Allāh gives us everything raw and after that it is our role to cook it, and to present it either for ourselves or for others. Mawlānā taught to give the best presentation and to give the best things from the kitchen. The shaykhs and the murshids; they are very good cooks, they know what they cook and they know what they present and we must follow their guidance.
To Be Helpful
Mar12 2017 English 19min
Mawlānā was never hesitating to help. This is how we should be; helpful for Mawlānā, for Allāh ﷻ, for Rasūla Llāh ﷺ.
Only One Enemy
Mar11 2017 English 23min
Looking at the world situation, we see everyone is an enemy of Islām. All governments, nations saying Islām is bad. Stopping ladies wearing scarves, men wearing turbans, stopping people praying. There is only one target Islām and Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ. But the people, they are not our enemies. We are all brothers and sisters from the same tree of Bāni Ādam. There is only one enemy; shayṭan.
Throw Goodness into the Sea
Feb26 2017 English 25min
‘Make good things and throw it in the sea.’ The story of one man who saved a king by throwing his goodness in the sea explains this saying. When you do goodness, do not look at what you are doing, just do it and continue making your goodness. You never know when you touch the heart of the people.
Ḥajjī Mestan
Feb25 2017 English 22min
Al-ḥamdu liLlāh, Allāh Almighty made us reach to today. We are wishing Allāh's ﷻ mercy on Ḥajjī Mestan, who could not reach this day with us. We are asking that he is made a neighbour of the Prophet ﷺ and Sheikh Nāẓim (q) in Paradise.
Feb19 2017 English 22min
Make Your duty and be in tawwakul. Rely on Allāh Almighty, the guidance of the Prophet ﷺ and the teaching through the Awliyā’. This is how our ancestors were doing.
To Be Human
Feb18 2017 English 18min
Every human has an animal side. But ṭarīqah teaches to be human; to make the human side stronger than the animal side. The treatment is to be with good people. Be in good places with good ones. Even If you don't do anything, you will take on the manifestation of those around you.
The Honour of Islām
Feb11 2017 English 28min
Cleaning the clean is impossible. Islām is clean and perfect. But, nowadays Islām is made to appear small and dirty. The satisfaction of the dunyā will always leave you feeling empty and alone. Yet people of the East are yearning for the 'heaven' of the West. And those in the West are using Google as their guide. Islām is the highest honour that Allāh ﷻ has dressed us with and we should be proud to be Muslim.
The Love of Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ
Feb05 2017 English 20min
Nothing is valuable without the love of the Prophet ﷺ. Everything that is seen and unseen was created for his ﷺ love. Allah ﷻ is so generous, putting the treasure in our hands. We don't know what we have. We forget what we have. May Allah awaken us and connect us with this love again.
Come Back to Our Origin
Feb04 2017 English 24min
There are so many enemies for the love of the Prophet ﷺ. We must protect our love and hold tight to it. Our murshid is the most important thing in our life, showing us the true love of the Prophet ﷺ. Some Muslims left the love of Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ; destroying mosques and maqāms. We belong to the sons of Ādam, and are of the people of Prophet Ibrāhīm (as). We must come back to our origin. If not, we will always be slaves for others.
The Best Investment
Jan17 2017 English 37min
Allāh ﷻ is the most generous. He ﷻ gives to all people and He ﷻ rewards those who obey His ﷻ order. Trust in Him ﷻ. Invest in Him ﷻ and the return is guaranteed. He tells a story of Hj Anne and of the Spoon Diamond.
We All Belong to Him
Jan15 2017 English 18min
Mawlānā’s heart was big enough to fit everyone. His only interest is in our hearts. And we have given ours to him.
He ﷺ Brought Humanity
Jan14 2017 English 26min
The Prophet ﷺ came for all humanity and he taught humanity to humanity. Whatever you do, you must think of others not just yourself. You must be merciful and good. This is true Islām.
England was a better colonizer because it copied the Ottoman pattern.
The Worst Jinn Ever
Jan03 2017 English 27min
Our ancestors built for eternity. Today’s people destroy. The whole world is full of darkness and people are searching for the light. Sayyidinā ‘Alī (ra) imprisoned the worst jinn but when the world is dark they will get loose. This is a possible explanation of what we face today.
Beware of Shayṭān
Jan01 2017 English 21min
Shayṭān is the enemy of the children of Ādam. He has no friends. All the people of the world are walking on fire, with no rest and no safety. It is the hegemony of the ego and of shayṭān.
A new year has come but nothing has changed.
Don’t Miss the Train
Dec31 2016 English 21min
Like the circle of the Year, know your beginning and your end. Look for the wisdom. Be ready for Allāh’s order. Don’t miss the opportunities He sends you and don’t reject them. Something will come again but not as bright.
The Comfort of the Muslim
Dec27 2016 English 22min
In a world where killing and sorrow are seen everyday on TV as normal and where there are no longer rules or reasons, the comfort of the Muslim lies in turning to Allāh the Merciful.
A Planet of Lies
Dec25 2016 English 19min
This world is built on lies. One lie covers the one before it, until no one remembers the truth. We must come back to the truth. Allāh is al-Ḥaqq and everything else is false. We must ask for the true one, for reality.