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Indeed, The Vengeance of Your Lord Is Severe May21 2012 Arabic 14min
Sheikh Nazım
We asked Mawlana if there was a special Zikr/Wazifa for this month of Rajab. He answered that the wazifa for the month of Rajab can be found in many books, people should look for it and keep the wazifah. Then he gave important instructions and said that since last night he was ordered to deliver these instructions. Mawlana warned all Muslims, Beware, "إنّ بطش ربك لشديد - Indeed, The Vengeance of Your Lord Is Severe 85:12”.
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The Land of Sham May20 2012 Arabic 5min
Sheikh Nazım
Last night Mawlana ordered the people of Sham and all Muslims to give their support to Abdullah II, the son of King Hussein of Jordan, and to all the Hashemite family. In the morning Mawlana received a visit from one of the Hashemite princes and his family.
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Congratulations & Duaa May20 2012 Arabic 4min
Sheikh Nazım
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Al 'rab and Al A'rab May10 2012 Arabic 11min
Sheikh Nazım
"In Al'rab & Al A'rab" Mawlana poses an important question. The answer to this question could help us distinguish the wrong directions which the Muslim world is following and identify those who are leading them.
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A Message and Bai'at to the King Apr27 2012 Arabic 35min
Sheikh Nazım
The Prophet foretold that after him would come the age of khalifs, then princes, then kings and then tyrants. Then would follow one of his descendants and spread peace and justice on Earth. When the Jordanian Royals visited him, Mawlana declared that His Royal Highness King Abdullah of Jordan holds this honour. He should declare he is the last king who will raise the banner of Khilafat for Islam and Muslims. He can dispose of the tyrants and unite the Muslims. He is pressured from all sides but support for him will come. Mawlana offered him his allegiance and ordered all Muslims to do the same.
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Except by a Sultan Apr18 2012 Arabic 9min
Sheikh Nazım
MashaAllah. Yesterday Mawlana again pointed the way out of the political and social dilemma facing the Egyptians in particular and the Muslims as a whole.
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To Whom Is the Throne of Sham Apr08 2012 Arabic 50min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana Sheikh Nazim addresses all Muslim scholars. He asks, “What is the main objective of Islam?” If only the Hereafter is important why have the scholars abandoned it? By what right was the Islamic Sultanate and Caliphate abolished? It was the humiliation of Islam. The tyrants dismantled the Ottomans, however their fall will restore the rightful Khalif. He must be of the Prophet’s lineage. Such a family resides among the nobles of Jordan. Their king is King Abdullah. Allah’s honoured city Damascus is empty. All scholars must issue a fatwa: The Khilafat of Islam belongs to King Abdullah.
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A Picture Of The King Mar08 2012 Arabic 6min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana speaks again on the holy Hadith of the Prophet (sas), "Ask favors from those with enlightened and good faces”. He speaks in particular to the Egyptian people to compare pictures of their past leaders. And he reminds all of us that happiness rests in the support of Kingdom.
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How To Choose Your Leader Mar06 2012 Arabic 5min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana gives advice to the Egyptians in choosing their government by speaking on the Hadith of the Prophet (sas): "Ask favors from the people with enlightened and good faces.
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Fish, Eating One Another Jan20 2012 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
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Rulers Jan14 2012 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
It is the responsibility of Muslims to see in whose hands their rule falls. When Muslims are busy with their dunya and heedless of their enemies, leaving power to fall in the hands of their enemies, punishment comes on them. In "Rulers - أولو الأمر", Mawlana states an important command that secures the safety of the Muslim community, and shows that heedlessness is a vice that endangers Muslims' lives not only spiritually but also politically.
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Hajjah Aminah Sultan Jan13 2012 Arabic 5min
Sheikh Nazım
There is a bird that comes to Mawlana's window at the same time every morning. Mawlana always looks for that bird. Then, talking to Bilal, the grandson of Haji Anne's sister, Mawlana tells the story of his marriage.
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Pardon Is The Lord Of Judgements Jan10 2012 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
When he learned that Hosni Mubarak is awaiting a possible death sentence, Mawlana was not pleased that they bring to trial such an old man. Mawlana reminds the people of Egypt that no position in this world is either safe or certain. None of us would like to be in the position in which Mubarak finds himself now. Therefore, "Pardon Is The Lord Of Judgements - العفو سيد الأحكام".
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A Divine Judgement Jan10 2012 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana asked Shaykh Ibrahim Bayraktar, Mawlana's representative (ma'dthoun) and the keeper of GrandShaykh's maqam in Sham, about the situation there. Mawlana explained that Syria, and all Arab and Muslim countries, have received "A Divine Judgement". They have left the rising sun of Islam behind them and have turned to the West.
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The Spirit Is Of The Command Of My Lord (17:85) Jan02 2012 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Allah (swt) endowed Muslims with a power above technology, nuclear power, or its missiles. It is the power of "Be And It Is! - كن فيكون". Mawlana allows us a glimpse into "عالم الروح - The World Of The Spirit" with all its wonders and its secrets. "The Spirit Is Of The Command Of My Lord (17:85) - الروح من أمر ربي".
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Egypt And The Big War Jan02 2012 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Then Mawlana asked the Egyptians, and all the Arabs and the Muslims, 'what are you seeking?' Without the right intention, one's steps are lost and one's life and sacrifices are a waste. "Egypt & The Big War".
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Habibu l 'Ajamy Hz Dec30 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Do Muslims have power? Mawlana says, Yes! The true and the only power in this world is in the hands of the Muslims. But they are made to forget it, in order to stay under the command of the non-Muslims and subject to their technological progress and weapons. To illustrate the kind of power Muslims have, Mawlana tells the beautiful story of S. Abu-l Hassan el-Basri and S. "Habibu-l 'Ajami".
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The Devil's Puppet Dec29 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana again stressed the value of Adab. And addressing his eldest grandson, Dr. Noor Qabbani, Mawlana showed how the devil infiltrated all aspects of Man's life to make Man, "The Devil's Puppet - مسخرة الشيطان".
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