Believers understand that this life is not perfect. They are the obedient servants of Allāh ﷻ, and not the other way around. That is why Prophet ﷺ said everything that happens is good for the believers. We don't need material perfection. We only need to ask forgiveness, and come to the House of Peace.
Hold On to the Rope of Allāh ﷻ
Dec15 2022 Turkish 11min
What you plant is what you harvest. So plant goodness. This is the way of the prophets, the way of Allāh ﷻ. The other way is destroyed and forgotten. So hold on strongly to the rope of Allāh ﷻ.
Wake Up and Catch the Time
Oct15 2022 Turkish 11min
Everything is moving, nothing is staying the same, especially time. It is important to be awake. You are not here just to enjoy yourself. Eat, drink, come, and go but don't forget Allāh ﷻ.
Pray for Protection
Oct14 2022 Turkish 12min
This is the end of times about which our Prophet ﷺ warned us. Even rain is a punishment. But people are forgetting to pray to Allāh ﷻ for protection. Instead they look to others for advice and insurance. Everything that happens in this world is by Allāh ﷻ. Only He ﷻ can protect us.
Everyone Created with Jewel Inside
Oct13 2022 Turkish 16min
People today are depressed and unhappy. They look for happiness outside when they should be happy with what is inside them. Allāh ﷻ created everyone with a jewel inside. We must be thankful for every breath.
Three Kinds of People
Oct12 2022 Turkish 14min
There are three kinds of people: those who speak and follow their own advice, those who give advice that they don't follow, and those who listen to advice. The second kind of person is not good. We must fear Allāh ﷻ and be of benefit to ourselves and to others whether they like it or not.
Shayṭān Is the Third
Oct11 2022 Turkish 14min
If an unrelated man and woman are alone together, shayṭān is the third with them. So many families are being destroyed by so-called friendships and internet relationships. It is hard to control the ego. The advice of our Prophet ﷺ is only to benefit and protect us.
Cure Yourself of Egoism
Oct10 2022 Turkish 13min
Egoism is one of the illnesses common today. Everyone wants to be liked and praised and everyone wants to imitate those who are. A Muslim does not waste his time with nonsense. Rather, imitate the Prophet ﷺ, his Ṣaḥābah, and the Awliyā’.
Which Way to Paradise?
Oct08 2022 Turkish 13min
There are only two ways in this world, the way of shayṭān and the way of the Prophet ﷺ. To follow the Prophet ﷺ is the way of Ahlu s-Sunnah wa-l-Jamā‘ah, the way of survival. Most important is to love the Prophet ﷺ, his Ahlu l-Bayt, the Ṣaḥābah, and the Awliyā’.
The Guide to Love
Oct07 2022 Turkish 15min
The Prophet ﷺ is the best guide for humanity. He ﷺ guides us to the love of Allāh ﷻ. His ﷺ way is the way of ṭarīqah. Who goes another way can destroy themselves because life on earth is only the beginning of the journey to eternity.
The Army of the Antichrist
Oct06 2022 Turkish 15min
The Prophet ﷺ is the most perfect example. His ﷺ way is the way of humanity. Others make laws that have harmful side-effects and perverted ideas that will finish humanity. This is the biggest sign, the army of the Antichrist is ready.
Don’t Be Hopeless
Oct05 2022 Turkish 16min
We all make mistakes, some big, some small, and some that are sins. But as long as you are alive you can repent and ask forgiveness and Allāh Almighty will forgive and turn punishment into reward. Therefore, never be hopeless.
Speak Good or Keep Quiet
Oct04 2022 Turkish 9min
The Prophet ﷺ ordered us either to speak good or to keep quiet. By reading the Mawlid on the occasion of his ﷺ birth we honour him ﷺ and show our love. It is only good. Who objects has no understanding even if he has knowledge.
Real Happiness Is to Love the Prophet ﷺ
Oct03 2022 Turkish 15min
People look for happiness in many places without understanding that real happiness comes from love for the Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ. Who loves him ﷺ is loved by Allāh ﷻ. We were created to love him ﷺ more than anything else, with a love that is respectful and pure.
Old Time People More Knowledgeable
Oct02 2022 Turkish 15min
The people of today think they are more clever and knowledgeable than the people of the past. But they have destroyed nature and now want to destroy humanity also. The old time people knew more about Allāh ﷻ and the nature of His ﷻ creation. These are the times the Prophet ﷺ told us about.
Come to Be Honoured
Oct01 2022 Turkish 16min
Honour and respect come from Allāh ﷻ. To deserve them a person must believe in Allāh ﷻ and His ﷻ prophets, especially the Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ. Allāh ﷻ gives all people the chance to earn this respect regardless of race, wealth or position. So come to the highest, most honourable level.
Don’t Hold Things More than Two Hours
Sep30 2022 Turkish 20min
It was such an important message that the Prophet ﷺ summoned his ﷺ companions in the middle of the night to tell them that Allāh ﷻ said not to harbour bad feelings for each other beyond two hours. After that, things would be exaggerated and cause fitnah.
Ask for Ease
Sep29 2022 Turkish 19min
The Prophet ﷺ in his du‘ā’ always asked for iḥsān – for ease, for a smooth way. He ﷺ never asked for tests or difficulty. His ﷺ way is the most perfect way for happiness here and hereafter.