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He taught him Bayan (55:4) Nov12 2012 Arabic 26min
Sheikh Nazım
Man, the representative of Allah (swt) on Earth, is honored by the Creator Almighty. Man's mark of distinction is not only his creation but also the teaching he received: "He taught him Bayan". He was given expression, distinction, discrimination, and guidance. What is left if Man turns his back on his honor and on the Divine Teachings and tries to make up his own laws?
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Women in the Age of Fitnah Nov01 2012 Arabic 8min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā watched the news about the two explosions that took place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Mawlānā said that we are in the Age of Fitnah in which everything contributes to the fitnah and nothing can stop it.
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Without Reins Oct29 2012 Arabic 37min
Sheikh Nazım
Addressing the German professor, Dr. Abdul Jalil Stelzer, Mawlana explains the value of story-telling in conveying wisdom and teaching. It is like the water from which all life springs. And through the story of Al-Bistami (Q), we learn how the devil classifies people into those who need reins to be ridden with and those who can be ridden "Without Reins". Then Mawlana points to some of the reins that the devil uses in our days.
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Al-Ahzab Oct25 2012 Arabic 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana was asked how it is that the Muslims cannot agree on the date of Eid Al-Adha. Mawlana answered that the problems of the modern Muslim world stem from the fact that it is broken into many different "Ahzab - الأحزاب"
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Ahlu-l Hawa Oct16 2012 Arabic 13min
Sheikh Nazım
By describing "Ahlu-l Hawa - The People of Desire", Mawlana shows all of us that the only way to be successful in dealing with the problems of our material world is to correct our spiritual lives.
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The Children of the Prophet (sas) Oct12 2012 Arabic 23min
Sheikh Nazım
We have been blessed by " أولاد النبي ص - The Children of the Prophet (sas)", by the fact that Allah made the blood line of the Prophet (sas) apparent to us as a Mercy from Him. In the presence of his honorable guest, a Hashemite prince from Jordan, Mawlana asks Arabs in particular what have they done with this Mercy?
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The Constitution Sep29 2012 Arabic 37min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana reminds us again in very strong language why Muslims find themselves today in very difficult situations. Muslims are looking for a means to arrange themselves and their lives and Mawlana offers us "The Constitution".
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The Retribution of Non-Muslims Sep24 2012 Arabic 31min
Sheikh Nazım
"The Retribution of Non-Muslims - قِصاصُ غيرِ المسلمين" is a very important message that Mawlana delivered today. It is addressed to all the young Muslims from all over the world who, motivated by love for the Prophet (sAs), went out into the streets in protests that filled the Muslim World.
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To the People of Egypt Sep17 2012 Arabic 7min
Sheikh Nazım
In these difficult days Mawlana speaks to the Egyptians and again shows them the way out of the crisis …
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The Sacred Month of Dhul Qi'dah Sep17 2012 Arabic 4min
Sheikh Nazım
The first of the 4 Sacred Months in Islam (ash-sh'huru l-hurum - الأشهر الحرم), the month of Dhu l-Qi'da- ذو القعدة has begun. Mawlana gives important instructions for this Holy month.
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Batshu Rabbika Sep16 2012 Arabic 31min
Sheikh Nazım
There are people protesting in Egypt and all over the world in the name of Islam and for the love of the Prophet (sas). The question is, where do their actions stand in relation to Islam and the miseries that are happening in the Islamic world? Yesterday, after Mawlana reminded all Muslims of the Ayat, " إِنَّ بَطْشَ رَبِّكَ لَشَدِيدٌ - Indeed, The Vengeance of Your Lord Is Severe" (85:12), he answered this question. Mawlana warned Muslims that the holy month of Dhul-Qi'idah is starting and with it a manifestation of Divine Might.
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Be Straight! Sep11 2012 Arabic 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Yesterday, addressing his honorable guest, a dignitary from the Arabic world, Mawlana reminds the Arabs in particular and all Muslims that there is no more time to waste. All the so-called political, social, or military solutions are illusory and ineffectual. The only solution is to "Be Straight! - إستقيموا". Without returning to the Word of Allah, the very core of human existence, there is no hope for any solution!
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The Traps of the Devil Aug22 2012 Arabic 24min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Biggest of Fitnas Aug10 2012 Arabic 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana as a gift for Ramadan makes some sense out of the horrible things that are happening in the world at the present time. What happened in the past explains what is happening in the present.
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Self-Display in Jahiliya al-Akhira Aug06 2012 Arabic 38min
Sheikh Nazım
In this jewel of Ramadhaniyat, Mawlana shows the many meanings of "Tabarruj" (self-display), which is a symptom of "Jahiliyat" (ignorance). Mawlana warns all Muslims, both individuals and governments, not to be deluded by Shaytan and urges them to carry their Islamic duties and know their priorities. A strong warning was also given to all those eager to enjoy Umra (visit Mecca and Medina) in our difficult days and to the governments that encourage them.
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Al-Ihsan Aug02 2012 Arabic 19min
Sheikh Nazım
In another "Ramadhaniyat" gift, Mawlana speaks about the benefits of fasting for training the nafs of the individual to carry him to the level of "Al-Ihsan" ( Perfect Goodness). Allah loves those who do good and are good 3:134 "والله يحب المحسنين". Goodness brings goodness. It is the salvation for the individual and the answer to his socio-political problem. So again the key to solving the political lies with the person, the Individual.
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The Renaissance of the Devil Jul29 2012 Arabic 38min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā addresses his royal guest with a short history lesson in which he explains that the actual purpose of the Renaissance was to destroy all religion. Shayṭān, using this shiny word, led man into betraying himself and his Lord. The fruit of this in the Muslim world was the Young Turks and the Ikhwān. When he was asked why he recommended that the Muslims of Syria put down their weapons and retire to their houses, he replied that their efforts now will bring about more harm than benefit.
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The World is a Carcass Jul24 2012 Arabic 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana quotes the Hadith that "The World is a Carcass". Those who search for satisfaction in the world will never be successful. Only if they find their pleasure and contentment with whatever they are given will they be truly happy. Muslims wake up!
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