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6 videos available
Gülbang-ı Muhammedi Apr20 2013 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
On the Mawlid Sharif of Sheikh Effendi Hz., we had "Gülbang-ı Muhammedi" and Ottoman Mehter. Mawlana was very pleased, MashaAllah. Long Live Our Sultan.
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The Ottomans & The Victory Of Islam Will Come Jan28 2012 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
The last keepers of the Prophet's Banner and the Islamic Caliphate and Imamat, the guardians of the safety, unity and honor of the Muslim Nation, were the Ottomans. Therefore, the strike against the Ottomans was actually a strike against Islam. It left Muslims an easy prey to unbelief, extremism, fragmentation, and tyranny. It is S. Mahdi's (as) order to give the rights back to their owners, so "The Ottomans & The Victory of Islam Will Come".
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The Ottomans and the Islamic Caliphate Jul22 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana explains the necessity of having a Khalifa for Muslims. The presence of an Islamic Caliphate is a legal requirement of Islamic Shari'at. But these Shaytans have removed the Caliphate and have fooled the Muslims into using Democratic systems and man-made laws. Without an Islamic Caliphate, the Muslim nation is left bare and defenseless against the onslaught of unbelievers, tyrants and oppressors. This is true not only for the Islamic world, but the Christian one as well. Atheism spread quickly and powerfully in Europe after the fall of the kingdoms and the spread of nationalist democratic states. "Osmanlılar ve İslam Hilafeti - The Ottomans and the Islamic Caliphate - الخلافة العثمانية خلافة إسلامية”
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A Turning Point in History Jun15 2011 Turkish 49min
Sheikh Nazım
How can the Nation that carried the banner of the Prophet ﷺ and was entrusted with the seat of Islamic Caliphate, reach the levels of ignorance and unbelief it is suffering from now? The tragic history of the modern Muslim world is summarized. At the turning point in history, Mawlānā congratulates his Excellency Mr. Tayyib Erdoğan on his electoral win, advising him to free the guilty ones from the jails, for "Those who forgive, the country improves". 
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The Non Growing Tree and the Last Signs Mar13 2011 Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
A group of Turkish students came to visit Mawlānā. Mawlānā provided them with a rule they can use to evaluate history and understand historical events. He also gave them some advice about the End of Times.
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The Entire System Will Change Feb26 2011 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā foretells that something abnormal will occur in the month of Rajab that Erdoğan was elected. The question of a presidential system will arise in Turkey. Supported by Ahlu Llāh, powerful ones on duty there. The Turkish republic has only done a lot regarding personal interests, unsuitable for our traditions. It has been in power for a whole century and has done nothing; it is useless and very near to collapse. Oppression cannot last. If it does, it destroys.
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