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380 videos available
The Defeat of the Plot Against Islam and the Appearance of Mahdi (as) Apr18 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana explains the details of the Western plot against Islam. After the lives of Muslims were contaminated with Western non-Islamic practices, the enemies of Islam were waiting for its full collapse. But no! The time of tyrants is up and the time of Mahdi (as) has started.
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About Love and Happiness Apr17 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana explains the warning Prophet (saw) gave Sayyedina Salman al-Farsi concerning the Arabs. Mawlana also explains the value of Love and Happiness in the relationship of the servant to his Lord.
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Salawat Apr15 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
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They'll Be Held Responsible Apr14 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana warns Arabs, in particular, and all Muslim, in general that they have been honored with Allah's true religion and, "They Will Be Held Responsible!"
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Thrones Apr14 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Allah's Throne, is it one Throne? What Are Time and Space? And how is the creation related to Prophet (saw)? This are some of the delicate issues Mawlana explains to Shaykh Adnan and Shaykh Hisham in the unique Sohbat, "Thrones - عروش"
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The Magnificent Creator of All Apr13 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
No limit to the number of worlds or the number of creation. It all points to the Absolute Existence of, The Magnificent Creator of All - ‎خلّاقٌ عظيم.
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The Drunk Mouse and the Rabbani Tsunami Apr11 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana this morning gave a unique Sohbat, The Drunken Mouse and the Rabbani Tsunami - الفارة السكرانة و التسونامي الرباني Mawlana poses a challenging question to all Western Men of Science!
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If Sham Is Corrupted, Then the Whole World Is in Corruption! Apr11 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
"If Sham is corrupted, then the whole world is in corruption! - إذا فسدت الشام، فسدت الدنيا" explains the real reasons behind all the Fitnas that are happening in Syria these days.
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Allah Has His Men: Peaceful Defence and Civil Rebellion Apr10 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
"Allah Has His Men - و لله رجال" gives the most unthinkable means of "Peaceful Defense - دفاع سلمي". The means that are suitable for the times we are in and its people! In this unusual Sohbat, Mawlana also explains the value of "Civil Disobedience! - عصيان مدني"
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The Hand of S. Al Mahdi (as) Apr08 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
At dinner Mawlana explained, why the Appearance (Zhuhur) of Sayyidina Al Mahdi became so near and urged Muslims not to listen to Shaytan.
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Old Style Apr07 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
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Time Is Up Apr07 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
When all nations are leaving their traditional ways and are running after cursed Democracy, then… "Time Is Up - تمّ الوقت"
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A Strong Warning Apr07 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
On Thursday night, the holy night of Juma, Mawlana said he was given instructions to inform people about. Whoever listens and obeys will be safe; and whoever objects, he can blame only himself for whatever is going to happen to him. Mawlana said the world has entered a difficult phase and lots of disasters and afflictions are coming on people. And in every age, there are saints responsible for warning people and now this responsibility is on Mawlana.
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Five Thousand Angels Having Marks of Distinction Apr06 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Today at breakfast, Mawlana gave an important Sohbat and ordered it to be broadcast. Mawlana was asked why Tayyib Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister, refuses to interfere in Libya. Mawlana said that this is a delicate issue and gave an important answer. Also, do not be afraid! ALLAH swt sent 3000 angels to assist the Muslims in the Battle of Badr.  These angels had tails extending down their backs from their turbans. Musawwimeen. But ALLAH swt also said that He will send 5000 angels in the future. Mawlana explains the relevance of these verses from Surah al Imran for these times.
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I Never Complained to My Shaykh Apr05 2011 Arabic 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Sharing Blessed Memories of GrandShaykh with some old brothers from Sham, Mawlana said, "I Never Complained To My Shaykh - لم اشتكي لشيخي أبداً"; and in this is the secret of Barakah.
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A Grave Matter! Apr04 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
A jolly group of Egyptian sisters came to visit Mawlana and ask what they should be doing in these times of Fitnas and troubles. Mawlana gave instructions to be followed everywhere in the Muslim world. Mawlana also gave good tidings and exceptionally praised the honourable Shaykh of Al-Azhar A-Sharif.
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The Muslim Has Dignity Alive and Dead Mar31 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana was asked about the destruction of Muslim graves that was taking place in some Muslim countries, and in the presence of some Arab Dignitaries who were visiting today, Mawlana gave this important and powerful Sohbat.
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Look and Take Wisdom! Mar27 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
After Fajr prayer Mawlana gave a Sohbat about a holy Ayat in the Quran. Mawlana said that its value has been shown at Tahajjud and that he was ordered to point it out to Muslims.
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