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261 videos available
The Meccan Clock Aug28 2013 Turkish 41min
Sheikh Nazım
People today are unadjusted, without regulation. They try to regulate themselves and leave the Divine measure that was sent to them. إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَأْمُرُ بِالْعَدْلِ وَالْإِحْسَانِ وَإِيتَاءِ ذِي الْقُرْبَىٰ وَيَنْهَىٰ عَنِ الْفَحْشَاءِ وَالْمُنكَرِ وَالْبَغْيِ ۚ يَعِظُكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ "تَذَكَّرُونَ - InnaLlaha ya’muru bi-l’adli wa-l ihsani wa ita’i dhi-l qurba wa yanha ‘ani-l fahsha’i wa-l munkari wa-l baghii ya’idhakum la’alakum tadhakkarun (16:90)". They forget that, "إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ تَنْهَىٰ عَنِ الْفَحْشَاءِ وَالْمُنكَرِ ۗ وَلَذِكْرُ اللَّهِ أَكْبَرُ ۗ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ مَا تَصْنَعُونَ - Indeed, Allah prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do.(29:45)". Then their punishment will be, " قُلْ هُوَ الْقَادِرُ عَلَىٰ أَن يَبْعَثَ عَلَيْكُمْ عَذَابًا مِّن فَوْقِكُمْ أَوْ مِن تَحْتِ أَرْجُلِكُمْ أَوْ يَلْبِسَكُمْ شِيَعًا وَيُذِيقَ بَعْضَكُم بَأْسَ بَعْضٍ ۗ - He is able to send punishment upon you from above you or from beneath your feet, or to confuse you [so you become] sects and make you taste the violence of one another. " And therefore all the fighting in the world especially among Muslims!
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Without Regulation Aug27 2013 Turkish 33min
Sheikh Nazım
Everything in this universe is regulated, obeys an order. Man also was given a divine regulation. All the prophets came to regulate man to his Creator's Order. You were not sent to dunya to fight or to destroy. It is shaytan's regulation, to mislead you and to make you reject the prophets. Love Allah. People today are unregulated. They don't know what they want or what they should want.
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Confucius Aug26 2013 Turkish 36min
Sheikh Nazım
You spend all your day working to take care of your body, what about your spirit? You feed it, clothe it with artificial beauty, give it artificial titles. Without them you are ugly because real beauty is from the humanity within. All prophets have said this. Confucius said this also if people could understand. Clean your ego and come to the Presence of Allah.
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Kama Tadin Tudan Aug25 2013 Turkish 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Shah Mardan says: “as your deeds are, so shall you be treated.” What is your Religion? It is Truthfulness. What is your path? It is righteousness. How are your actions? They are clean. The good ones adopt good manners. They seek honour and call out to Allah. In return their world becomes a paradise. Those who conduct themselves badly, seek trouble. They lose their Lord’s divine favour and becoming satans, fall into disgrace. “Kama tadin tudan, as your beliefs are, so shall you be treated.”
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Poison Gas Aug24 2013 Turkish 41min
Sheikh Nazım
A day passed without learning is a loss. Learn and grow! All things must start in the Name of the Creator. Man's honor lies with his intention. Greatness is only for Allah. All men are servants, not made to kill but to keep alive. Mawlana warns those who are using poison gas (in Syria) to kill innocents and children what their punishment will be in the grave.
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They Are Not The Same Aug23 2013 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Whatever is asked for with Bismillah, is given. Adab brings you into the presence of the Sultan. Not everyone is the same or on the same level. You were not sent to this world to buy onions or fill the toilet. Mawlana warns the political and religious leaders of the day of the consequences of their tyranny. Remember death, keep Allah's Shari'a. Alexander was called Great because he kept Divine Orders and did not obey a woman.
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Al-Wasilah Aug22 2013 Turkish 29min
Sheikh Nazım
What is it that man desires from the world? He desires from the Sultan, honor. Therefore, ask from Allah and draw close. A blade of grass, a small flower, why do they grow, what is their aim? It is to bloom and be seen by their Creator and draw near. For the tiny seed and the small child Allah Almighty causes the huge sun to rise and help them grow and bloom. The world is wide, enough for all, so bloom and turn into gold. Man is full of secrets.
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Those Carrying Weapons Aug21 2013 Turkish 30min
Sheikh Nazım
Begin everything by mentioning the Name of Allah. Ask goodness from the ones with good faces. Look for the people with light on their faces and ask what you need from them. People should have honey like the honeybee but most of them sting like the wasp. They carry weapons to destroy. Don't be a wasp or you will be punished.
