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49 videos available
In The Middle Of The Sea Jul13 2013 Turkish 36min
Sheikh Nazım
Today's Man does not have even as much brain as a bird. A bird runs after its rizq and glorifies its Lord. Man runs after dunya and is blind to his spirituality. There are so many parties, groups, and sects all fighting over the same claim, Pharaoh's claim; and it is the same claim that carried Pharaoh to "The Middle Of The Sea"!
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A Guest From Heavens Jun26 2013 Turkish 41min
Sheikh Nazım
Teach the children Bismillahi-r Rahmani-r Rahim and its power. Teach them about the unchanging realities. Teach them the definition of Man and how to become one. Tell them about "The Guest From Heavens". But most of the people today prefer to sleep in the dirt of shaytan rather than to wake up to the call of Heavens to be clean. Remember Allah forbade the pig because of its lust for dirt.
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Follow the Path of Him Who Turns to Me (31:15) Jun25 2013 Turkish 29min
Sheikh Nazım
The honor of the Ka'bah, Baytullah, is not from its physical existence, its 4 walls. If it were, it would be called Baytu Ibrahim. If the construction of Ibrahim is so honorable, what about the creation of Allah? What about you, O Insan? If power was only physical, Allah (swt) would have made the elephant speak instead of the ant in the Holy Quran."Follow the path of him who turns to Me. (31:15)" Are the Jews or the Christians following the Divine command when they produce and sell all these lethal weapons?
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Laylatu l-Barā’ah Jun24 2013 Turkish 42min
Sheikh Nazım
After Fajr Mawlānā spoke about the good tidings of the previous Holy night, “Laylatu l-Barā’ah”. Mawlānā also said that this is a ṣuḥbah about who Man is.
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Cleopatra Jun23 2013 Turkish 42min
Sheikh Nazım
(This sohbet was given when the Ikhwani-l Muslimin were still ruling Egypt.) Everything is created for Man and Man is created only for Allah. S. Adam (as) was sent to this Earth as a Sultan. Scoundrels can never understand this, and therefore all the fighting, killing and chaos results. O Egyptians, who are proud to be the cradle of civilization, learn your lessons from your history. Cleopatra, a woman, sat on the throne of Egypt and ruled - a challenge for even the strongest of men! In what way did she win the hearts of the Egyptians to be able to rule them?
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Kuheylan: A Pure Arabian Horse Jun21 2013 Turkish 38min
Sheikh Nazım
Do not be a donkey carrying burdens, be a "Kuheylan", carrying the Sultan. The highest honor is in that secret, in carrying the Amanat (the Trust). O Man, Allah gave you honor and gave you the power to keep it. Keep your honour and the honour of others and know that no one ever can honour you more than Allah (swt) has already. O Shi'a and Alawi, do not kill Allah's creation, do not destroy what Allah made. Learn Adab and become human, do not remain a wild animal. A wild animal is the beloved of shaytan, so be a Man and become the beloved of Shahi Mardan.
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Dresses from Heaven Jun17 2013 Turkish 48min
Sheikh Nazım
Thank Allah for having created you and having created you so beautiful. The most beautiful creature is man and the most beloved is man. Know that in the whole of creation, the sultan is you. Then, how can you ever get sad? "فَاذْكُرُونِي أَذْكُرْكُمْ وَاشْكُرُوا لِي وَلَا تَكْفُرُونِ - So remember Me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me."(2:152) Every prophet came to dress his nation with Divine dresses. The Prophet sas preferred the dress of servant-hood to that of sultanate. O Man know the value of what you have been granted and keep it.
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Mounts of Light Jun12 2013 Turkish 37min
Sheikh Nazım
Physical power is not what distinguishes man. If it did, then a donkey would be more honourable than a man. What keeps us on our feet is Ma‘nawiyyat (spirituality). Nowadays people, however, are worse than donkeys. Not only do they kick each other, but they also kill, destroy and torture one another. Have mercy on those on Earth, so the One in Heavens ﷻ has Mercy on you. Keep adab with Allāh ﷻ, so that Allāh Almighty keeps you. In the month of Sha‘bān, “Mounts of Light” descended from the Heavens carrying Nūr. 7000 more angels are still waiting for the order to descend.
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Out of Balance Jun09 2013 Turkish 47min
Sheikh Nazım
"اعطي كل ذي حق حقه - Give everyone their due rights." This is the real mizan (scale) and it is found in Islam. Do not be too proud to recognize your limits or others' rights. Zulm (injustice/oppression) brings zulmat (darkness). Why are people killing each other? Allah (swt) says, "إِنَّ أَرْضِي وَاسِعَةٌ - Indeed My earth is spacious" (29:56)
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Be with Allah Jun01 2013 Turkish 36min
Sheikh Nazım
كن مع الله و لا تبالي - Be with Allah and do not worry. Dunya is a burden on Man, and can never give him honor or happiness. " إلهي أنت مقصودي - Ilahi Anta Maqsudi" is the way to happiness and safety, here and hereafter. Learn from the jariyah of Haruni-r Rashid. O Shi'a and 'Alawi, you've left Allah's way and Shahi Mardan's sword is out and ready.
