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The House of the Lord Jul23 2012 Arabic 37min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana speaks about the great honor Allah gave the Arabs, the Muslims. He established His House in the forgotten deserts of Arabia and made the Arabs who they are today. They have forgotten the True way, yet they are proud of their knowledge. Allah honored all the People of the Book with Prophets, with Books and "The House of The Lord". They have all forgotten. The only way for them is to remember and return to Allah.
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And We Have Certainly Honored the Children Jul19 2012 Arabic 25min
Sheikh Nazım
Last night after watching, with great sadness, the news coming from Syria, Mawlana asked for the camera. He then spoke surprisingly about the honor which Allah Almighty bestowed on the children of Adam (as)، "And We have certainly honored the children of Adam - و لقد كَرَّمنا بني ءَادَم ". With all this honor, one wonders, how is it that there is so much violence and bloodshed? He answers this question with a lesson from the story of Yusuf (as) and his brothers (as).
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The Love for Allah Jul17 2012 Arabic 29min
Sheikh Nazım
Last night Mawlana addressed all Muslims with an important message concerning how far their steps have strayed from the Word of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (sas). In their perverted race to catch up with the people of unbelief they have jettisoned the secret of spirituality that dresses the servant with Divine powers. Pointing to the door of "محبةُ الله - The Love For Allah", Mawlana discusses the relationship of Love to Obedience and answers the question if one can exist without the other.
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A Message to Kurds Jul15 2012 Arabic 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Ali, the son of Shaykh Hussain Al-Kurdi (Rahmatullah alayh) who was the murid of Shaykh Abdullah Ad-Daghestani (Q), and Shaykh Anwar from Sham came to visit Mawlana. Mawlana addressed them with an important "Message to Kurds". We are Muslims, Ahl as-Sunnat wa'l Jamaat, and Naqshibandis.
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The Rescue of the Oppressed Jul13 2012 Arabic 30min
Sheikh Nazım
Last night, Mawlana made a strong appeal for "The Rescue of the Oppressed". It is the responsibility of the whole Muslim world, in front of Allah, to answer the call. In order for a course of action to be supported by Allah and made possible for Muslims, there has to be a leader, an Imam, a Khalifah.
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The Fear of Allah Jul12 2012 Arabic 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana warns Egyptians and all Muslims to return to the Banner of Islam and to fear Allah. "The Fear of Allah - مخافةُ الله” is the way and the sign of True Knowledge.
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A Word of Haqq Jul12 2012 Arabic 18min
Sheikh Nazım
With "A Word of Haqq", Mawlana reminds Muslims and all believers of the events foretold in all four Heavenly Books. Remembering this news should serve to focus the consciousness of modern man who, drowned and scattered in the pettiness of daily life, needs to collect himself and begin the process of self-realization.
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O People of Sham! Jul06 2012 Arabic 3min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Manifestation of the Night of Barā’ah Jul05 2012 Arabic 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā said that last night, the Night of Barā’ah, had a special Tajallī (manifestation). It is a night when all the Saints tremble with fear because it is a night in which big things are decided. Whether we are Muslim, Christian, or Jew, there are things we must watch out for.
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Rajulun Rashīd Jul03 2012 Arabic 22min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā congratulated the Muslim nation on the night of Laylatu l-Barā’ah and said that the Tajallī (manifestation) has changed. The Age of Tyrants is ended. And what each one of us can do is to ask for “Rajulun Rashīd”.
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And Our Duty Is but Plain Conveyance (36:17) Jun30 2012 Arabic 3min
Sheikh Nazım
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An-Namusul Akbar Jun30 2012 Arabic 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Last night Mawlana began by reciting a verse from The Holy Quran, "Indeed, we offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined to bear it and feared it; but man undertook to bear it. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant." He then continued by asking the question, "What is The Namus al-Akbar?". In the answer to this question, he said, lies the pinnacle of human nature.
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At The Door Jun29 2012 Arabic 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Last night Mawlana was watching the news reports of all the disasters that are happening or threatening to happen around the world. He said that we are living in the end of times and that the biggest events are still waiting "At The Door". The only safe path is to return to our true selves and turn in repentance to God.
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Man Cannot Lead Man! Jun27 2012 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana gave an important sohbat today at noon in which he states a puzzling but accurate principle, "Man Cannot Lead Man!". What then is the good of our political and social analyses? This principle lies at the very core of the political and social crises that assail us today. Once more Mawlana traces the problem to the consciousness of man, from which the illness arises and to which the remedy must be applied.
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The News of The Holy Month of Sha‘bān Jun21 2012 Arabic 34min
Sheikh Nazım
Many people asked if there is a special wird for Sha‘bān‎ especially in light of the violent and chaotic conditions that exist in the world today. Mawlānā brings to us this news for Sha‘bān: The solution to the troubles is not political, rather it rests in each individual turning to his Lord and asking sincerely from his heart for assistance – Yā Munjī al-Halká.
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Al-Asa Liman Asa Jun19 2012 Arabic 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana is following the chaotic political scene in Egypt closely. Yesterday he addressed the Egyptians and the Turkish and Arab Muslims who are all on different stages of the wrong way. In his usual simple language, Mawlana shows that the Islamic principles are intended not only for the Muslim's private life but also for his political and social life. They unite his life into one organic whole, giving it harmony, meaning, and direction. When asked about a title for this sohbat, Mawlana said "Al-Asa Liman Asa-العصا لِمن عصى"
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The Star of Al-Saud Jun17 2012 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
On hearing the news of the death of HRH the Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz al-Saud, Mawlana watched the news of his janazah very carefully. At night he ordered the camera to be opened to record an important message to Al-Saud that both conveys his deepest condolences and also good tidings and a warning. "The Star of Al-Saud"
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The Age of Mahdi (as) May31 2012 Arabic 35min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana reminds the Egyptians that we have entered in "The Age of Mahdi (as)". Mawlana reminds them of their honorable position throughout history, and also of their past mistakes and points to the way out of their present dilemma. Mawlana said that this address is for Egyptians but the message is for all Arabs and Turks and the whole Muslim world that copied each others’ wrong steps.
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