We have a brain like a bird and we try to put our Creator ﷻ in that small mind. The biggest gift He ﷻ has given us is faith, īmān. Real satisfaction comes with īmān. Allāh Almighty is most Generous but He ﷻ cannot be crossed. Realize this or deal with the virus.
Allāh ﷻ Is in Action
Jan26 2020 English 17min
This new year Allāh Almighty is in action with fires and floods. Today everywhere is the world of Lūṭ (as) and Allāh Aṣ-Ṣabūr was beyond patient for a long time. Love Allāh ﷻ first, the Prophet ﷺ second and your Murshid third because he connects you to the other two. Your self comes last of all.
Beware of Your Ego
Jan21 2020 English 17min
We put our ego higher and higher and although we need ego for some things, it is not our friend. We must teach it that Allāh ﷻ and Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ are above it. Don’t look around you. Look inside you and compete with yourself.
Allāh ﷻ Is the Light
Jan19 2020 English 20min
We are all servants of Allāh ﷻ. Even the master of the people is a servant. Our murshid is our master and he serves us. Take his hand and he will take you to the Light which is Allāh Almighty. Don’t look at the outside but look at the heart. You cannot lose by believing.
Sing for the Sick Man
Jan18 2020 English 19min
We must be satisfied and thankful to Allāh ﷻ for all He ﷻ gives us. People today just complain and make their prayers as short as possible. Allāh ﷻ wants the best from us. Today they think if they arrange a concert they will save the world. Each person has his own judgment day. Save yourself.
Like Gold in the Earth
Jan14 2020 English 22min
Be careful what you do and recognize the value of honesty and purity. Īmān must be pure. Like gold in the Earth it is rare and precious. You must search for it. Al-ḥamdu liLlāh Mawlānā left us with a pure Murshid.
Ask Allāh ﷻ for the Impossible
Jan12 2020 English 15min
From dunyā you can only ask for what is possible. We were created with certain limits. But from Allāh ﷻ you can and should ask the impossible for He ﷻ makes the impossible, possible. Working with what Allāh ﷻ has given you, brings satisfaction. Don’t make Him ﷻ angry with you, like the anger burning in Australia.
This Is Our Stage
Jan11 2020 English 20min
Allāh ﷻ gave us this time to be on stage in the world. It is our time to be tested. However hard, this is the easy part, then comes giving up the soul and Qiyāmah. Allāh ﷻ is wise and He ﷻ will take revenge for wrongdoing. The fires in Australia are a punishment for their refusal to share their water with the wild camels.
Everything Built Must Be Destroyed
Jan07 2020 English 21min
We are hardly into the new year and the world is boiling. Everything has an end. The world belongs to no one and to everyone. It must be shared to have value. Allāh ﷻ rules everything and even shayṭān has a function to make us remember.
The Woodcutter and the Rope
Jan01 2020 English 21min
2020 is a good number. In shā’a Llāh, it brings goodness for everybody. Ḥājjah Anne used to tell a story about a woodcutter, who for money, agreed to spend the night in the grave of a rich man. After trying all night to account to the angels for his rope, he lost any interest in gold. This is a wise lesson to make your road open. Look after the poor, remember your weakness and Allāh’s ﷻ power, be a good servant.
Look on Us with Your ﷻ Mercy
Dec31 2019 English 20min
Tonight is under the hegemony of shayṭān. In this time technology is the highest but good behaviour and mercy are the lowest. Everyone thinks they are special but we are all brothers, the same. Only the Prophet ﷺ is special, the chosen one.
New Year’s Cursing
Dec29 2019 English 19min
People think that partying on the night of the New Year will bring happiness for the coming year but it is as a challenge to Allāh Almighty and only brings cursing. Islām is the true civilization and its first rule is to be clean. Come back to the civilization of Allāh Almighty.
The Top of Sin
Dec28 2019 Turkish 12min
There is nothing holy in the solar new year that begins in a few days. Even the event of the birth of ‘Īsá (as) is not the real date. They make it a time for doing every bad thing. In fact we are just closer to death and the grave. We should be concerned with pleasing Allāh ﷻ for eternal happiness, not the false enjoyment of one night.
Your Enemy Is Inside You
Dec27 2019 Turkish 12min
Allāh ﷻ is the most forgiving of those who forgive. If you repent and ask forgiveness He ﷻ can turn your sin into reward and with it you can enter Paradise. Allāh ﷻ doesn’t want punishment for you. It is your ego and shayṭān who are your most terrible enemies.
Dec27 2019 12min
Ask Forgiveness from People
Dec26 2019 Turkish 11min
The door of forgiveness is not yet closed. Allāh ﷻ will forgive even a whole life of sin if, at the last moment, you ask for forgiveness. But He ﷻ cannot forgive you for what you have done to others. That is their right. So while you have the chance ask people for their forgiveness, even if you think you are right.
Qudratu Llāh ﷻ
Dec25 2019 Turkish 14min
What we know from the knowledge of Allāh ﷻ is very little. If we are proud of our knowledge or our university degrees we are, in fact, very ignorant. The power of Allāh ﷻ has no limit, no description. Knowledge is to accept this, to practice this, and to ask forgiveness.
Love Him ﷺ More Than Yourself
Dec24 2019 Turkish 11min
There is Muslim and Mu’min. The Muslim has faith on the tongue. The Mu’min has faith in the heart. The Mu’min is the one who loves the Prophet ﷺ more than anything in the world, more than even himself. For every ṣalawāt on the Prophet ﷺ Allāh ﷻ rewards us like the Prophet ﷺ, as He ﷻ promised.