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119 videos available
Allah's Are the Soldiers of Heavens and Earth Aug31 2013 Turkish 26min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah said the Basmalla once and the Pen wrote for 700 years. Whoever says the Basmala once gets the reward of 700 years of worhship. The throne of Balqis was shaken by the Basmala in the letter of Sulayman. O people, instead of marching in the streets with signs, stand in front of the mosques and say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim and nothing can touch you. The armies of Heavens and Earth belong to Allah. You are the Jundullah, the warriors of Allah, your banner is the Basmala. Have no fear.
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After Eid Aug09 2013 Turkish 39min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana says Ramadan and Eid are finished and now what's "After Eid"? We are weak, but we have 'inayiah, we are taken care of. The ant is so weak that no one ever expects anything from it, yet it never stops working hard and fulfilling its mission. O Man, learn and realize who you are and what you are promised!
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The Nur Business Jun30 2013 Turkish 44min
Sheikh Nazım
Search for light, be in the Light Business. The Lord made man with His own Hands in the most beautiful form; the form in which He showed Himself to His Beloved. But man chooses to be bridled by shaytan. All his aches and pains are from the whip of shaytan as he is being ridden. Who wants to be first, number one, follows shaytan. They will be punished by crushing each other. You should not hurt even an ant. You rejected the system of Allah and now see what you have got.
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For the Jewel Jun04 2013 Turkish 39min
Sheikh Nazım
The Dervish said to the people on the boat, "Look for the jewel you lost somewhere else and not with me. The jewels you search for are under my feet!" He finished his sentence and walked on the water. O people learn from that Dervish. Know the jewel your heart longs for and learn where to look for it.
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Who Knows Himself Knows His Lord Jun03 2013 Turkish 40min
Sheikh Nazım
"And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me" (51:56). Liya'buduni (to worship) Me means liya'rifuni (to know Me). Yet the Divine Essence is absolutely transcendent. How can the knowledge of Allah be the reason and purpose of our creation when the Divine Essence cannot be approached? "Who Knows Himself Knows His Lord" is the door and its key is "Prostrate and draw near [to Allah]" (96:19).
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Allah Is Pleased with Them May18 2013 Turkish 43min
Sheikh Nazım
“And your clothing purify" (74:4). How can one purify oneself? How can one attain the power of Al-Ismu l-A‘zam to reach the Divine Presence? And Maqamu r-Rida? To be from those “Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him" (98:8)? The seed of love can only be planted by the Beloved, Sahibu Liwa‘i l-Hamd and the Master of Creation ﷺ.
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Is It Not Time Yet? Apr23 2013 Turkish 49min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana is angry with the Shi'as and the Alawis. He is asking - "Is It Not Time Yet?" for them to stop their transgressions in the Holy land, Sham Kinantullah, and their brutalities against Muslims. Hz. Zainab in Sham is angry. It is not the Shi'a who love Ahli Bayt, it is Ahli-s Sunnah Wa-l Jama'a who love them. Mawlana is calling on the pious Persians not to become Shi'a. Divine punishment is coming on them as surely as is the coming of death and of 'Adhabu l-Qabr (The punishment of the grave.)
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Alexander the Great Apr22 2013 Turkish 45min
Sheikh Nazım
Man is a very tiny creation, but his secret and honour lie in the One he represents. Mawlana asks the Iranians why they travel all the way to Sham to kill and terrorize people. Did any of their 12 Imams do that? Did any of them order it? Alexander the warrior was called "The Great" but no one calls the butcher who slaughters, "Great"!
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The Miracle of the Stick Apr21 2013 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Prophets made war only for the word of Allah, and never for this world. An animal looks only to earth but a human being looks everywhere. The dog is created to love bones, the donkey to love straw but Insan Kamil is created only for Allah. A man is not a man if does not ride his donkey and for that the "Miracle of the Stick" is needed.
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From Paradise Apr18 2013 Turkish 51min
Sheikh Nazım
Adam, the father of mankind and the first prophet, was not thrown out of Paradise. He was appointed as a Khalifah on Earth and with Bismillah he landed down.The Jews look for the Polar Star and say it is theirs. The Christians look for the moon and say it is theirs. The sun of Islam they do not see! The Shiites are proud that they are killing people with the best weapons. They kill Muslims and then go cry in Karbala. Mawlana is asking them,"O Shiites why are you fighting and killing us?"
