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as TV Aug14 2010 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
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Yaḥsabūna Annahum Yuḥsinūna Ṣun‘an (18:104) Aug13 2010 English 32min
Sheikh Nazım
All people are servants, some good and some bad. The bad ones serve their egos and shayṭān but they think they are doing good – "yaḥsabūna annahum yuḥsinūna ṣun‘an" (18:104). Ramaḍān has come to clean the ego. After it is over don’t go back to being dirty. Be clean ones, follow the Prophet ﷺ and serve Allāh ﷻ.
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Daily Sohbat Aug13 2010 English 34min
Sheikh Nazım
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Cesmeler Kapandi Aug13 2010 Turkish 2min
Sheikh Nazım
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Daily Sohbat Aug12 2010 English 43min
Sheikh Nazım
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Kibrislara Aug12 2010 Turkish 23min
Sheikh Nazım
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Tarawih Aug11 2010 51min
Sheikh Nazım
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Daily Sohbat Aug11 2010 English 38min
Sheikh Nazım
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Smile, Don’t Worry Aug10 2010 English 29min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā tells the Salafī ‘ulamā’ not to look so angry. They either scare people away or make them sleep. Give good news, give hope to the people. Allāh wants His servants to love Him. Love and give generously as the Prophet ﷺ did.
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Tarawih Aug10 2010 44min
Sheikh Nazım
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Daily Sohbat Aug10 2010 English 34min
Sheikh Nazım
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Italians And Spanish Aug10 2010 English 25min
Sheikh Nazım
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Secret Healing Aug10 2010 English 1min
Sheikh Nazım
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Was the Prophet ﷺ Ever Tired? Aug09 2010 English 35min
Sheikh Nazım
No! Says Mawlānā, because if you are living and working for Allāh you never tire. He opens the month of Ramaḍān by advising the Muslim Sulṭāns and Kings to work for Allāh not for shayṭān. He criticizes the Sulṭān of Brunei for ending the public celebration of Mawlid.
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Ramadan Dua Aug09 2010 2min
Sheikh Nazım
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Daily Sohbat Aug09 2010 English 39min
Sheikh Nazım
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Öğrenmek Aug09 2010 Turkish 31min
Sheikh Nazım
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Declare War Against Shayṭān Aug08 2010 English 39min
Sheikh Nazım
Whoever is asking for enjoyment with material things, are ignorant, no mind creatures. Even sitting on heaps of diamonds and gold, you are feeling unhappy. Don't be cheated! Whole treasures on Earth have no value. Shayṭān is teaching you to be greedy and always asking more material. Leave that and ask for heavenly aspects; they are ever-ending. Prophets, messengers, heavenly advisors and holy books have come to warn you. You must declare war against shayṭān and his agents and followers.
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