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Al Bayan May28 2013 Turkish 48min
Sheikh Nazım
"Al Bayan" is not a drop but rather oceans that cannot be described by any figure of speech, endless oceans. "Al Bayan" is the essence of being human and the door to the Divine, and its key is Basmallah. "الرَّحْمَٰنُ عَلَّمَ الْقُرْآنَ- The Most Merciful Taught the Qur'an". And, "عَلَّمَهُ الْبَيَانَ - taught him (Man) Bayan"(55:1-4) That's why Sohbat gives us happiness and takes away our heaviness. Yet man is blind to his secret and can only see the animal in himself. So people run and scream in the streets. Mawlana says if you insist on being an animal, then be a lion and do not remain a donkey!
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The Way to Ma'rifah May25 2013 Turkish 50min
Sheikh Nazım
Al-Jahlu 'aybun dawa'ahu-l 'Ilmu - Ignorance is a 'ayb/fault that can be cured only with knowledge. But nowadays man is immersed in 'Ayb. Man is following every way of ignorance and is even ignorant of his own identity. O Man, enter "The Way to Ma'rifah" and be from al-'Arifin. The one who does not seek to know is not Insan. The disciples asked for a table from Heavens forgetting that every table is the Lord's! O Shi'a and 'Alawi, how do you dare to kill anyone knowing the Creator? Do not be Shi'a or 'Alawi! The Sharia'h does not allow for 2 sultans! Adab Ya Hu!
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The Sun of Creation May21 2013 Turkish 43min
Sheikh Nazım
Hazrat Insan is dressed with honour and power and infinite levels of Nur. The Sun of Creation is Hazratu-l Habib (sas). The Companions (ra) are the stars, whichever one of whom you follow will take you to the Divine Presence. But people are only after the palace and not the sultan. And what is the palace without the Sultan, the Beloved? Allah created man clean but no clean man is left. O Shi'a and Alawi stop running after dunya and run after Mawla. Zulm is haram and dunya is a carcass. Return to the Way of the Prophet (sas) and of Shahi Mardan!
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The Storm of Blood May20 2013 Turkish 42min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana asks the Shi'a and the Alawi if what they are offering Muslims is "A Storm of Blood"? And he asks the Christians if S. Isa (as) ever carried a weapon for them to produce all these weapons? Our Prophet (sas) says a person is with the one he loves, so watch with whom you go. Allah Almighty calls the believers to Daru-s Salam "The House of Peace". O Shi'a and Alawi, what are you calling people to? Manslaughter, destruction and torture? Have you given life to have the right to take it away? But Shahi Mardan's sword is out and ready. Allah's angels have descended and Divine Revenge is approaching!
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Who Is the Mushrik? May17 2013 Turkish 39min
Sheikh Nazım
" إِنَّمَا الْمُشْرِكُونَ نَجَسٌ - Indeed the Mushriks (polytheists) are unclean" (9:28). Who is the Mushrik? In the presence of the Sultan, how can one ever look at anyone else? Do not be jealous! Be pleased with what you are given and do not interfere with the Divine wisdom.
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The Lionheart May16 2013 Turkish 38min
Sheikh Nazım
Today after Fajr prayer, Mawlana congratulated all Muslims on the holy night of Laylatu-l Ragha'ib. Mawlana also set an example to Shi'as and Alawis on how to follow Shahi Mardan and become true Muslims. Only a Muslim deserves to be a "Lion Hearted". S Mahdi (as) is coming and he is wearing a black turban.
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Do Not Harm and Do Not Be Harmful May15 2013 Turkish 39min
Sheikh Nazım
"Do Not Harm and Do Not Be Harmful - لا ضرر و لا ضرار" is a Hadith and a Heavenly Command. But are the Shia and Alawi listening to S.Ali (ra) and stopping the slaughter? Is the Christian world listening to S. Isa (as) and stopping making weapons? Why does the Orthodox church not warn Putin against killing so many people with one signature? The goal of humanity is not to fight one another but to fight shaytan.
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Stop the Slaughter May11 2013 Turkish 39min
Sheikh Nazım
Rajab is Eid for Muslims to celebrate and buy Eid clothes. O Shia and Alawi, what are you offering your brothers on this Eid? Blood and destruction? O Ajam, O Alawi, for the sake of Shahi Mardan stop the slaughter! You cannot make Ummatu-l Habib (sas) kurban! But Shahi Mardan is not for the Shia or the Alawis. He is for the whole Ummat-i Muhammad (sas) and Ummat-i Muhammad (sas) cannot be a kurban! Where are the Alims? Why are they not opening their mouths? The war of the Shia is not for Allah. Divine Revenge is approaching and the big war is coming.
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