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A Jabbar On Earth Apr17 2013 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
The teacher of humanity is Habibu-l Allah sas and its model is Shahi Mardan. The "jabbar" is whom? He is the one who is not accepting his servanthood to The only Jabbar(jj). The quality of Jabbar is only for Allah Almighty. Therefore the accusation in the Quran, "You only want to be jabbar on Earth."(28:19) O Muslims, Christians and Jews, do not play with Allah's Religion.
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Millat Ibrahim Hanifa Apr12 2013 Turkish 50min
Sheikh Nazım
Who is addressed as YaSin? It is an address to the Secret and Master of all Creation (sas). Know the value of your Prophet so that you can rise from the level of animals to that of human beings. Animals are to be slaughtered but human beings are to be honoured. The true honour is to be from the 'Millat Ibrahim Hanifa". True religion lies not in empty rituals but in saying the Truth - then you will learn the secret of "Alif Lam Mim" (2:1).
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Even If After Some Time Apr11 2013 Turkish 46min
Sheikh Nazım
Man the most honored of creation is nowadays disgraced by his own actions. Who has given permission to Shi'ites and Alawis to kill and terrorize the most honored creation of Allah? The one who says Bismillah cannot kill or harm. The same for Christians, who instead of following the true teachings of their Prophet (as), made a statue of a naked, helpless man to pray to. Allah has forbidden Zulm but Zalims think no one can stop them. The Revenge of Allah Almighty is certainly coming, "Even If After Some Time." Rajab is starting soon.
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Allahu Hasbi Apr10 2013 Turkish 35min
Sheikh Nazım
You do not have the right to step on or kill even an ant. If an ant has the right to protect itself with a call that is heard eternally through the Holy Quran, and if that ant can address the King and Prophet, Sulayman (as) and his army, then what about Man who was formed by the Hand of Allah (swt) and honored above angels? Mawlana is asking Alawis and Shi'as if it is by Allah's orders that they kill, or by Shah Mardan's. He asks the same questions of the Christians who by their rituals dishonor their Prophet Isa (as). He asks them in addition how the one who could not save himself can save others?
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Surrender to Allah You Become Safe! Apr07 2013 Turkish 51min
Sheikh Nazım
One Ayat of Quran refutes all the false beliefs and claims of Christianity. Islam is Haqq and the power of Islam does not come from empty uniforms or empty rituals. Those who have no respect for Islam have no respect for Allah. Keep your Lord's service and only then will you fulfill the purpose of your existence. Allah (swt) assigns Saints (Al Mudarrikun - the saviours) to look after the believers. Therefore, "إسلم تسلم - Surrender to Allah You Become Safe!"
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The Way of the Lions Mar21 2013 Turkish 39min
Sheikh Nazım
Who are we? We are the Ummat of the Bearer of the secret of creation, the Beloved (sAs). Shah Mardan, who is he? He is the secret of the Beloved (sAs), a drop from the ocean of Prophethood. He is the Lion of all battles, the owner of Dhu-l Fiqqar. Tariqah is "The Way Of The Lions". Tariqats are there to dress man, who has the most Haybat in all creation, with more Haybat, to make out of him the "Lion" fit for the Sultan. Do not be jealous and do not envy! Jealousy threw Adam (as) out of Paradise and opened the doors of Hell. Jealousy is the core of all human agony.
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Nevruz Mar18 2013 Turkish 51min
Sheikh Nazım
In this lyrical sohbet Mawlana addresses the majestic qualities of the Prophet’s nephew Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra), the lion, the beloved of the Beloved, the owner of the field of contest. He warns those calling themselves the followers of S. Ali, who are inappropriately celebrating Nawruz by dancing and drinking, that punishment will come.
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What Is Your Identity? Mar17 2013 Turkish 44min
Sheikh Nazım
Man refuses the heavenly identity given to him by his Lord Almighty, an run after worldly ones, to get an identity paper from this or that government. Man spends all his life serving the government and when he reaches the age of retirement, he has to be humiliated even more to get few pennies for a pension. If Man works for his Lord Almighty that much! Mawlana explains the truth about S. Isa (as), about whom lots of falsehood is propagated by Christian Church.
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