The first order of Ṭarīqah is to keep your tongue so as not to harm anyone or induce them to speak badly of Allāh ﷻ or the Prophet ﷺ and so harm themselves. It is not necessary to say every truth to everyone. You will be responsible for the harm that you cause.
Ṣadaqah Brings Shifā’
Nov10 2019 Turkish 6min
The Prophet ﷺ showed us every good way and how to deal with trouble and especially illness. Give charity before seeing the doctor and most illness will go away. This is true even for nonbelievers. If they follow the advice of the Prophet ﷺ they will find a cure and in shā’a Llāh be given hidāyah also.
The Prophet ﷺ Is the Highest Example
Nov08 2019 Turkish 17min
The Prophet ﷺ showed human beings every kind of good behaviour. By looking at him ﷺ any sincere person can learn what to do or not to do to be in happiness. Even so he was never proud. We are blessed to be among ṭarīqah people who respect Ahlu l-Bayt and all the Ṣaḥābah.
Nov08 2019 16min
Either Paradise or Hell
Nov07 2019 Turkish 15min
There are only two endings to this life, Paradise or Hell. The ones destined for Paradise are the ones who follow the Prophet ﷺ and obey Allāh ﷻ. All the prophets only brought goodness. In this, the month of his ﷺ birth, we ask Allāh ﷻ to increase our love and respect for him ﷺ.
The Whole Universe Is Happy
Nov06 2019 Turkish 11min
We are lucky because we know about the birth of the Prophet ﷺ and are happy and celebrate. When he ﷺ was born the whole world was happy. Those who don’t know are unlucky and those who know and choose not to celebrate with love and respect may not have a good end.
Look for the Big Picture
Oct06 2019 English 20min
We are not awliyā’. We need a Murshid to help us control our ego. We must learn from history. People make so many mistakes. Allāh ﷻ help us to be good by following the good ones and being aware of the big picture.
The Heaviest Month
Oct05 2019 English 24min
We have entered the month of Ṣafaru l-Khayr. Lie low, keep your head down and recite many "tawbah astaghfiru Llāh". Take advice, don’t just give it. It is easy to act humble but hard to actually be humble and to carry people. No need to ask for anything if you are with Allāh ﷻ.
A Door to Heaven
Oct04 2019 Turkish 19min
There are people, times, and places that Allāh ﷻ has made holy in order for man to take benefit. Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem are the three holiest places. It is the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ to visit Jerusalem from where he ﷺ ascended into heaven. It has very strong spiritual power.
Oct04 2019 14min
Charity until Qiyāmah
Oct03 2019 Turkish 11min
Everything serves Allāh ﷻ. Earth is a place for testing and everyone has the chance to believe and to do good. Work for your Ākhirah, give charity that lasts until Qiyāmah. Even if it is destroyed, Allāh ﷻ will reward your intention.
Accept Truth and Follow Truth
Oct02 2019 Turkish 10min
Human beings are looking for reality, for the purpose of life. But they follow their imagination instead of truth. We make the du‘ā’ of the Prophet ﷺ for Allāh ﷻ to help us accept and follow what is true.
Forget Mistakes, Remember Good Things
Oct01 2019 Turkish 10min
People listen to their egos and don’t follow the way of Allāh ﷻ and His ﷻ Prophet ﷺ. They have a habit of forgetting a lifetime of good things and remembering one mistake. This is not the way shown by the Prophet ﷺ. Forget mistakes and forgive.
Be from the Shākirīn
Sep29 2019 English 14min
We have so much wealth today and yet we do not have happiness. If you are thankful to Allāh ﷻ you are happy even if you have nothing. Appreciate what you have and be from the shākirīn.
Imagination or Reality
Sep28 2019 English 16min
Allāh ﷻ wants people to grow. That is why He ﷻ sent prophet after prophet. It began as a crescent moon and became a full moon with the Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ. Now, people follow their imagination rather than reality. We must visit the maqāms of the true ones to remember who we really are.
A Beautiful Year for Islām
Sep02 2019 English 22min
May Allāh ﷻ make this year beautiful for Islām and Muslims. Whatever He ﷻ has written we accept. Allāh ﷻ created everyone and what is suitable for them. Suffering comes from doing what is not suitable. Do goodness even if only Allāh ﷻ can see it.
Spirituality Is a Gift
Aug18 2019 English 12min
Allāh Almighty chooses who is spiritual, who is ṣūfī. It comes as a gift not by effort. And it is important to have a perfect shaykh, murshid kāmil, to love and to teach each one according to his needs.
Hādhā min Faḍli Rabbī
Aug17 2019 English 16min
Sharing the good tidings of the birth of his grandson, Shaykh Bahauddin reminds us to be thankful to Allāh ﷻ for all His ﷻ many favours. Allāh Almighty has given us in particular three kinds of wealth: Health, children, and īmān. Servants do not complain but are thankful.