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Laylatul Raghaib May16 2013 86min
Sheikh Nazım
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Rajab Shahru Llāh May10 2013 Turkish 4min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā said that the tajallīs of the month of Rajab are coming very powerfully. Mawlānā said that he is afraid of Divine Wrath. After ‘Aṣr, Mawlānā gave a very short ṣuḥbah.
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Justice and May the 1st May03 2013 Turkish 39min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah's order is, "Give each one his rights." Shaytan's teaching is, "All rights are yours, and no one but you has any rights!" This is the justice shaytan taught the people to celebrate on May the 1st.
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When the Wild Beasts Are Gathered (81:5) May02 2013 Turkish 46min
Sheikh Nazım
"وَإِذَا الْوُحُوشُ حُشِرَتْ - And when the wild beasts are gathered" (81:5). Mawlana says that this ayat points to one of the important signs of Yamu-l Qiyamah - the Day of Judgement, and is in full display in our days.
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Daru-l Khilafah Apr28 2013 Turkish 56min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana is upset with the Muslim Alims who gathered in Istanbul to discuss Islamic issues and the conditions in the Muslim countries and yet never mentioned "Daru-l Khilafah". How can the laws of Shari'ah be discussed in the absence of any guarantee of its application, the Khalifah? They ask for a solution to the crises in the Muslim world and do not ask where is the Khalifah. Mawlana asks all these Alims if they know how the Khalifah of the Muslims was betrayed by the enemies of Islam.
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Gülbang-ı Muhammedi Apr20 2013 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
On the Mawlid Sharif of Sheikh Effendi Hz., we had "Gülbang-ı Muhammedi" and Ottoman Mehter. Mawlana was very pleased, MashaAllah. Long Live Our Sultan.
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A Jabbar On Earth Apr17 2013 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
The teacher of humanity is Habibu-l Allah sas and its model is Shahi Mardan. The "jabbar" is whom? He is the one who is not accepting his servanthood to The only Jabbar(jj). The quality of Jabbar is only for Allah Almighty. Therefore the accusation in the Quran, "You only want to be jabbar on Earth."(28:19) O Muslims, Christians and Jews, do not play with Allah's Religion.
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The Hand Holding the Creation Mar19 2013 Turkish 45min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana asks Alawis, Is smoking from the teachings of S. Ali (ra)? Is dancing in the streets and the mixing of men and women from his teachings? Dhu-l Fiqqar is out and ready. "Truth cannot be superseded - الحق يعلو و لا يعلى عليه" Even animals know their Lord Who provides for them. Only Man forgets. Qyamat is near, death is near, Jahannan is near. So: "قُوا أَنْفُسَكُمْ وَأَهْلِيكُمْ نَارًا وَقُودُهَا النَّاسُ وَالْحِجَارَةُ - Protect yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is people and stones" (66:6)
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To His Holiness the Pope Feb11 2013 English 1min
Sheikh Nazım
When Mawlana received the news about the resignation of the Pope, he immediately sent this message.
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Congratulations to the Pope Feb11 2013 English 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana congratulated His Holiness the Pope on his wise decision to leave the papacy. Mawlana said that he has known Pope Benedict since his visit to the Vatican more than 20 years ago. At that time Cardinal Benedict showed a special interest in Mawlana. When the cardinals present tried to prevent Mawlana from calling the Adhan and praying, Cardinal Benedict told them to stop and wait until the prayer finished.
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Al-Muṣṭafá ﷺ Jan25 2013 English 23min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā gave this ṣuḥbah live after Jum‘ah prayer on the occasion of Al-Mawlid Sharīf.
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Fire Is Breaking Out! Jan23 2013 Turkish 35min
Sheikh Nazım
Last night Mawlānā watched the fire that destroyed the historic building of Galatasaray University in Istanbul. It reminded him of a similar fire that destroyed his school 70 years ago in Istanbul. His school was called Zeinab Hatun Konagi, a three story wooden building. The original copy of Mawlana’s B.A. degree was also consumed in that fire. Today after Fajr Mawlānā asked why such fires keep happening? Mawlānā warned Turks and all Muslims.
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The Way Out Sep30 2012 Turkish 31min
Sheikh Nazım
In a time full of Fitnas and difficulties that makes Muslims unable to stand on their own feet, or make their word heard, or even distinguish between the right and the wrong, Mawlana points to "The Way Out".
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The Constitution Sep29 2012 Arabic 37min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana reminds us again in very strong language why Muslims find themselves today in very difficult situations. Muslims are looking for a means to arrange themselves and their lives and Mawlana offers us "The Constitution".
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The Retribution of Non-Muslims Sep24 2012 Arabic 31min
Sheikh Nazım
"The Retribution of Non-Muslims - قِصاصُ غيرِ المسلمين" is a very important message that Mawlana delivered today. It is addressed to all the young Muslims from all over the world who, motivated by love for the Prophet (sAs), went out into the streets in protests that filled the Muslim World.
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At The Door Jun29 2012 Arabic 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Last night Mawlana was watching the news reports of all the disasters that are happening or threatening to happen around the world. He said that we are living in the end of times and that the biggest events are still waiting "At The Door". The only safe path is to return to our true selves and turn in repentance to God.
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A Walk with Mawlana May13 2012 Turkish 7min
Sheikh Nazım
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With Mawlana in the Garden May11 2012 Turkish 7min
Sheikh Nazım
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