. Would you ask for the palace and not the Sultan? "You Only You" should be our prayer. But people today have forgotten what is important, what to ask for. You carry nothing with you when you leave this world but the love you have for Allah and His Beloved. So ask that your love increases.
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