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64 videos available
To His Majesty Sultan Azlan Shah May04 2012 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana sent his son, Shaykh Bahauddin Effendi, to deliver both his condolences on the loss of His Royal Highness Raja Ashman and to deliver good news "To His Majesty Sultan Azlan Shah", his family and the whole Malaysian community. On the occasion of the 'Arba'een of Shaykh Raja Ashman, may Allah bless his soul, which is to take place today in Kuala Kangsar, Saltanat TV will broadcast this message and ask everyone across the world to read a Fatihah for the late prince.
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Mawlid Sharif Apr21 2012 English 7min
Sheikh Nazım
Today is Mawlid Sharif of Mawlana. May Allah Almighty grant our Shaykh health and long life and the power to say the word of Truth. Ameen!
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Moments with the Sultan Apr06 2012 11min
Sheikh Nazım
Precious moments with Mawlana Shaykh Nazim.
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Pray For Me Mar16 2012 9min
Sheikh Nazım
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A Glance From The Sultan Mar09 2012 Turkish 9min
Sheikh Nazım
MashaAllah, After Jum'a Mawlana greeted all brothers and sisters from his window today. AllahuAkbar!
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Unexpected Events Dec09 2011 English 47min
Sheikh Nazım
So many unexpected events are coming as signs of the last days. Come and keep the Way of the Lord of Heavens. Who follows the Heavenly Orders is going to have a sweet life. We are Muslims, followers of the Holy Orders from Heavens.
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Two Historical Funerals Mar01 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
The well-known and respected Muslim leader and previous prime minister of Turkey, Mr. Nejmuddin Erbakan has passed away. Millions of people had gathered in the freezing streets of Istanbul, all day yesterday, to witness and participate in his funeral ceremony and prayer. Mawlana watched all the events of this funeral and was very pleased. At night Mawlana gave a very powerful sohbat in which he offered his condolences to the people, gave good news about the late Erbakan's grave and spiritual station, and gave an invaluable lesson in history by comparing this funeral to an older one..that of Ataturk!
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Because They Betrayed the King Feb26 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana in two short Sohbats explains the two sides of the mistake committed by the Arab and Muslim Worlds and led to the crisis their governments are facing and the scenes of hardship and atrocity everywhere! Tonight Saltanat TV will Broadcast, ...Because They Betrayed The King - لأنهم خانوا الملك
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For Protestors Feb20 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
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Egypt Throne Jan28 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
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