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The Muslim Brotherhood Aug20 2013 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
In Shahi Mardan's sohbat today, Mawlana clarifies the saints' view of Islamic groups such as that of "The Muslim Brotherhood". Mawlana refers to the turbulence in Egypt, and warns against the traps on the way. Mawlana addresses the Ikhwan and advises them to open up and listen. For the believer, Allah makes even an ant talk and point to the safe way, so listen before it is too late.
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For A Picture Aug19 2013 Turkish 35min
Sheikh Nazım
Be Awake or you will miss the caravan. Learn why you are created and know why and for whom you are doing what you are doing in this world. Some people are running in the streets of Egypt carrying a picture and fighting and killing each other for it. Mawlana asks them what does this picture give you or what has the man in the picture given you? Run after reality and do not waste your life "For A Picture". Do not forget your Lord so that He does not forget you. Be one in the face of the enemy!
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Nur & Nar: Light & Fire Aug18 2013 Turkish 30min
Sheikh Nazım
There was a fire that started in the forest on the Greek side of the island of Cyprus and, due to strong wind, it crossed the border at the village of Yesilirmak. It was was increasing in intensity as it advanced. After 7 hours of trying to control the fire they achieved nothing. It was already midnight and the people in the wake of the fire were scared and helpless. The helicopters cannot function as efficiently at night and every hour the wind rose and the fire continued to advance and spread. Finally, the people sent to ask for Mawlana's help.
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Well Done Your Majesty Aug17 2013 Turkish 29min
Sheikh Nazım
This morning Mawlana spoke about the fight in Egypt. He spoke about those who are not even wearing the dress of Islam and want to rule the people by force in the name of Islam. Mawlana also thanked His Majesty King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia for his support for Egypt and his honorable attempt to unify the Muslims and protect the Islamic Shari'at.
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Ikhwan ‛Brothers’ Aug16 2013 Turkish 33min
Sheikh Nazım
In this most beautiful sohbat, Mawlana says that love is what keeps man alive. He talks about Allah's Attributes and the explanations that his Grandsheikh gave him for all the Names until Al-Muqtadir. There he stopped and could think of no way to explain it. Mawlana finishes his Sheikh's sohbat by giving an illustration of Al-Muqtadir. Then he dismisses all the titles and ranks that people give themselves to try to gain power over others. Put your hearts behind the Shari'a of Allah and stand together as - The Victorious Army of Allah. Be 'Brothers'.
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The Fragrance Of The Rose Aug15 2013 Turkish 31min
Sheikh Nazım
"Would any rose ever smile if that Rose (sas) did not exist?" Mawlana speaks of the Prophet (sas) as a Rose whose fragrance scents all of creation. The Prophet took from the Divine Fragrance and gave to the world. We must seek the fragrance of this rose. This is our purpose in life: Seek the rose, be the rose if you can. Leave the ashes of this world and attune your senses to the Divine Fragrance.
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Rabiatu-l Adawiyah Aug14 2013 Turkish 31min
Sheikh Nazım
When S. Hasanu-l Basri was asked by a murid, why the sohbat of that day was not as powerful as usual, he answered, because the Sultan was not there - "Rabiatu-l Adawiyah". Those people shouting and fighting in the streets of Egypt, what are they asking and whom are they asking? If you ask, know what to ask for and whom to ask it from. Know that each gets according to his level and capacity. Mawlana said that Sheikh Mehmet is not only his Khalifa but the khalifa of Grandsheikh too.
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Chasing Your Shadow Aug13 2013 Turkish 41min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah did not create you to carry dunya. He made you to be His khalifa, the sultan of dunya but you haven't understood what that means. The ones who don't understand are in the streets, the few who do understand are hidden. The Prophet (sas) taught his companions the true value of dunya by means of their shadows. You made a pledge to Allah that He is your only Lord and you have broken it.
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The Ocean of Anguish Aug12 2013 Turkish 40min
Sheikh Nazım
Everywhere people are suffering. Why? Because they lost their identity. They no longer know who they are. They do not know their value, role nor mission. All they know now is "The Ocean Of Anguish"!
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Kiss The Hand Aug11 2013 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah created nafs/ego to serve Man, and did not create Man to serve his ego. Serving Allah gives you satisfaction and pleasure. Serving the ego leaves man always hungry. No matter how much he gets, like Hell, its never enough. Do not look at earth, look to Heavens. The love of saints is the way to the love of the Prophet(sas), and the love of the Prophet(sas) leads you to the love of Allah.
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