Believe in the unseen until the curtains of the ego are lifted and you see what you believe. Pass through the desert to find the Ka‘bah. Your station is according to your love for Allāh. Qur’ān is more than just words. The meanings of Fātiḥah would load 100 camels with books. Look at the Aṣḥābu l-Kahf who loved Allāh so that He loved them and the dog who loved them gained paradise.
Dethroning Sultan Abdul Hamid Han
Nov09 1995 Turkish 8min
Mawlānā speaks about the dire consequences that resulted whenever a Sulṭān was deposed and in particular the dethronement of Sulṭān Abdul Hamid Han, may paradise be his abode. The Awliyā’ have the adab not to interfere with the Will of Allāh even in such an event. The Awliyā’ remain patient and the enemies of Islām finish themselves.
How to Use Your Diploma
Nov05 1995 Turkish 14min
Mawlānā sympathizes with the students who study to get a diploma and then cannot find a job. The market is saturated with doctors and lawyers. The only thing you can do with your diploma is brew tea. So much money, so much time, wasted. There are other jobs to be done.
Be Clean
Nov04 1995 Turkish 36min
Our target is to die clean and to be raised among the pure. How do we do this? All Prophets were sent to clean hearts. The Prophet ﷺ cleaned all of his companions until they reached their station of perfection. The Shaykhs and Saints carry on this work. Here is a lesson on being clean.
In One Night
Nov04 1995 Turkish 9min
Islām is a living faith. The saints are central to it. The wahhābiyyūn however disrespect them. They have done great damage to the countless buildings and sacred sites our ancestors built in service of Islām. All this will change. With the coming of Ṣāḥibu z-Zamān a saint will pray, whereby the Jinn will be commanded to restore everything back to its original form in just one night.
Questions to Mawlānā
Dec14 1994 Turkish 19min
In a question and answer session, Mawlānā discusses: the rise of Islām in Europe; the lack of identity among Arab Muslims; the celebration of Christmas among the Turks; the legitimacy of music in Islām; the beauty of the call to prayer and the Turkish Cypriot politician Denktaş.
Our Glorious Past
Dec14 1994 Turkish 17min
We are most ignorant of the Ottoman period. But understanding Islamic history is what our young people need. If Allāh ﷻ bestows it, Divine grace will bring back our Glorious Past. In these time, it is difficult for some to distinguish from ḥalāl and ḥarām. And etiquettes with the shaykh have also been lost. Those who change Islamic judgement, put their egos in the place of their Lord. Real believers smash the idols of their egos. It is important to spread the word of Islam through the written word, or recorded as it can be accessed any time.
Proud to Be Ottoman
Dec14 1994 Turkish 11min
Mawlana gives a short address following a long talk by an historian, Haji Kadir Misiroglu.
He complements him and doubts that his level of education could have come from the post-Ottoman regime. He reminds the listeners to be proud of their Ottoman past, and predicts that it will rise again.
Listen to Rumi
Dec12 1994 Turkish 32min
Rumi is a bright star in the sky of truth. His words are reflection of truth. Rumi filled six books with thousands of verses; his Masnawi. They can be taken, listened to and accepted by everyone, even the Pope. To get out of the class of animals, to rise in ranks, and to open the door to all truth you must listen. Only the person who captivates his ego can listen, and obedience will then follow. Listen to good ones. If a nation has no good people to whom to listen to, it is better for people to lie under earth than to walk on it.
Al-Mulku liLlāh
Dec12 1994 Turkish 8min
The special angels in the Heavens call out every day, “be born to die, build to destroy” – a sharp reminder that everything is under Allāh’s ﷻ sovereignty. Nothing remains; it goes from new to old and then to collapse. Everyone who is born must die and everything that is built must be destroyed.
Unity Is Our Aim
Dec10 1994 Turkish 33min
Mawlana candidly answers the questions of a Turkish reporter about the condition of Turkey and Cyprus. The goal is unity and peace. Muslims must unite and help each other defeat the deceivers.
A Second Rise of Islām
Dec10 1994 Turkish 10min
Mawlānā discusses the meaning of the āyah of Qur’ān (24:55) which promises that after living in fear, in war and persecution just for being Muslim, Islām will regain its rule and power. He gives the good news of a second rise of Islām.
The Value of a Breath
Jun28 1994 Turkish 33min
Mawlānā speaks to the ḥadīth: One breath is worth 1,000 years in the grave. In any breath you might say the shahādah and win salvation. In the grave any action, for good or bad, is no longer possible. If we could hold on to the spiritual power of Lā ilāha illā Llāh, we could fly.
Within the Circle of Islām
Jun28 1994 Turkish 7min
Safety lies within the circle of Islām. Muslims are guarded physically from harm by assigned angels, a circle of protection. But Muslims are also within the circle of Allāh’s ﷻ mercy which Mawlānā calls the circle of gentleness; their inadequate actions are judged with mercy and forgiveness.
Caravan to the Divine Presence
Jun15 1994 Turkish 41min
You are rewarded according to your intention so make big intentions. Find the caravan to the Divine Presence and join it. Find a Murshid who can help train your ego so you can ride it to your Lord. Who is busy with Islām rather than dunyā, will have no problems.
The Circle of Hud (as)
Jun15 1994 Turkish 39min
At the maqam of a great Awliya, Mawlana warns the people that the world is counting down. There is no safety other than within the circle of the kindness of Islam, the circle of belief that Sayyidna Hud (as) drew around himself and his followers. No other way leads to perfection or to peace.